Unclear - Sek's P.O.V

Several hours passed after I managed to flee from the southern forest and into the rock plains. Dzinu never heeded to my calls and Shyza for some reason, was shocked and as a result could not talk or react to anything at all.

"Damn it!!", I slammed my fists onto the steering wheel.

"Shall I activate virtual gameplay system at the next stop to help calm your anger?", Dzilaiza suddenly reacted but I wasn't in the mood and was way too confused.

"Mute.", I commanded and immediately, Dzilaiza's talk system was turned off.

After another hour of driving through the rocky plains, the light from the moon and stars lit the night sky in a dark blue colour. I looked onto the system panel,"8:00pm"

"We need to find a place to camp for the night. Shyza-", I stopped and turned my head to see Shyza still shaking violently with her face staring down, her eyes filled with absolute terror. She never even flinched after I shouted her name.

"Tch... didn't I follow everything in that rusty old book?", I wondered. Just then, a huge castle-like figure appeared on the horizon. It was still a bit dark and I was too far away to see it clearly with the car's head lights. "What's that? An old building?", I thought to myself and was right once I had gotten closer.

It did look like a castle but then it had faded red, green and purple colours and it also looked like it was made with bricks. I stopped right in front of the huge building,"A house from ancient civilization?", there was this huge statue of a woman on the very top of the roof and she seemed to have had her arms lifted into the air. The expression on her face wasn't clear since it had deteriorated.

The door to the castle-like building was insanely huge and was made of wood, really old wood. "Maybe... we could stay here for the night?", I got out and carried Shyza in my arms since she could literally do nothing at all and then glanced at Dzinu,"What in the world is going on?"

After walking to the door, I looked around to see if there'd be any door knob but there were none. There was just this long rusted iron handle that looked decorated with wierd symbols. I decided to try and push it open with my back since I was carrying Shyza and to my surprise, the doors opened with ease.

"This place must be extremely old.", I said to myself as I walked into the cold, spacious hall filled with long horizontal wooden chairs that were arranged in a neat order. "What's all this?", a figure then caught my eyes right at the far end of the hall. I climbed up just three small stairs and passed by a wooden stand towards the object. It was shaped like a cross and it looked as if someone had been nailed onto it. For a moment I was creeped out but then realized that it was just another statue.

I looked up at the ceiling that was supported by the large pillars in the hall for a moment. "Since there's no one here, we might as well spend the night... Hmm?", Shyza's trembling brought my attention back to her. Immediately, I placed her lying down on one of the chairs after I had wiped the dirt off and covered her with a cloth from my storage cube.

After making sure she was tucked in, I returned to Dzilaiza and grabbed Dzinu. "This silence is beginning to eat at me.", I thought as I walked towards a clear spot that had the moonlight clearly visible. I placed Dzinu into the ground and walked back,"There..."




I waited for some kind of response but there was nothing. "Might as well go back then.", I sighed and walked back into the castle building.

Sudden fear gripped me... I was in an unknown building that had the statue of a pleading woman, another statue of a person nailed on a cross, small amounts of light coming from cracks in the walls that poorly lighted the hall and Shyza, who still had her eyes wide open from shock while still shivering.

For some reason, I walked back to the cross statue and sat before it. After staring for a while, I noticed that beneath it was a smaller statue that looked the same as the woman statue outside but this time had her hands lowered and a crown with twelve stars on her head. What raised my curiousity wasn't the statue itself but the wierd object that was around its hand, as if it were holding it.

I reached out and took it,"... beads?", I spoke to myself under-breath as I wiped off the dirt and revealed the purple and yellow coloured beads that looked just like the diamonds that were once precious and there was the smaller version of the spooky cross at the end of it.

Something immediately kicked me,"Wait! Castle-like building, odd looking buildings, and this wierd object. Could this be!", I looked around once more. "This is... This is a remnant of a long lost human religion!", I was surprised and a bit excited. "I read about these beads in the history books ay school... humans belonged to different religions and all believed in one higher power.", I looked up at thr cross and just then, an immense pain took over my head. The next thing that happened was darkness.


"Ugh... where, am I?", I slowly opened my eyes and was standing on a patch of grass but this grass didn't look like anything I had ever seen before. It looked exactly like the plant life that used to be on earth, just like in the history books.

"My dear.", a woman's voice called. There was complete comfort in my chest once I heard her soft, caring voice.

"Who's there?", I desperately looked around but was surrounded by bright lights. There was a particular portion before me that shone the brightest and I assumed that was where the voice was coming from.

"My dear child.", the voice seemed to fade away.

"W-Wait!!", I tried running towards the light but the more I ran, the farther the light seemed to be.

"My dear... wake up from your deep slumber.", the voice now sounded completely out of reach.

"W-Wha-", before I could utter another word, I had jolted from the ground and shockingly looked around, breathing heavily.


The sun was up.