Magnus kept gaping at his surroundings for the past few minutes since he had entered Newt's suitcase. The interior of the suitcase was mind-bogglingly remarkable. Even when he was told to lay down on a table for inspection, he still kept trying to look around. They entered down the ladder into a room stuffed with all kinds of ingredients on one side of the wall and a bed on the other. From there they entered a room with an operating table placed in the middle. But the interesting parts were the transparent walls on all sides which showed him all manners of wonderful creatures and environments. Except for one or two he saw in the "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", he couldn't name most of them. 'Wait a minute, Fantastic Beats, Newt Scamander!' Magnus finally made the connection. He only glanced through the book once and didn't pay much attention to the author.
As Magnus's eyes widened in recognition, Newt who had been moving his wand casting what seemed to be diagnostic spells said with a smile," Looks like you have figured it out. I was wondering if I was losing my touch. Beautiful place isn't it."
"It's beautiful. How does it work and where can I get one?" Magnus asked excitedly.
"Well an Undetectable Space Expansion charm for starters. Then a few atmospheric charms and the list goes on. Got it years ago. One of a kind I'm afraid, though there are some inferior versions around that you can buy. Heard they were costly though. Maybe you can get one or even better, make one yourself if you are skilled enough. Might have to keep it private so that the ministry doesn't make noise. They are restricted in their usage as per the law after all, but I won't tell them if you won't," Newt said with a wink.
"My lips are sealed Mr. Scamander. So, I can make one on my own? Brilliant!" Magnus said as he set his future goal: make something as cool as Newt's suitcase.
"Just Newt," Newt said with a smile. After a few minutes, the diagnosis was done. By the end Newt took a swab of cotton from inside his cheek, a strand of hair, an eyelash and some blood. But there was a slight problem when taking blood, the wound wouldn't heal when Newt cast a healing spell.
Looking at the situation, Magnus sighed and," Let me, Newt," he gestured to Newt's wand. Newt looked curiously but still handed his wand over to Magnus.
"Episkey," Magnus tapped the wound with the wand and it healed immediately. "A trait of my family you see. We only heal fast by our own magic," he explained as he handed back the wand.
"Interesting, very interesting. Very few families have such traits you see, positive or otherwise. I see you are good at healing magic. Not many people are, and certainly not at your age Magnus. Tell me, what do you want to become when you are older Magnus?" Newt questioned.
"I haven't thought much about it to be honest Newt. Maybe a Healer or an Auror. Though now that I looked at your suitcase, a Magizoologist does seem very tempting," Magnus said while thinking.
"The profession doesn't come with a suitcase I'm afraid, but a good Magizoologist is always welcome. So are Healers, not many good ones around and they are always in demand. I'd think twice about the Auror though. Well whatever it is, I hope you do something you enjoy," Newt advised.
"Newt aren't you a Magizoologist? Why are you diagnosing me? Shouldn't it be done by a healer?" Magnus asked. He wanted to ask this question from the beginning, but he was distracted by the suitcase.
"Well, I have come across many rare medical conditions that have never been seen before during my travels. Not many Healers have that kind of experience. Dumbledore was afraid that your case might be something that is right up my alley you see. Besides, he didn't want you catching undue attention which I'm sure you would like to avoid," Newt said meaningfully.
"You are right. I get enough annoying mail as it is. So, what did you find? Is there anything wrong with me?" Magnus questioned.
"Well, the good news is you don't have any of the conditions that I have seen before. The bad news is, there is something, but I can't seem to know what it is. There are several beast characteristics on you that I can't figure out why. I shall do further testing in detail. Don't worry, the samples you have given are enough. Whatever your condition is, it doesn't seem to be harmful in the meantime, so you will be allowed to go to school without a worry," Newt assured him.
"So, there was a chance I wouldn't be allowed to go to school?" Magnus asked in disbelief.
"Well, Dumbledore was worried that whatever happened to you might have some negative effects on you and could probably affect the other students at Hogwarts. So, he observed for a while to make sure there were no problems. This is just a final follow up," Newt said with a sigh.
"Danger? Like what?" Magnus asked exasperated. He checked his own body for any illnesses and curses when he started leaning healing magic and nothing showed up. He very much likes to know if there was a problem with his healing magic.
"There's something called an Obscurial you see. If a young witch or wizard suppressed their magic power long enough and hates their magic, it forms into a parasitic dark beast called an Obscurus. That is very dangerous to both the host and others around him. Dumbledore just wanted to make sure," Newt replied solemnly.
"I never suppressed my magic or hated it. Hell, it was only recently that I felt my magic. I love it!" Magnus exclaimed.
"I know that now. Your family was very secretive and not much is known about them beside some questionable rumors, so we were worried about your situation. The fact that you didn't perform any accidental magic till you were almost eleven and was never seen much outside gave people a wrong assumption that you were suppressing it," Newt explained sheepishly. They were scared for nothing. Magnus just looked exasperated. It all sounded so outlandish. He never hated magic, he loved it. They could have just asked him! And what's with these rumors about his family?
"Look, it was just a precaution, one which turned to be unnecessary. Dumbledore is a good man and he only wants what's best for you. It's just that his plans forget about people's feelings. It is better if you keep whatever happened here between us alright," Newt said calmly.
"Alright Newt. I am still mad though, I just don't know about what," Magnus said with a small glint in his eyes, even if his faced showed a fake anger. Newt just rolled his eyes.