It was just another weekend and Magnus was helping out Madam Pomfrey in the medical wing. His Lv3 Healing made his duties as a healer much easier. His new spell, Healing Light, made it possible to heal a small group at the same time which not only eased their burden but also impressed Madam Pomfrey very much. She also asked him if he would like to make the details of the spell known to St. Mungo's. This would make the lives of the overworked healers at St. Mungo's much easier, for a price of course. Magnus was thrilled. Self-made spells, especially healing spells, are worth a lot. He only stands to gain in this transaction as he wasn't the one who created it. It was part of the knowledge he gained when his Healing leveled-up. It's also not an offensive spell so he doesn't have to worry about someone using it on him. How can he say no to free money and fame? Madam Pomfrey said she would discuss the details with him later.
Just when he was about to pack up and leave, the doors of the medical wing opened abruptly. In came a worried Prof. McGonagall levitating bodies covered in a gooey cocoon followed by an irate Prof. Snape. Trailing behind them at a distance were Fred and George looking sheepish. Madam Pomfrey quickly received them and placed the cocoon on two empty beds attached together. 'How many are in there?' Magnus squinted at the cocoon. It only took a moment for him to recognize that there were three more students in there- Warrington, Pucey and fourth-year Flint, all of which were Slytherins. It took another moment for Magnus to recognize that the cocoon looked surprisingly similar to his Glue Potion. 'What similar, it is the Glue potion! These idiots!' he looked in question towards Fred and George. He specifically told them not to use it until he gave them the antidote. He only completed the antidote just yesterday. They were only supposed to study it not use it.
"We didn't want this to happen! We were only trying to prank Filch's cat!"
"And the Slytherins. Filch just ran in by himself!"
The twins explained to him. They didn't know that Flint and Filch were just waiting in ambush to catch them in the act. To make matters worse, Prof. Snape was just passing by and saw this debacle. "You gits! I told you not to use it till I gave you the antidote. And you even got caught! Don't you have the map?" Magnus whispered exasperated.
"We forgot the map," George said sheepishly. 'Honestly, sometimes these guys get lost in their own fun,' Magnus could only shake his head. He walked towards the corner where the treatment was going on. As he neared, he could hear the frantic talking of Madam Pomfrey and Prof. McGonagall.
"What in Merlin's name is this Minerva? None of the spells are working!"
"I don't know Poppy. It's just something the students cooked up. I cannot even Transfigure it away; it keeps multiplying whenever magic touches it. What do you think Severus?"
"The usual methods aren't working. This isn't something that few a second-year students could cook up. It takes at least a fifth-year student to make it. Why don't we ask the troublemakers themselves before the victims start suffocating?" Snape spoke in his usual tone.
"Mr. Weasleys where did you get this thing?" McGonagall questioned them strictly. Fred and George withered under the scrutiny of McGonagall and Snape. They didn't know what to say. Anything they say can be easily checked for verification. They didn't plan for this, they also couldn't name Magnus, that's against their code.
Magnus saw that the victims were losing air quickly as their faces are changing color. Honestly, he never thought his potion was this strong. It's even multiplying in the presence of magic further entrapping its victims. '[Identify] didn't show me all of this before. Is this because my Divination level wasn't high enough?' He used [Identify] once again now that his Divination is Lv3. It did show him more information now so his theory is correct. 'Well, I better use the antidote. I don't think they'll last long.'
"If I may Madam Pomfrey?" Magnus stepped forward. All three of the adults looked up at him in question. Just as Snape was about to refute, Magnus pulled out a potion from his sling bag. Pomfrey and McGonagall looked at him questioningly while Snape was more intrigued by the potion he was holding wondering what it was. Magnus didn't keep them waiting as he quickly uncorked the bottle and allowed a few drops of the colorless potion to drop on to the victims' faces. As the antidote touched the goo, it rapidly melted away revealing the faces underneath. Filch and the Slytherins took a collective breath at the same time to get much needed air.
Pomfrey, McGonagall and Snape all looked at Magnus in wonder, though the latter was more intrigued than awed. "Good work Mr. Webb. You always surprise me," Pomfrey praised him.
"Well done Mr. Webb. 20 points to Ravenclaw," McGonagall too praised him. He was quickly becoming her favorite student after all.
"Yes, well done. Although I'm really curious. How do you have the exact antidote to our problem?" Snape questioned him. 'Ah, Snape is too smart,' Magnus lamented in his head. He was hoping that they would just forget about it but clearly that was too much to ask for.
"Eh, I made it Prof. Snape. I call it the Glue potion. This is the antidote to that," Magnus could only explain. Maybe they would have let it pass if it was some minor accident, but he doubted people suffocating to death is considered minor.
"Mr. Webb! How could you make such dangerous things in the school? And give them to Mr. Weasleys no less!" McGonagall sounded appalled, as did Pomfrey based on her expression. Snape was more neutral.
"It was supposed to be used to stick things together Professor, not people. I gave it to them over the holidays. They weren't supposed to use it on people!" Magnus could only cover-up as he looked at the twins pointedly. They looked like they understood something as they started speaking.
"We are sorry Prof. McGonagall. We just wanted to have some fun. We didn't want to do this," Fred and George looked at them pitifully. The adults seemed to have believed them and Magnus too would have if their lips weren't twitching that much.
"Enough! Sometimes you boys take things too far. 20 points off of Gryffindor. From each of you," McGonagall replied sternly.
"And detention. Spend a night in the Forbidden Forest with Filch. Maybe then you'll learn some responsibility," Snape added gladly.
"Hagrid will do. I'm sure Mr. Filch needs his rest after what he has been through," McGonagall added. She didn't want any accident happening to either Mr. Filch or the twins in the forest. Hagrid on the other hand can handle himself well.
"And Mr. Webb. No more use of that potion in the school. And certainly, do not give anything of that sort to Mr. Weasleys, you understand?" McGonagall spoke to him sternly.
"Yes professor. I understand," Magnus replied. What else can he say? He's lucky he didn't get any detention.
"Maybe Mr. Webb should supervise Mr. Weasleys in the forest. He can just heal them up swiftly in case they get hurt. We all know how much troublemakers they are," Snape concluded with a smile and he quickly exited the medical wing with his cloak bellowing behind him. Prof. McGonagall nodded her head doubtfully as if to convince herself of Snape's logic. Fred and George struggled to contain their laugh while looking at Magnus.
'These clowns! Did I just get my first detention?' Magnus wondered.