The testing of the Underwater Breathing potion went well as Magnus expected. The many barrels lying around the shop became useful in this instance. Just fill it with water and one Morty in later, the potion testing was done. It lasted 30 minutes, the duration might vary based on the lung strength of the recipient. Once the testing was done, both the parties involved came to a mutually satisfying agreement. The Night Vision potion will be sold at 9 galleons while the Underwater Breathing potion will be sold at 18 galleons. The high price of the potion is because unlike the Night Vision potion which has the basic Wand-Lighting charm as an alternative, the Underwater Breathing potion has few hard to accomplish alternatives. It's either the Bubble-head charm which is difficult for most to cast or an obscure plant that's only found in the Mediterranean.
Magnus once again wondered on how many goods in the wizarding world cost more than the wand which is priced at 7 galleons. 'Hmm, I did hear the Ministry gives Ollivander a subsidy. Maybe the low price is just for the students?' he mused. When Magnus pulled out a notarized contract, both Jiggers and Slughorn were surprised at his preparedness. Nevertheless, they were professionals and agreed to sign the contract.
The contract will come into effect once they have thoroughly tested the effects for which the samples should be provided by Magnus. Once the testing was successful, they will reimburse him the cost. Initially, he'll be supplying them 10 of each potions every two weeks. After that it varies on the demand. He gets 60 percent of the sales while the shop takes 40. This was in line with what Magnus heard from Tonks, so he agreed. The rate will be different if he were a famous potion master, but that is for the future. The Acromantula venom too net him 160 galleons. Slughorn was especially happy with the transaction as he'd been looking for the venom for his experiment. Acromantula venom is always in demand and has poor supply, especially after one of the suppliers who owned a farm was apparently eaten by his acromantulas. As Magnus left the shop, he turned back to look at it once. 'I'll get a shop myself in the future. It'd be much easier to sell and I'd retain more profits,' he decided.
The next stop was Gambol and Japes Wizarding Jokes Shop. The shop was stacked with all manner of prank items. Some very good, but some made Magnus wonder if they were even legal. 'Who'd want an exploding tongue?'
The Manager of the shop was a bright and funny man who enthusiastically welcomed Magnus when he learned he was here to sell. The Manager, Mr. Gambol, had almost a childlike interest in seeing what the product was. The man looked like he preached what he sold. Magnus presented him three items of his making. The first is called the Vine potion. It's a potion that kept changing its colors and once drunk, vines will grow from the hair and end up blossoming into a flower. Each time it's a different colored flower of course. The second item is also a potion called Fire and Smoke. It simply lets someone breathe either fire or cough up comical amounts of smoke. The third and final was the Tooting Balloon. It'll follow whoever you threw it at and keep letting out embarrassing noises. This was more inspired by Fred and George. Mr. Gambol was very impressed and immediately signed a contract with Magnus.
The Vine potion was priced at 5 galleons, Fire and Smoke at 3 galleons and the balloon at 25 knuts each. Magnus has to supply at least 10 of each, every week, and he gets to keep 70 percent of the sales. Magnus was very satisfied with this deal. It was more straightforward and provided him more profit. No wonder the shop was very popular. Magnus's tasks for the day were done. This was just a trial run after all. Once he had more grasp of the workings and made some money, he'll try and sell in the other shops too. He had plenty of stuff he made especially potions. 'Alright, time to visit the goblins and get the family account sorted out.���
Magnus made his way to Gringotts. The bank was built in goblin style- crooked in some areas, but still sturdy enough to withstand the test of time. The guard at the front kept looking at him keenly until he entered the bank. Magnus made went to one of the ever-busy tellers that kept scribbling something on parchment. "I'd like to see the details of my account please," Magnus spoke loudly. He knew if he kept waiting, the goblin will keep him waiting a long time. That's the goblin way of showing snark to wizards that don't have enough fame on their own. It's in their nature not something pointed at Magnus alone.
"And does Mr?" the goblin questioned.
"Mr. Webb," Magnus supplied.
"And does Mr. Webb have the key to his vault?" the goblin looked at him pointedly. Magnus pulled out the key and offered it to the goblin. The goblin, Garak from his nameplate, took the key and cast some goblin magic on it and pointed it towards Magnus. The key glowed for a moment and Garak nodded his head in acceptance. "One moment," Garak said as he started rummaging under the desk. It didn't take long for him to pull a ledger from beneath and went through the book. "Ah, yes. The Webb family vault. As of now the vault has… 10 galleons and 27 sickles. Would Mr. Webb like to see his vault?" Garak asked in what Magnus assumed was thinly veiled sarcasm. 'Jeez, I know there isn't much alright. No need to look down on me. I'm still young, I got nothing to do with it,' Magnus grumbled in his head. Yet his face didn't show any of his shame and said, "That won't be necessary. I'm here to set up the process for automatic depositon."
The goblin Garak looked impressed for a moment at Magnus's thick skin, but he quickly went into his business mode. Magnus's goal was to let his account receive all of his payments from the shops directly. This would save him time and owl costs. The process was done quickly and Magnus left the bank. Had there been a large inheritance in his vault, he would have to go through some annoying procedures and wait till he comes of age to receive anything, but for him there's no such thing. He can deposit and withdraw as much money as he wants even without his Guardian's permission.
Magnus visited Florean Fortescue's Ice cream parlor on his way back and ate a nice serving of ice cream. He knew it was cold outside but he liked ice cream so he was going to get one. He packed up some ice creams for the Weasleys. They're their Christmas presents once he made some modifications. He's on a tight budget after all and what matters is the intent. He's sure the Weasleys would like this more than some fancy present. This was both simple yet practical.
Once he was home, he relaxed and reminisced old memories by looking at his family album. The next two days passed this way. The day of Christmas was again filled with opening presents from his friends. Apart from the Weasleys, he also got presents from his Ravenclaw friends along with Tonks and Hagrid. He also got presents from some of his professors which were mostly books. Hagrid too gave him a book called 'How to raise your Dragon' while Tonks gave him a book on dueling spells. He got Hagrid some boots that muffle sound while walking. The charm will only last a year, but that's the best he could do without learning enchanting. For Tonks he got a scarf that changed colors to match her hair. That was a tricky enchantment that he found in one of Prof. Flitwick's books.
He opened the present from Fred and George which turned out to be a large toffee. As he looked at the toffee trying to see what's special, it started vibrating. Magnus quickly put a shield charm between him and the toffee as it burst into a geyser of chocolate. But cleverly, the geyser went over the shield and dropped on his head. Only then did he look at the words written inside the wrapper- "We know you'd use the shield!"
Magnus can only accept his loss. 'Alright, I was feeling guilty for sending you exploding ice cream, but not anymore.' The day after Christmas Magnus was just trying to make breakfast when-
His main door burst open to reveal a heavily distraught Mrs. Weasley. "Oh dear Magnus you are here. Quickly, get your wand. We have no time to waste." As soon as she saw that he already had his wand in his hand, she took his hand and disappeared in a swirl just as the door closed behind her.