General POV
"Hmm... Senpai?" The purple haired girl cheered as she looked at her 'senpai' but then. "Hmm???" She noticed something, no, someone behind Shirou as she tilted her head and peaked, quite surprised and overall shocked inwardly as she saw two beautiful women standing just in front of the door, Crynn and Ariane however did the smarter thing to hide behind a wall and not let them be seen.
"Hey, I'm here with lunch for Fuji-nee. Would you mind getting her for me?" Shirou smiled as he greeted the purple haired girl, Matou Sakura. "Oh yes," Sakura nodded, snapping out of distraction as she went further into the building to call for Shirou's current guardian, Fujimura Taiga. "Oh boy! You're our saviour!" Another woman came out of a corner, wearing traditional Kyudo equipment.
"Miss Fujimura's been quite the handful. She gets high-strung when she's hungry," The auburn haired girl, Mitsuzuri Ayako thanked Shirou as he sat down on a nearby bench. "You should've checked first hand if Fuji-nee had her lunch," Shirou said as Ayako abashedly said, "Haha... Well, I'm quite tired today."
"So Emiya, who were the two women in front, such a gorgeous pair. Friends of yours?" Ayako teased, implying something outside of the normal range of men-women relations. "It's complicated, hahaha... Wait... Were?" Shirou immediately realized as he looked towards the front door, both Saber and Mordred had somehow disappeared!
"Crynn! Ariane! Where did the two go?!" Shirou immediately ran out and inquired hastily in quite a panicked manner. "They went towards the main school building," Crynn answered as he pointed to the tall white structure. "Right! Wait here! Please don't go anywhere!" And Shirou dashed out towards where Crynn's finger is pointing, leaving the two 'bodyguards' behind.
"That was interesting. So who are you two?" Mitsuzuri looked at Shirou's back as she turned towards the duo. "We are visiting friends from abroad, my name is Crynn Avter and my friend here is Ariane Veil, certified archer," Crynn pushed Ariane forward as she curioulsy looked at the students on the archery range practicing Kyudo. "Certified archer you say?"
Meanwhile, in the school building a stand off of less than epic proportions ensued. Saber and Mordred simply wandering around arrived and completely forgetting basic Japanese shoe ethics. As they silently strolled in, they were immediately faced into confrontation with a teacher, tall, wearing a black suit, thin glasses, a typical model for a suspicious image.
Saber and the teacher only stared at each other intensely, as if fighting a game of chess, the difference lies without the board but only the eyes. "Kuzuki-sensei!" Shirou ran pantingly and placed himself in front of Saber and Mordred. "Emiya?" The teacher, Kuzuki Souichirou narrowed his eyes as he called the name of his student.
"They're acquaintances of mine, I'm giving them a tour of the school," Shirou huffed and puffed. "We've never had foreign students here. If they enroll, they'll be objects of curiosity. If they are your friends, then you should look out for them," the teacher tapped on the bridge of his glasses, turning away. "Yes sir," Shirou sighed in relief.
"Incidentally Emiya, outdoor shoes are forbidden inside the main building. Neither leather boots, and certainly not blood red medium heels," the teacher's few final words were clearly directed towards Saber's and Mordred's choice of footwear as well as their disregard on Japanese Etiquette. "Interesting fellow," Mordred said as the teacher made a turn away.
"Yes Shirou, about your teacher..." Saber gave a lingering look at the spot where Kuzuki Souichirou disappeared behind the walls. "What's up with Kuzuki-sensei," Shirou stared at both Saber and Mordred as they showed an underlying sense of suspicious intent towards the teacher. "He's just... off," Saber gave her casual opinion.
"Definitely killed someone before, probably a long time ago, that I can sense. Your teacher hides himself pretty deep," Mordred, being the most blood thirsty of the Round Table, can see a fellow connoisseur in the art of blood. "Kuzuki-sensei killed? There hasn't been a report of murder since the last ten years, aside from that one serial killer whom got caught?" Shirou frowned but finally shook it off, he has got bigger things to think of.
"C'mon, let's get back to the Kyudo club archery range."
Shot!!! An arrow perfectly split another's through the back, perfectly centering on the bullseye. "Awesome!" Mitsuzuri Ayako eyes sparkled in new found admiration as she exclaimed. The figure of her admiration however isn't done. Ariane quickly released a barrage of four more arrows in standard Kyudo form, hitting the two targets next to the one before, pining the arrows in each into the center and the arrows itself.
"Teach me senpai!" Ayako's eyes glimmered even more, as she practically knelt down and begged for Ariane's teachings, more than impressed, she was absolutely taken. "Hahaha... It all takes practice really, I never had an instructor, as long as you put your heart into it, you could achieve more than I do."
"You could already hit the inner ring at 60 meters distance," Aria, flattered coughed and laughed a few times meanwhile Crynn could only sit and watch, not really so much astounded with Ariane's actions as she had already done so when she shot a few wizards and witches in the head on a beach which is far more impressive.
"Ah, a good lunch makes a good day!" A loud voice came in as an energetic woman came out from a room, satisfaction written all over her face. "Oh? New faces?" The woman noticed Crynn as well as Ariane at once but more so on Ariane as she is holding the bow. "Fujimura-sensei, these are acquaintances of Emiya."
"Shirou's acquaintances? Well, nice to meet you, I'm Fujimura Taiga, Shirou's elder sister!" Taiga barked good-naturedly as she closely looked at the two foreigners. "Ah Fujimura, we are work partners of Kiritsugu Emiya, here for a visit," of course, Crynn let Ariane, the knowledgeable gal, explain anything and everything.
"Friends of Kiritsugu-san?"