The Inhuman Doctor

Crynn POV

"We have five tickets, for five passengers to board a UCU space express flight to Vena One Moon-port," that's good, cause I thought that we were going to hijack another vehicle, not an undersea one but an outer space one. Well I'm glad, taking over a submarine is hard enough, a spaceship would be a far more difficult effort.

"Let me guess, the the flight is where we saw a rocket launching during our Antarctic road trip?" Calian cleverly guessed as Jill nodded correctly. "Fortunately, the five tickets aren't digital pieces, but actual tickets that need to be printed in the form of sheets of paper with a selected barcode and multiple forms of identification."

"Which means, it will be relatively simple for me to put in all your information in, false information of course. I'm sure there's a printer somewhere around this submarine, just got to find it. We won't need to disguise ourselves, we'll act as UCU employees in the airport, easy enough, don't engage in any conversations with anyone."

"So this... flight, how will it be like," Aria rubbed her chin in curiosity, I'm guessing like a normal space rocket, just fitted for commercial passenger rides. "Let me see if I have anything here, hmm... there, we have pictures of the exterior and interior of our flight," wow, that is definitely unlike anything I've imagined it to be.

It's not the bulky and uniquely designed spaceships of Star Wars, nor the boxy and curvy shapes of Halo's battleships. And out of all, it's not at all the ugly models of Star Trek's USS 'UFOs'. No, this is a supersonic jet, only bigger, better and way cooler. Think of it as big as a passenger plane but shaped as sharp as a supersonic jet.

Unlike the space shuttles and rockets I've seen in the 'past', this has no external detachable fuel tanks but, it does have three large rocket engines on the back by the fins. And also 4 turbine on the front under the two wings. It looks like a total beast with all that though I wonder how much fuel it takes to power it all up.

But I guess, thinking about it, this is the future, power supply must have evolved by a far reach as well. "And is there any information about why we need to go to the moon?" Calian curtly questioned, his brains gears are running. Well, that is true, there must be a reason why we're sent to the moon, it can't be just to visit the Lunar Palace.

"I think so too, and there is some hints in this drive, I noticed a few of the files and their names. One of them is a file named, 'Dr. Guft'vin Ltauf'ish'. Pardon for that very bad pronunciation, the name is quite... unique," Jill exited from the image file and proceeded over tot he file she was just talking about, the one with the rather weird name.

"This guy... does not look human," that's all Aria could say because for some reason that I can't comprehend, this 'human' somehow isn't a human by subjective terms. "Based on that face, he's a hundred percent human except... even just through a picture, I already know something's up with him, something... inhuman," Calian gave his view.

"Well, his features already spoke for themselves. A face that looks like an ordinary anyone else, black eyes, black hair, gray rectangle glasses, some freckles, he looks perfectly like a doctor and that's where it got wrong. We all know that in today's world, nobody is as normal as him. I mean, out of all the soldiers we captured, does anyone look like him?"

"No, they don't. Each of them have some special features that's their's. For example, unnatural fiery red hair, 5 robotic eyes, mechanical transplants on their bodies, some bits of gaps on the face. Like, even V has some of the future trend, not to mention she looks much standard alas beautiful in comparison with anyone else."

"But that guy, there's nothing special about him. It's as if this doctor wants to be elusive, like an antisocial freak, and he's doing it on purpose, get what I mean?" I threw away all of my observation to the team as each of them nodded, this peculiarity is getting cracked by the second to the minutes.

"Let's have a look at his profile before we continue," Jill scrolled down on the file with her mouse, and on her biography... is that even considered to be a biography? "Age, unknown. Birth date, unknown. Location of birth, unknown. Education, unknown. Finally something's known even if it's only two. Occupation, Head of the Lunar Gate Project and residential, Lunar Palace," Calian's lips twitched at the amount of information contained, almost none.

"Even his biography is out of place, this guy is definitely why we're sent here in the first place. All we know is that he's on to something, something that is the 'Lunar Gate Project'. Have anything related to that in the folder, Jill?" Aria pointed out as Jill exited the practically empty file and moved her cursor around the folder.

"Lunar Gate Project," Jill muttered as she clicked on the file as it displays a whole lot of data right in front of us. A lot of historical records as well, records that will and is already proving useful. "The start date of the project is 3 years ago, right in correspondence to how the supervisor said that this world lost it's connection to I presume, Heaven 3 years ago," I said as soon as I read the project's timeline.

"The project is scheduled for completion sometime this year and had already ran it's test a few times which could explain for the energy surge said to be coming from this sub-world," I found that clear correlation as well but what truly is the purpose of this 'Lunar Gate'. Whatever it is, it's best for us to stop this rice cooker before its contents have turned to porridge.