
A fortnight passed since Magnus understood some of the wonders of the interface. He felt like the time has come to put forth his plan into action. He was sure he made a favorable impression on all his professors and it was time to ask for a favor. He flipped a silver coin while closing his eyes and making his intent clear. 'Success or Failure. Heads for success, tails for failure,' he repeated in his mind. He deftly caught the coin and unclenched his fingers to look at the result. It was heads. He learned this type of divination once it hit Lv2. It requires a pure silver coin and is only useful for a simple yes or no type answers. He initially tried to used a silver sickle for the divination, but he found that coin wasn't completely silver. He could only curse the goblins for being stingy and rummaged in his luggage for a coin that his aunt luckily left. He had been divining for three days and only today did it show a chance for success.

He approached Prof. Flitwick's office after class and knocked on the door. "Come in," came the response. Magnus entered the office and looked around. Prof. Flitwick's office was very spacious and well-organized with tall bookshelves lining either sides of the room. Behind a large desk sat the diminutive professor who looked harmless at first glance but who would know that he was a world dueling champion. The multiple trophies placed all over the room were proof of his prowess.

"I was wondering when you would be coming Mr. Webb. Please be seated. What can I do for you?" the professor said with a knowing smile.

'He knew? How?' Magnus wondered. He never spoke about it to anyone and was thus surprised. It must have shown on his face as the professor continued," Don't be so surprised Mr. Webb, from my observation and that of my peers you lack the excitement that your peers have when they learn new things. I can only assume that you have read ahead of the class. We do get such students once in a while. Tell me, how far ahead are you?"

'Oh, so that's what he meant. Well, the classes do get boring once in a while, but they do teach things not present in the book,' Magnus thought as he weighed on how much he should tell. 'Might as well be truthful. I do need to prove myself before asking for my favor.' He briefly willed in the interface to appear.

[Magnus Webb

Title: Seer Descendant

Body: 2

Mind: 8

Magic: 8

Impact Points: 300

School: Divination Lv2 (10%), Healing Lv1 (80%), Charms Lv2 (50%), Transfiguration Lv2 (40%), DADA Lv2 (10%), Potions Lv2 (40%), Herbology Lv2 (10%), Astronomy Lv2 (10%), Magical Theory Lv2 (40%), Mind Arts Lv1 (20%)

Skills: Wand Magic Lv2 (20%), Wandless Magic Lv1 (90%)]

In this fortnight Magnus used his points generously and increased the levels of all the schools of magic that met the requirement. At level 2, he now understood some of the second-year concepts that he couldn't understand before. As he read and practiced more, his mind and magic stats increased naturally. The increased practice also brought his wand magic to Lv2. He learned that the only way to increase is skills was through practice. As the level increased in his wand magic and various spells, their wand movements and casting became easier. He shifted his attention to the professor.

"You got me there, professor. I am going through the second-year curriculum as of this moment for most of the subjects," Magnus admitted, 'except for History of Magic,' he completed in his head. He didn't start brewing the higher-level potions because he lacks the ingredients. He practiced the charms for DADA but he's lacking in experience when it comes to creatures, hence the slow progress. It was the same case for the other subjects too. He would have to wait for next year for the practical portion of those subjects.

"Impressive Mr. Webb. How about a demonstration then?" Prof. Flitwick asked interested.

"As you wish professor," Magnus thought for a bit and pulled out a small wooden cube from his pocket that he used to practice his charms on. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at the cube.

"Wingardium Leviosa" he levitated the cube off his hand and into the air.

"Flippendo" the cube was knocked a few feet into the air. When it started its descent, "Diffindo" the cube was sliced into two perfect halves. Before the two halves could move too far away, he cast, "Reparo" and the two halves became one again as if it was never cut.

As the cube further fell, he cast," Immobulus" to freeze it in place. This was followed by," Incendio" that lit the cube on fire. Before it could finish burning, he extinguished the flame and repaired it again. When the cube was just about to fall onto the floor, a quick "Spongify" made it bounce back up.

Then the cube was enlarged with a quick 'Engorgio". Magnus transfigured two legs onto the now enlarged cube and made it dance across the floor with "Tarantallegra". Then he shrunk it down using "Reducio". Once it came back to its regular size, he hit it with a "Finite" to return it to its normal state and removing the legs. Only then did he look up at the professor.

