Crynn POV
"Step on the pedal, cause we're going to the moon," Aria excitedly exclaimed once all of us had fully seated on the jeep, including a grumpy V who is feeling like she had been cheated by us which we certainly did not do. We did not bring much with us either. Just my briefcase, Calian's pouch and a duffel bag filled with gear and tools, for emergency use.
Surprisingly, V, does not bring any weapons as per Jill's advice that she did not as we need to pass airport security and all kinds of weapons aren't allowed in. And no, our duffel bag full of gear doesn't actually have anything that can be considered dangerous objects so, that's fully safe and non-contraband.
Jill figured that V can get a weapon after we arrived on the moon. I still feel like dreaming, it's like I felt that in the course of my death till today isn't real. Look around, everyone's got to agree that this is surreal. Plus, dreams do not last this long, I've had plenty of dreams in my sleep and most of them are short snippets of imaginary actions.
What I'm trying to say is, no matter how much I'm an atheist or how much disbelief I am towards this whole experience, it's real.
"That took a while," I said to Jill as soon as she came inside with the duffel bag. "Yeah, had to play a game of words against the security personnel. They're adamant to confiscate a few of our utensils. Guess who won, I did," Jill's pretty smug right now and the rest of the team had stars and sparkles shining from their pupils.
"This is so... awesome!" Calian muttered in marvel, squealing like a kid. Though I sense the genuine architectural interest behind that amazement. Truly, this airport is incredible. There are indoor bullet trains constantly stopping and running around, a huge decorative globe in the center of a large fountain just to be more decorative.
Renaissance era paintings aesthetically painted all on the right spots and even if I can spot that they're all artificially made, it's still rich and fine. A lot of the portion of the airport is made to look natural as well, like rock formations, plants and flowers from different seasons all lined together in a matching background.
Whoever did this place, is a damn genius. "I think, we can stop our gaping and perhaps proceed to our boarding hall. What number is it again?" V questioned towards Jill as she took up the ticket, eyes zooming through. "Gate M-3," Jill promptly replied as Aria whistled, "I would make a safe assumption that M, stands for moon?"
"Probably, who knows, it might stand for Mars as well, or Melbourne, or Malaysia," Calian shrugged while eyeing Jill, expecting information out of her lips. "Well, you're not wrong. M-1 to M-5 is designated for the moon while M-6 to M-10 is designated for Mars. I myself couldn't be too sure why they did not just put L for lunar in rather than M for moon."
And after that debate is over, our jolly group of 5 went ahead to embark on our journey to the stars!
Calian POV
"And this is economic class? Because this sure looks like business, or first class for me," Ariane whispered as we went by our numbers, checking for our seats which is on the back of the plane at economic class which we are on right now. As a guy owning a business jet and a private commercial plane, these seats and classes are low in comparison.
But, there's always a but, the economic seats in this space flight really do look just like a first class seat. Apparently, both the business class and first class levels, haven't seats, but rooms, like bedrooms which is much more luxurious but even then, the economic class is already high tier, I expect nothing less from a space flight.
"These are our seats," I called out in a low tone as I found our numbers, we could've always just called a flight attendant to help us in our 'seat search' but why bother doing that when we could experience finding it ourselves. Jill and Crynn tucked their baggage in the overhead compartment as we sat down, comfortably on this very large airline seat.
I pressed down on a button showing an arrow pointing backwards. The seat's cushion slowly moved backwards as a leg rest appeared from bellow the seat, raising to provide comfort to my lower body. I feel like I'm at home already, yum. "When's food service," Ariane impatiently asked, it's 7 in the evening and we haven't eaten anything for dinner.
So it's alright to be a bit irritated by hunger. I'm starving as well over here but I can wait. "Once we're in space I suppose, they can't be serving fish and chips at 35000 feet in an 80 degree upward slant angle, can they?" V answered as she heaved a sigh and a long blow, she seems to be having second feelings about this.
"First time in space?" Crynn asked a rhetorical question to ease V's anxiousness. "Yes. I was offered a job a while back, a few days after I had successfully infiltrated and brought down Arasaka Tower. The job was to gain access to the list of clients inside the Crystal Palace, a colossal space station owned by the European Space Agency, the most prominent of all space stations, and the most exclusive."
"The guy offering the job had a well thought plan, a plan I knew might just succeed. But, in the end, I value my remaining life more than the highest paying job I'd probably ever be given. So, I rejected the request," assaulting a space station? "How big of a space station are you talking about?" Jill joined into the conversation, her ears perking.
"Over 2 kilometers in ring diameter, and more than 3 kilometers in height."