A Guest

Magnus's emotions settled down after two days. He reaffirmed the promise he made to himself when he learned about his parents from Mr. King. 'Learn, prepare and then strike when ready,' he decided. He didn't skim on his studies or practice now that his aunt is gone. If anything, he became more studious. Mrs. Weasley helped around the house as usual. Magnus didn't use any magic around her with his aunt's wand. He didn't want anyone to know of it. As much as he liked and trusted Mrs. Weasley, he realized that she was a stickler for some rules and he didn't want the wand to be confiscated. Just like his Hampstead house, they were his secrets to keep. Some might call Magnus overly precocious but he had always been mature beyond this age owing to his reading habits. The recent tragedy only added to his maturity.

Today was the same as ever. Mrs. Weasley cooked for him as usual, but before leaving, she said," Magnus dear, we shall go for your shopping two days later."

"But you said it would be tomorrow Mrs. Weasley. Is something the matter?" he asked confused. He really wanted to buy some potion ingredients in addition to his school supplies. He had several recipes he wanted to try and brew but the local apothecaries either didn't have those ingredients or weren't willing to sell to someone so young. He has to be at least a second year apparently for them to sell to him lest he blow himself up while brewing something far beyond his abilities. While Magnus had utmost confidence in himself, there wasn't much he could do but hope that the shops in Diagon Alley would be more flexible.

"Well, there's someone who wants to meet you dear. He's a good man and he wants to make sure you are well Magnus; you know after all that had happened. Though Dumbledore still won't tell me the full details," she grumbled the last part which Magnus was sure he wasn't supposed to hear.

"Alright Mrs. Weasley, I'll be sure to welcome him," he said. 'Not like I have much of a choice. But I'm glad Dumbledore kept some details out. I had enough pity for now,' Magnus grumbled to himself. He had been getting a lot of mails from people giving him their sympathies. But the problem is, most people didn't know his family well enough to warrant all of this. Even his aunt confirmed that except for a few, most of the senders were neither acquaintances nor friends and cautioned against replying or meeting any strangers. Who knows what agenda they have? 'Especially that Skeeter lady. She's so annoying and keeps sending me letters asking for an interview. Lady I'm eleven, what do you mean you'll make it worth my while?' Magnus was creeped out. He stuck to his house and didn't go on his daily walks either in Hampstead or here.

The next day right after his breakfast, there was a knock on his door. Mrs. Weasley wouldn't be coming today, so it must be that guest. He checked through the peephole to make sure it wasn't someone strange. All he saw was the broad back of a man. He cautiously opened the door and asked, "May I help you?"

The man turned around and looked at Magnus intensely. He was rather tall and broad-shouldered with disheveled gray hair and dressed in dark blue coat. He looked like an old man but his lively blue eyes looked very energetic and kind. 'And I thought my hair was bad,' Magnus thought sarcastically. Ever since his… incident, his hair grew more lustrous and unruly. It refused to cooperate despite his best efforts to comb and Mrs. Weasley had to charm it in order to groom his hair. The man seemed to have realized that he was staring and said with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, where are my manners. Newt Scamander at your service. I presume you are Magnus Webb?"

"Ah yes, nice to meet you Mr. Scamander. Please, come in," Magnus offered as he shook his hand that Newt offered.

Once they were seated in the living room, Magnus offered him some herbal tea. It was the only type of tea in the house and one Magnus found was easy to brew. Newt sipped the tea and said politely, "I don't know much about tea I'm afraid, but this one tastes good Magnus."

"Thank you, Mr. Scamander, that's very polite of you," Magnus replied while thinking 'I must have done something right.'

"Please call me Newt," Newt said smiling.

Magnus just smiled in return. There's something about this man that's putting him at ease. He only hoped it was a natural thing and not because of some magic like it was occasionally mentioned in the "Wonderous Widow's Curses".

"Now you must be wondering why I'm here. Well, Dumbledore asked me to check up on you and see to it that nothing untoward happens to you. Just to make sure that nothing too nasty is left inside you as a result of your… tragedy. Which I'm guessing by your confused face no one has said anything about. Typical Dumbledore," Newt almost whispered the last few words.

Magnus was both confused and scared. There's still something wrong with him? And no one said anything after all these months? He looked at Newt questioningly.

"I don't like keeping things in the dark too much unlike a certain someone. How about you tell me all that has happened in Africa and I'll answer any questions you have later?" Newt said encouragingly.

Thus, Magnus told him everything that happened both in Egypt and in the Forest of Forgetfulness. He did much better this time than the last time while narrating. His eyes were only misty now and he wasn't crying, Newt listened to everything carefully and kept thinking to himself for quite some time even after Magnus was done narrating.

"Well, I may not understand all that has happened, but I do understand a part of it. How about we do some testing Magnus and then I'll explain in detail?" With that Newt pulled out an old suitcase from his pocket and popped it open.