Magnus appeared with Mrs. Weasley in front of someone's porch. "Charlie said you were a good healer Magnus. There's been an accident and there's no proper healer around. See if you can do something," Mrs. Weasley spoke in a hurry as she dragged him through the entrance and they zoomed up the stairs. Magnus didn't even get to see his surroundings properly. He only saw a blur of colors. He never knew Mrs. Weasley could move so fast. While it was rude, he gave her a pass as it's a medical emergency.
Mrs. Weasley entered the room before he did. He heard another woman speak worriedly before he could enter, "Oh, Molly! I don't know what else to do! I'm just a midwife! I can only heal some minor ailments. But this-"
'This is a whole another level,' Magnus completed her thoughts. As soon as he entered the room, he saw the pale blonde lady lying on the ground. She might have been beautiful if she wasn't so bloody and had half her torso blown up. She was still tenacious as despite being glossy eyed and barely awake, she was moving her hand towards a little girl on the side who looked like a mirror image of her. The girl, probably her daughter, was in shock but her tears flowed freely. A long-haired disheveled man was kneeling behind her wide-eyed in shock. He had the look of a helpless man.
All of these thoughts took but a moment in his head before he was running towards the lady. "Don't use the Dittany on the organs, it's too harsh on them!" he stopped the midwife from making things worse. The midwife was spooked but she followed his words. Mrs. Weasley pulled the midwife to stand back a few feet, ready to move in if required.
Magnus made a quick diagnosis with his spells. It was worse than he thought. There were too many things going wrong at the same time. His first thought was, 'I can't heal her completely,' followed by, 'Doesn't mean I can't save her.' Many ideas flashed through his mind in an instant and finally his wand started moving. "Stop moving please, you can hold her when you get better," Magnus spoke softly. The lady seemed to have heard him as her movements stopped.
Magnus first removed any dirt that might have contaminated the wounds. He threw the dirt away with a flick of his hand while his wand moved on to the next spell. The most serious of her injuries were here damaged heart and lungs. There were even small portions of them that were missing. The mangled flesh and bones, while gruesome looking, can be healed easily than organs. 'Let me remove this dark magic trace first. Good thing my Healing reached Lv4.'
He cast a quick "Purify". It removes any dark magic residue and contamination. Immediately tiny grey vapor was released from the wounds. Then came the spell "Resistance". It gave the recipient a certain resistance to bleeding, trauma and other intense effects that might take a toll on the body. Sometimes even healing takes much out of the body of the patient. Most spells make use of the inherent vitality to heal after all.
Magnus finished his next spell and pointed his wand around the lady. A circle of runes came into existence around her prone body. They seemed to ease her pain as her breathing was less laborious now. This was "Circle of Healing". It is useful to heal groups and provides passive healing. But the reason Magnus used it was because it also increases the effectiveness of active healing spells. He wasn't done yet. Her condition required healing from both the inside and the outside to prevent any lasting effects. Magnus brought his wand to his mouth and blew on it as he uttered a chant ending in," Healing Fog." A fog of white came from the tip of his wand and made its way into the body of the patient. That'll heal any minor wounds in areas he couldn't reach easily and stabilize the wounds while soothing the nerves. Then came the laborious process of casting small targeted healing spells in areas that required immediate attention.
Magnus's goal right now was to stabilize her and heal as much as possible to keep her alive till they can transport her to St. Mungo's. While he can eventually heal her, that'd take a long time, time she didn't have. Critically wounded patients like her cannot be easily apparated or floo-ed as it might kill them. He also doesn't have some of the potions that are needed and only St. Mungo's probably had them. Once all the small healing spells were cast, he waited a moment to catch his breath. This was a bit too much even for him. He might have more magic in him than his age group, but that doesn't mean he can match the reserves of an adult healer.
All of the spells he used today were either taught to him by Madam Pomfrey or came to him when his Healing leveled up. 'I need to make better healing spells,' he thought as he prepared for the last and most complex spell. Madam Pomfrey used a lesser version of this when he first met her. He learned to use the better version after his recent increase in prowess and isn't able to cast it instantly yet. He made complex movements with his wand and spoke softly, "Stall Death." White glow immediately covered the lady and her whole body entered into a sort of stasis. This spell essentially freezes a person and their wounds and prevents them from dying no matter how far gone they are. Of course, such a spell has its downsides. Its duration for one is around 30 minutes and more importantly, it can later cause nerve damage and even lead to paralysis if they aren't careful. But the goal is to stop death first, other conditions can be taken care of later.
"Mrs. Weasley," Magnus's words suddenly woke up the people in the room from their trance. Both Mrs. Weasley and the midwife had never seen such prowess from most healers they met. Certainly not from a second-year student. His bearing even gave them a false impression that he could easily save the woman. Only his next words removed that delusion.
"I have healed her a bit and stabilized her Mrs. Weasley. We can now take her to St. Mungo's. We don't have the necessary supplies to heal her here. We can apparate, I'd made sure she'll be able to handle it," Magnus spoke calmly. The training from Madam Pomfrey and his own increased mind stat enabled him to remain calm even in testing situations.
"Alright dear, we'll do as you say. Xenophilius, we'll have to take her to St. Mungo's. We'll meet you there," Mrs. Weasley said quickly. Her words seem to have woken the man out of trance and he hurriedly nodded his head. Mrs. Weasley held Magnus while the midwife held the patient. Xenophilius held his daughter's hand and the next moment, they all disappeared in a swirl. Off to St. Mungo's they went.
The moment they reached the entrance of the hospital, they found the reception crowded. Mrs. Weasley wasn't to be deterred as she kept moving forward while saying, "Excuse me." Magnus decided this wasn't the time to be polite and apologized to them in his head as he stealthily waved his hand. Immediately the people in front of them parted wherever they passed. The reception nurse was quick to notice the commotion and the emergency healers quickly moved in and took over the patient. Once they placed her on a bed for treatment, Magnus unfroze her.
Some of the healers around raised their eyebrows in surprise but they didn't delay their work. They were experienced professionals after all. Only when the treatment neared its end did Magnus leave the room. The missing parts of her organs will need to be regrown and her bones set. There is still plenty of work to be done, but she'll live. The side effects can be treated slowly. Magnus came outside to the waiting Mrs. Weasley and the rest, "She'll be alright," he assured them. Only then did they give sighs of relief and release the collective breath they didn't realize they were holding.
[Impact Points+100]