A Giant deal

Magnus and the Weasleys were back on platform 9 and 3/4 ready to board the Hogwarts express for yet another year. This time it was Mr. Weasley who came to drop them off. When the rest of the Weasleys were busy boarding the train, Magnus came to Mr. Weasley and asked," Mr. Weasley, it's about that thing that I asked you before. Any news yet?"

Arthur heard the hopeful tone of Magnus and gave a sad sigh. He did not want to lie to the boy, so he decided to tell the truth. "I'm sorry Magnus. There's been no more development than the last time. We could have done something if it were just the British Ministry but the Egyptian Ministry is another matter," Arthur put a hand on Magnus's shoulder as he comforted him. Magnus asked him about the progress of his parents' murderers every so often. Despite it being a year since, there was no more progress apart from what Mr. King had done at the beginning.

"It's alright Mr. Weasley. I understand," Magnus replied disappointedly. 'I never put much faith in the Ministry anyway. It's not their parents who were killed. If the victims were some rich family would they still work so slow? I'll take it into my own hands then. I just need to do some information gathering first,' he decided.

As they journeyed on, Magnus's mood became better with the antics of Fred and George. They knew something made him sad and while they didn't ask him about it, they worked extra hard to liven up the mood. When the noise got too loud in their cabin, Charlie's head popped in through the half-opened door and reprimanded," Calm down you gits. Are you trying to blow the train up?"

"We are sorry, Mr.Splincher!" Fred and George intoned in an innocent voice. Then they started laughing along with Magnus. Jordan was the only one looking around in confusion. Magnus had to explain to him how Charlie splinched himself twice while trying to apparate and found himself falling over some old lady. It was a good thing Mr. Weasley was near so he handled the situation well.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Charlie made a disgusted face and continued, "Mum told me to tell you to behave this year. She doesn't want any more letters from your teachers, alright?" He went away as the twins made a grimace. Yet it was quickly forgotten as they reached Hogwarts. They'd be taking the carriages this year as the first-years moved towards the boats. When they neared the carriages, Magnus saw them for the first time- Thestrals. Skeletal horses with leathery wings and white eyes. For a moment Magnus was worried when he remembered Newt's warning to stay away from predatory magical beasts, but it was all for nothing. The Thestrals in Hogwarts were apparently well tamed as this one just nuzzled his hand when he stroked its neck.

"You can see them? Wicked!" Fred exclaimed from the side as he watched Magnus stroke the invisible horse.

"See what?" Jordan asked confused.

"Thestrals. They are magical horses. Only some people can see them," George explained, but his tone turned somber at the end as if he remembered something.

"Only people who have seen death can see them," Magnus added in a neutral tone.

"Ah, sorry mate," Jordan and the twins said solemnly.

"Don't worry about it," Magnus waved them off. The ones who should be sorry are those perpetrators. And they will be once he finds them. He stored away his anger in the little corner of his mind he allotted it to. It became easier when his Mind arts increased in proficiency and he completed the second step- emotion compartmentalization. Now he can get started on Occlumency.

The sorting ceremony was more cheerful than last year with the influx of greater number of students into each house. Ravenclaw got six students this time which was much better than the four of last year. Magnus's second year was similar to his first except for the appearance of a new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Prof. Oakley. The man had more scars on his head than hair and was neither boring nor interesting. Magnus picked up his old routine with his experimentations with the occasional healing classes with Madam Pomfrey, dueling sessions with Tonks and exploring the castle. There was a new addition though in the form of the Grey Lady. He interacted with her more often now and she didn't escape from him anymore and discussed many theories with him from time to time. Magnus didn't know how old she was but she was one treasure trove of knowledge.

Magnus also quickly moved the Vanishing cabinet from the corner room on the first floor into the Room of Requirement as he mastered the Shrinking Charm. Now he just needs to repair it, a task which seemed impossible as there were no books on the subject in Hogwarts. Thus, he can only wait till he found some material on the subject.

As the days advanced, Tonks found herself too busy to continue her sessions with Magnus. She often had to leave Hogwarts to complete her errands, a privilege only for the seventh-years, so they limited their sessions to once a month. Magnus spent this free time reading the second volume of Bonds of Flesh and boy was it eye-opening. But the one topic he was most concerned about now from the book was the creation of the Flesh-suit. He decided to collect the materials slowly as he was now lacking in both time and funds. 'Maybe I can sell some of my potions over Christmas,' he made a plan.

This evening Magnus decided to visit Hagrid. He had some need of ingredients for both potions and Divination that were otherwise very costly to buy. He was hoping Hagrid could get him some when he visited the Forbidden Forest. He got to know Hagrid when the latter visited the medical wing for healing occasionally. Magnus did not want to face whatever that can hurt the giant man in the forest so he decided to ask for his help instead of going into the forest himself. He stood outside Hagrid's cabin and knocked twice loudly.

Some dog barking was heard before the door opened to reveal the giant man. Magnus barely came above his waist. "Magnus? What're ye doin' here? Come in," Hagrid welcomed him enthusiastically. It's been ages since anyone came to his house apart from Dumbledore and he was happy for the company.

"Welcome to my home. It's small but its cozy. Make yerself comfortable while I take these cakes out. You're just on time, I just baked them," Hagrid moved towards his fireplace. Magnus observed the wooden hut. There was only one room inside with hams and pheasants hanging from the ceiling. Magnus sat on the couch made out of some animal leather. [Identify] showed him a variety of magical beast fur on both the couch as well as around the house, some of which were even illegal to own, but he doubted Hagrid cared about that. From his time knowing him, he knew Hagrid only cared about functionality and not value of these belongings. He was simple like that and Magnus wasn't going to tell the man what he should and shouldn't do. He absentmindedly scratched the chin of the huge dog Fang that lay at his feet and slobbered all over the floor.

Soon Hagrid picked up some rock-like objects from the fireplace and placed them on a plate. From the way they clinked when placed on the plate, Magnus doubted they were anything other than rocks. "Here, have some cake," Hagrid offered with a smile. Magnus could only gulp as he accepted the plate. He decided to divert the topic to something else before he had to eat these rocks.

"Say Hagrid, you go to the Forbidden Forest a lot, right? I was wondering if you could help me gather some ingredients while you are there?" he told Hagrid what he was here for in the first place.

"Ah, I'm not sure that's allowed. I should ask Prof. Dumbledore before doin' anything," Hagrid said flustered. There were no rules preventing students from procuring ingredients from the Forbidden Forest, only that they shouldn't enter. Magnus knew he wasn't breaking any rules, that's why he approached him. He knew Hagrid would react this way, he just has to persuade him.

"I know Hagrid, but don't worry it's not against the rules. I checked them. How about this? You help me with the most difficult to find ingredients, I'll find some other way to find the rest. In return, I'll give you these potions that'll help with your weed and slug problem? I'll even add in a potion that can help you groom Fang's coat. You told me he hates baths in the lake," Magnus offered.

Hagrid looked really tempted and he was flustered trying to answer. Magnus saw this as an opportunity and decided to put the final nail on the coffin. "I'll also heal you without having to tell Madam Pomfrey," he added with a charming smile.

"You'd do that? Thank the Lord! She gives me an earful whenever I go to her for healing," Hagrid sounded very thankful. 'Of course, she will. You came with Manticore inflicted wounds on you. Anyone else would be long dead,' Magnus rolled his eyes mentally.

"Then it's a deal." Magnus walked away from the hut with lighter steps. 'The most difficult ingredients Unicorn horn dust and hair and Centaur's tail hair can be procured now. I don't want to pay a fortune for them outside. I'll just have to find the other ingredients and I can craft my Divination focus crystal.'