Prof. McGonagall quickly moved through the corridors as she approached the Headmaster's office. Dumbledore called in for a meeting as he usually does every month. The school has barely started and she already had trouble from her house in the form of the Weasley twins. Their mischief is still limited as they barely know much magic, but she fears what they'll do once they learn more. As she approached the gargoyle she spoke," Lemon drops." 'This man and his passwords,' she scoffed in her head.
She climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. She entered when she received a positive response. The room was as quirky as ever with all the alchemical implements lying around. The other head of the houses were already in their seats each nursing their own drinks. She could use a strong one too as it's the weekend.
"Here Minerva, have a drink," Dumbledore poured her a drink," something seems to be stressing your mind?"
McGonagall picked up her drink as she sat in the empty chair. "Thank you, Albus. It's the Weasley twins. They dropped some dung bombs in the common room fireplace. The whole place stinks to hell," she said exasperated.
"What would they do that for?" Flitwick wondered out loud.
"Apparently, they wanted to see what would happen," McGonagall rolled her eyes.
"Ah, young curiosity," Dumbledore chuckled.
"They seem to pop up one after the other and I heard there are a few more to come," Snape made an expression that almost looked like disgust.
"Come now Severus. It's a blessing to have those many children despite the war. Most cannot even if they wish to," Dumbledore patiently explained. The wizarding population in general have low fertility rates. Families like the Weasleys are very rare and very blessed. Most pureblood families are envious of the Weasleys in this aspect despite not showing it. No wonder they pick on them for their poor financial status.
"So, now that it has been a month, how are our new students? Anyone to keep an eye out for?" he enquired. This had become a custom of theirs ever since he took up the mantle as the headmaster.
"Well, there is Cedric Diggory from my house. Very nice and polite, smart too," Pomona Sprout, Head of house Hufflepuff, offered. She was very happy for getting as many students as she did this year. Her house was in a better position compared to the others. The others nodded at her words.
"There's the Weasley twins, if they stop putting their intelligence in the wrong place. Jordan's alright," McGonagall said.
"Dunderheads the lot of them," Snape said offhandedly. It's hard to say if he's talking about his house or the twins. The rest of them let it pass, this was typical of Snape.
"There's so few of them this year Albus," Flitwick said sadly. The rest solemnly nodded their heads. This was a sore topic for all of them, especially so for the Ravenclaw Head.
"This generation was possibly affected the worst. We did expect a decrease in intake, but not to this level," McGonagall lamented.
"At least we have Mr. Webb this year. The boy is a genius I tell you. It's been a while since we have had one as such," Flitwick diverted the topic from its previous sad tone.
"Ah, yes Mr. Webb, a natural if not very practiced," McGonagall commented. Sprout nodded her head in admittance. The boy approached her for tips to maintain his own greenhouse and she was only happy to help him. Not many students are interested in Herbology as it is.
"What do you think, Severus?" Dumbledore asked Snape with a knowing look. Snape knew what the headmaster was asking for. As much as he hated snooping around students' thoughts, more because they are pointless and distasteful and less because it was a breach of privacy, he had a job to do.
"He's adequate, if not very motivated. His actions in the class are well practiced as if he had done them many times," Snape said in a neutral tone.
"We have a good talent then and hardworking one too from what I hear. It's a shame he had to go through all that even after the war," Dumbledore sadly said.
"Did they apprehend who were responsible Albus?" Flitwick asked curiously.
"Unfortunately, they haven't yet. The culprits seem very elusive and despite my urging the Egyptian Ministry is as slow as ever," Dumbledore lamented.
Aren't they all?' McGonagall darkly thought. None of the ministries were what they used to be.
"One more thing Albus. Mr. Webb approached me with a peculiar request," Flitwick decided to raise the topic. Dumbledore gestured for him to go on.
"He wants to know if he could learn Healing from Madam Pomfrey," Flitwick informed.
"Another one in over his head," Snape snorted.
"But that's where you are wrong Severus. Mr. Webb has already completed the first-year course on his own and he's well into the second-year courses. I tested him myself. He was very good so his studies shouldn't be affected. Not to mention he also has a family condition…," Flitwick explained.
"Ah, yes. I know about his condition. I had a friend of mine look over him before. If he can handle the extra work, I don't see why not. But I would have to ask Poppy and see if she is willing," Dumbledore said with a nod.
Well, if he turns out well, Poppy could use some help. She was telling me the other day of how her workload increased. I suspect it'll only get worse in the future," McGonagall offered her opinion as she thought inwards,' Why do I get all the troublemakers?'
Meanwhile Snape had his own thoughts. 'Why do I get the idiots who have more ambition than intelligence? Each one of these dunderheads think they'd be the next dark lord in secret,' he scoffed. He had already given up when it comes to their academics. If they don't at least get into quidditch and win the cup, he'll have their hides.
While the rest of the house heads were in their own thoughts, Sprout too had her own. But unlike the others, she's always satisfied if her students were safe and happy. Their achievements are only ever a bonus and not a stick for measurement.
Dumbledore too had his own thoughts. His though, were too broad in nature. It ranged from his next potential DADA professor to the general trend of the wizarding world. After the last war, the general populace has become too wary of conflict and are trying to shy away from any potential problems, Even the ministry wasn't exempt from such behavior. It could be seen from the way that the sorting went during this year. While the young population has decreased, the distribution among the houses shouldn't be so disproportionate. It was probably parents teaching their children to stay away from trouble. This tendency to stay away from trouble molded the children to enter Hufflepuffs. But that is a dangerous way of thinking. 'Hmm, maybe I'm overthinking it. I could use a lemon drop.'