"Excellent, excellent Mr. Webb. That was a very skillful and if I might say, an entertaining demonstration of spell-work. 5 points to Ravenclaw. You remind me of an old student of mine, Lily Evans, but even Ms. Evans wasn't as good at your age. It would be a waste to not let your talent develop. I have a proposal for you Mr. Webb, what do you say? Interested?" Prof. Flitwick sounded very excited.

[Impact Points+5]

"I'll have to listen to it first professor," Magnus said with a small smile. Reading all those psychology books of his dad taught him how to deal well in front of people. It was a work in progress.

"Of course, I'll not have it any other way Mr. Webb. Caution is a virtue for any good wizard. You see, there is an unspoken tradition in the house of Ravenclaw. We have an unofficial ranking where we rank students of all houses in the same year based on their academics every month. The Ravenclaw student who comes first will receive a book from my own personal library for a month. Right now, you hold the first rank, so you can receive a book from my library. As long as you continue to rank first, you shall receive a new book each month. Remember, this is an exclusive privilege of the Ravenclaw house only. Not many students know about this and even less students were able to hold onto this privilege. And I don't think it needs to be said that the book is for your own eyes only," Prof. Flitwick looked at him pointedly.

Magnus didn't even think before replying yes. 'A book from the personal collection of the charms master? Sign me up!'

Prof. Flitwick smiled at him as if that was expected. He then waved his wand towards one of his bookshelves and a book came sailing through the air and landed on the table. "While your spell-work is impressive Mr. Webb, there are areas where you could improve. Perhaps this book might help you. I wish I could train you well personally, but my O.W.L and N.E.W.T students keep me busy," the professor handed him the book.

Magnus received the book titled "Charmed." While it was an average sized book, he knew that book sizes can be deceptive when it comes to magic. He understood that professors have their hands full with the senior students for them to pay too much attention to first-years. This was more than he could ask for. While Magnus was very satisfied with how his visit went so far, that wasn't his purpose for today. 'Will it be asking for too much for one day? But he seems to be in a good mood, might as well strike the iron while it's hot. I didn't know personal training was a thing. That might make this easy.'

"Thank you very much professor. I'll do my best. But there is one more thing professor. That's the real reason I'm here," Magnus slowly said.

"And what is it Mr. Webb?" Prof. Flitwick looked at him over his crossed fingers.

"Well, you see I was wondering if you could ask Madam Pomfrey to teach me Healing?" Healing was very useful skill for him, more so than for others due to the special trait of his family. His aunt could only teach him so much and what limited healing books he found in the library were too advanced for him. It's like they were at Lv5, while he was at Lv1. [Instant Read] put them at minimum 50 points each so he could imagine their complexity. He noticed that having a teacher made it much easier to level up his schools of magic.

"Why is that Mr. Webb? I'm sure you could pick up a healing charm or two in the library by yourself and Madam Pomfrey can heal you up quickly if ever required. Students usually learn a bit of healing at the N.E.W.T level," Prof. Flitwick asked more curiously than anything. It is not every day that a first-year comes around asking to learn about healing. Madam Pomfrey can meet the needs of most of the students and there's also St. Mungo's Hospital for anything else.

"My family has a specific trait professor. We do not heal easy from spells and potions from others. The only way to heal ourselves effectively is through spells and potions of our own making. While my family did teach me a few healing spells, they are very basic," Magnus explained. While he did learn more than the basics, they didn't need to know that. Besides, his learning wasn't very structured. Even his aunt suggested him to learn from a professional. He cannot wait till the N.E.W.T level, he has plans to execute in the next few years.

"Well, you are very ahead in your academics, so I don't think it'll affect your studies. I'll talk to the headmaster and Madam Pomfrey to see what they think. In the meantime, I hope you keep up your standards Mr. Webb," Flitwick replied seriously.

"Yes, professor," Magnus agreed. He'll just have to wait and see now. "Before you go Mr. Webb," Prof. Flitwick said with a smile.

Soon, Magnus left the professor's office happy and with a handful of muffins. They were as tasty as they were rumored to be.