Cashing in

The professors were very impressed with Magnus's accomplishment of taking down the troll. That would be very hard for even adult wizards if they aren't trained properly as trolls are highly resistant to magic. While Prof. McGonagall still had her doubts, she believed Magnus as he had proved himself both prodigious and trustworthy over the years. Her attention was quickly diverted as she looked at the locked chains on the troll.

"Are those transfigured chains Mr. Webb?" the transfiguration professor couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, professor. I transfigured it from the troll's wooden club. It's all thanks to your teaching professor," Magnus explained while giving her a compliment. She was a good teacher anyway so she deserved the praise. It might also get him out of this situation fast. He didn't want to explain his prowess in Mind arts to his professors.

"Well, you are a good student Mr. Webb. Don't sell yourself short. I must say, your transfiguration is wonderful. Take 5 points to Ravenclaw. Another 20 points for taking down the troll while rescuing your fellow student. But please, wait for the professors next time Mr. Webb. It wouldn't do well if you take risks unnecessary risks," Prof. McGonagall advised him.

"And you two. Five points together for informing the professors and not running to your deaths in a fit of misguided bravery," Prof. McGonagall informed Harry and Ron who were elated for the points. It felt like they have achieved something.

"Now Ms. Granger, please be careful next time. I'm letting you off this time because you didn't know about the troll in advance. You should go to the medical wing to get those looked at," Prof. McGonagall advised Hermione. Only then did Hermione notice the stinging sensation from various parts of her body. Some splinters have gotten into her skin when the troll demolished all of the bathroom cabins. Hermione nodded her head in acquiescence.

"Now why don't you guide these students to their house dormitory Mr. Webb? I'm sure they can use the help," Prof. McGonagall asked Magnus. The professors stayed behind to deal with the troll while Magnus and the trio walked out of the bathroom. As he was walking away, Magnus felt a stare on his back which quickly went away when he turned to look. 'Strange,' he thought.

Magnus led the trio up the staircase to the seventh floor. He paused a moment and looked at the three of them trailing behind him. "Come here Hermione. There's no point going all the way to the medical wing now," he gestured.

Hermione stepped forward towards Magnus. She had heard Magnus helped out in the medical wing from time to time, but she had never seen him in action. Harry and Ron too looked forward in anticipation. While Ron had seen plenty of magic being performed before, for Harry it was still all very novel.

Magnus pointed his wand at Hermione and tapped her forehead once while muttering a spell they couldn't quite hear. Hermione stretched her ears to listen to the incantation but it was all in vain. She couldn't make out anything. Magnus smirked in his head looking at her disappointed expression. What he uttered was gibberish anyway. He just did it to mess with them. With all of his experience in healing, he didn't need to utter the incantation for something this minor.

With a tap of his wand, splinters were removed from Hermione's skin and all of the small visible scratches closed up as if she was never hurt. When Magnus was done, a small handful of splinters were deposited in his palm. There was no blood attached to them as he had already taken care of that. Magnus tapped his wand on the splinters which then twisted and morphed to form a replica of the troll from earlier. It looked very realistic as he had plenty of experience dealing with trolls. It would have been scary if it wasn't the size of a chess piece.


"Brilliant!" Ron and Harry said at the same time.

"That's wonderful Magnus. I wonder when Prof. McGonagall will teach us that?" Hermione praised his craft while also thinking of when she would be able to accomplish that on her own.

"Would you like a souvenir?" Magnus asked her.

"I would," Ron replied. Hermione gave him a dirty look which made him look away sheepishly. Harry smiled from the side. The tense atmosphere from earlier had dispersed. Magnus handed Hermione the miniature troll and escorted them to their dormitory. The Ravenclaw tower was also on the seventh floor anyway so it wasn't a hassle. After he escorted them, he bid them goodbye and went to his own dormitory. Only when he reached the common room did he remember that he had missed dinner. His stomach grumbled in protest as if to urge him to eat.

Magnus pulled out his pocket map and saw the way to the kitchens was clear. It was just that Fred and George were already there, no doubt trying to make up for the cut short dinner. Magnus decided to make a quick trip to the kitchens to have a meal. The house elves would be very glad to feed him anyway. He could have made a trip back to his house for food, but it wouldn't be a match for the Halloween feast. And he was proven right when he entered the kitchens. House elf cooking was as delicious as always. 'I need to get a house elf myself. They are very helpful. Too bad the elves here have always worked in Hogwarts for generations and their knowledge about the house elves from the outside is outdated,' Magnus thought it was a pity. He didn't know if there were any house elves in the wild or if there were any house elf settlements. 'Hmm, maybe I should ask Mundungus next time,' Magnus mused.

The next day Ron's bragging spread the news to the whole castle about Magnus's victory over the troll. Fred and George weren't of any help as they only added to the gossip. Magnus was the talk of the castle for the next few days. Even some of the professors commended him over his victory. Magnus was already famous due to his Young Healer award. But to most of the students taking down a troll seemed more impressive than some award they couldn't see or appreciate. Hogwarts is isolated from the outside world for the most part so to most students anything out of the routine is worth talking about for weeks.

Magnus along with Fred and George decided to make use of this opportunity and launched their joke products to sell in the castle, discreetly of course. Whoever wanted to buy had to give their name and money to Jordan who would pass it on to Fred and George. Fred and George sold silly things that like candy that changed your tongue color or made some smoke come out of any opening of the body. An unfortunate recipient might even find some smoke coming out of their behind. It was all fake of course, but most of the students ate it up.

Magnus transfigured some trolls out of wood and enchanted them to roar or squeak every time they are squeezed. They didn't look as realistic as the one he gave Hermione but they looked more cartoonish with large eyes that made them appear cute. They also came in plenty of colors. They were an instant hit due to the recent troll event. Magnus and the Weasley twins could only smile as they raked in the money. While it may not match the money made by his potion business, it was still a good amount. Besides, he was just getting started.