The Summoning III

General POV

"Whoo... Looks like I was summoned by one beautiful master," The laid back voice startled the relatively young heiress as she swapped away the smoke with one hand, the other on her waist in a relaxed position. "I am servant lancer, here to serve," the smoke cleared and a man held in a kneeling position graced her front.

The man has natural blue hair cropped on a side and tied on a ponytail at the back, similarly slick blue tight battle suit, wearing earrings as well as metallic shoulder pads for protective measure. Aside from those bodily features, the servant is also holding a long spear in deep blood red and carved meticulously without missing any empty spots. Just the color alone already reminds of blood, not to mention the lust for it it's exhibiting.

"Id-Ancestor! It's an honor to fight together with a figure such as yourself!" Clearly seeing the figure, Bazett stood straighter than ever with her hands on the side like a military salute. "Ancestor?" It was now the servant's turn to be surprised. After all, it's not very often you hear someone yourself an 'ancestor'.

"Yes! I'm Bazett Fraga McRemitz of the McRemitz Clan and Fraga bloodline," the moment Bazett told her name, everything became clear to the servant. The Fraga bloodline has served the old Celtic Gods for a very, very long time, since the age of Gods to the age of Man, they have continued serving the Gods, even know as divine spirits.

Knowing that, the servant realized that what Bazett puts as 'ancestor' is more of a predecessor and senior title term rather than blood relation. "Well master, my spear is yours to lead and my fights is yours to commence and... please don't call me ancestor, lancer will do," Lancer laughed as Bazett complied with a short bow of respect, "I will lead us to victory Ance-Lancer!"

"As long as I get to fight, all's well," a small whisper escaped Lancer's mouth though Bazett is too enamored to hear of it. "So, what's the first order of operations master?" Lancer rose to height and leaned against the hotel wall while Bazett nods. "We will be visit a friend of mine, also current supervisor of the Holy Grail war."

"Let's get on it then."


In a dark and gloomy cemetery, stands one very special Catholic church, it's the Fuyuki city church, commonly known as neutral safe ground between magi alike as well as the Vatican's vantage point in this city. Inside, stands a man wearing full black cassock covered by a navy long coat. He is tall, he is intimidating, he is Kotomine Kirei.

Kirei Kotomine is an empty man. His soul colorless, his eyes brown, his hair brown and his clothing, never not black. Kirei is like the very of hydrogen, the proton his soul and body while the electron subspace, his desire, and the same as hydrogen's capacity of one electron, he too only has one desire, one very dark desire.

The chapel doors opened in a loud bang as a smug-looking Bazett Fraga McRemitz walked right in without interruption, following closely behind her, her servant Lancer. "Old friend, we haven't physically seen ever since Mozambique," Bazett greeted with a large smile, feeling ecstatic to meet her 'good' friend.

"Ah yes Bazett, it really has been quite some time," Kirei turned back to look with a neutral smile but behind that facade, is a strained gaze, especially towards the servant she's got with her. 'She summoned it already? I thought the Queen of the Clock Tower had instructed her to do so in my presence,' Kirei thought and frowned inwardly.

"I see you've summoned a servant, Lancer. Congratulations on getting true eligibility in participant rights of the 5th Holy Grail War," Kirei calmly said, taking in the blue servant for a while. 'A shame I couldn't slice her arm off, not with the servant here all wary, the blood and look on her face would've been insatiable,' a disturbing thought passed.

"Anyway, I'm here to register like any master should," Bazett shrugged as Kirei nodded. "Consider yourself registered, I'll be expecting great results from you in the upcoming war," Kirei needs another plan, but nothing too late to be thought of. "Hah! Bet 'ya I would. Either way, it's getting quite late, suppose we could get ourselves some catching up to do on a later near date," Bazett is clearly in a good mood, abandoning her usual battle-fitted stoic and cold look at this time.

"I'll be expecting an invitation until then," Kirei spoke with an undetectable emotionless tone and just some annoyance laced within. "Well, in all honesty, it's really good to see you Kirei," Bazett warmly smiled before rotating around, and proceeding to the door of exit, closing it quietly this time, in mock respect.

The instant, the door met the frame, Kirei released an intensely cold look, limited killing intent sparking. "Oh Rin, I hoped I could leave you much longer, but looks like you're going to become the perfect liability. I'm going to enjoy the desperation in your eyes once I take your dreams away from you... as well as your life," Kirei put his hand on his face covering the disgusting thirst beneath his lips and his very eyes.

Though it luckily or maybe most unfortunately stopped as he was suddenly disturbed out of his thoughts by a red glow emerging on his right hand. His thoughts wired into disbelief as he quickly looked at the back of his hand, there lay a shadow of shallow red, forming a pair of angelic wings, though looking quite demonic at the same time.

It was a command seal! Or else known as the three command spells needed to attain the rights of a master. Using it would allow the servant to do deeds even in the rare realm of magic and using more than one at a time would yield even higher results though a consequence is in act. Using all three of the command spells would immediately disqualify a master off the war.

"THIS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Regardless of which, only a maniacal laugh remained in the empty chapel, a laugh of nightmares.