Magnus looked at Hermione to make sure she was safe. She was hiding under the sinks on one corner of the bathroom doing her best to get away from the troll's reach. The troll was swinging its club wildly, breaking apart all of the bathroom stalls in its way. With each swing of the troll, Hermione screamed in fear. It took Magnus just a second to make all of these observations.
The troll seemed to have heard Magnus's taunt and it turned around to look at him. To the troll, Magnus looked bigger and meatier than Hermione, so it changed its target. It roared instinctively as it took large steps to reach Magnus. Just as the troll reached within 10 ft of him, Magnus looked into its cruel yet dull eyes and said, "Alright, that's enough."
Magnus then cast his mind spell Confuse which stunned the troll in place. The troll forgot what it was doing and stood there scratching its head in confusion. Then Magnus swiftly cast Mind Spike. The troll's head snapped back as it received the equivalent of a mental whiplash. Its head turned dizzy and it moved back and forth in its place. The troll's club fell on the floor with a loud crashing sound. The troll followed its club and it too fell down forward crashing down. As its face hit the ground, a loud crack was heard. It looked like it broke something. But based on its regeneration, it might recover soon.
Magnus didn't stop yet. He waved his wand at the fallen club and it transfigured into steel chains. The chains then proceeded to tie the hands and legs of the troll with another wave from his wand. A lock sprang in place securing the ends of the chains. Now even if the troll wakes up, it'd be hard pressed to escape its confines for a good while. Only then did Magnus turn his head to look at Hermione.
Hermione stood there slack-jawed. She watched his performance from starting to the end. At first, she was scared for herself which later extended to Magnus when she saw him come in and try to distract the troll. In her fear, she even forgot she was witch and didn't even think of casting any spells. Only when the troll fell down did she break out of her fear induced shock and was able to move again properly. She ran towards Magnus out of instinct and hugged him hard. A sense of relief spread through her. "Oh Magnus! Thank you very much. I thought I would be dead."
Before Magnus could reply, two people barged into the bathroom wands drawn and screaming, "Get away troll."
It was Harry and Ron. They smelled the stench of the troll as they neared the bathroom. The first thing they saw when they entered the room was the troll tied up in chains and lying on the floor. Both of their eyes widened in disbelief. Then they saw Hermione hugging Magnus and crying.
"There Hermione. It's alright now. Don't cry," Magnus consoled her. At first, he felt angry when he saw the troll swinging its club at his friend. He was tempted to blast that thing to oblivion. But reason prevailed and he chose to subdue it instead. It's not his first time facing a troll and he knew how they worked. Trolls aren't smart enough to target people. They just eat whatever comes across their path. They are just dull creatures driven by their instincts. No need to take out his anger on the troll and traumatize Hermione with the resulting gore. Besides, there would be plenty of questions for him from the professors. He didn't want to go through all of that right now.
Only then did he turn around and look at Harry and Ron who stood rooted in their positions both awed and awkward not knowing what to do. "Thank you, guys. Hermione it was Harry and Ron who told me to search for you." Well he could have found her on his own, but the boys did tip him about the troll and had good intentions. Hermione turned towards both of them and quickly hugged them before letting go." Thank you, Harry. Thank you, Ron," she said gratefully.
"Eh, it's alright Hermione. It's good that you are safe," Harry said before he looked at Ron while hinting something.
"It���s ok Hermione. I'm really sorry for what I've said. You wouldn't be here if not for me," Ron said looking guilty. Magnus looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Ron gulped nervously. He saw what Magnus did to the troll. He didn't want to anger him by accident. Fred and George always said that Magnus was brilliant but he didn't know he was this brilliant. The guy took down a troll! He didn't even look ruffled. His thoughts were mirrored by Harry, though his were more awe than fear.
"It's ok Ron. I forgive you," said Hermione. It all looked so stupid now after facing the troll. She can't believe she went off crying after listening to his silly words. 'I need to be more mature in the future,' she told herself.
"Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, stop running," Prof. McGonagall's voice came from outside as she hurriedly entered the bathroom followed by Prof. Snape and Prof. Quirrell. Prof. McGonagall was about to say more but the sight of the troll took away the words from her mouth.
"Oh my goodness. What happened here Mr. Webb?" Prof. McGonagall asked in worry. She was about to ask Harry and Ron at first but the sight of Magnus diverted her attention. In her eyes Magnus's words were more credible. Harry and Ron found her outside the Great Hall and just told her that Hermione and Magnus needed her help. Then they started running away. She could only follow in hurry behind them not knowing what is happening exactly.
"I was just coming from the medical wing professor, after helping Madam Pomfrey. I ran into Harry and Ron as I was about enter the hall. They were in a hurry and told me that a troll was running loose in the castle. They wanted to find Hermione to warn her as they couldn't find her in the hall. I told them I would warn her in their stead and advised them to go find a professor for help. I found Hermione in the bathroom here with a troll standing over her. I took down the troll and you can see the rest," Magnus explained.
"And what was Ms. Granger doing here at that time?" Prof. McGonagall looked at the girl sternly and asked.
Hermione felt guilty under the stare of her teacher and was about to say it was all her fault. That way whatever punishment the professor decided would only affect her and not Magnus or Harry and Ron. But before she could say anything, Magnus took the lead once again.
"She had stomach ache professor. Ate something that she couldn't digest," Magnus said as he looked at Hermione and continued, "Next time you have a similar problem, come to the medical wing Hermione." Hermione understood the meaning behind Magnus's words and nodded her head in return.
"What do you mean you took down a troll? One does not take down a troll easily. Certainly not by a third-year student," Prof. Snape interfered as he looked at Magnus pointedly. His words sounded logical but there seemed to be something else underneath them.
"It's not so hard professor. All I needed was a few charms and some nifty transfiguration," Magnus said as he returned Prof. Snape's look. Prof. Snape's eyes seemed to have an unknown glint at the moment. Magnus's own eyes twinkled in return before the professor's eyes returned back to normal. He didn't say anything again. Prof. Quirrell who seemed to be really interested in their conversation turned away his head while trying to cover his disappointment with a nervous smile. What he was disappointed about, only he knew.