Living rocks

"It was all... a dream?", I kept looking around the poorly lit room while still seated on the ground. "This object...", looking down into my left hand, I could now clearly see the shining colours of the beaded necklace.

I kept staring at it for a while and then suddenly remembered,"Shyza! Dzinu!" In a flash, I ran towards the chair where I left Shyza. I didn't know whether to feel relieved or sad, she was still in that same state; her shivering body and eyes still wide open. "Tch... still."

As I positioned her into a sitting posture, I accessed the switch command from my storage cube and in a second, her clothes were exchanged with a red skirt and a sky blue shirt.

"Can't have you wearing the same clothes forever.", I smiled and then frowned as I saw no sort of reaction on her face. "It's useless now huh."

After switching my own clothes with a pair of jet blue jeans, checked shirt and a white inner T-shirt, I carried Shyza in my arms and headed outside.

The sun was pretty high up and the heat mercilessly dealt with my skin. As I walked towards Dzilaiza, I noticed something odd from a distance. It was the same spot where I had left Dzinu the other night. After tucking Shyza into her seat, I rushed over and was shocked the moment I saw what was before me. It was Dzinu alright but, his colour had turned from night blue to jet black.

"Dzinu!", I pulled him out of the ground and cleared the dust off of him. "Dzinu! Hey Dzinu!", there was no response at all.

There was a brief silence, followed by a small gust of wind that blew some dust particles towards us,"DAMN IT ALL!!", I slammed my fist into the rocky ground, ignoring the portion of skin that had split open,"HOW!? WHY!? I... don't get it. Am I bound to lose everyone I come into contact with?", the thought crossed my mind as droplets of tears ran down my cheeks.

Without feeling satisfied, I dropped Dzinu continously punched my fists into the ground until both my hands and the stony ground was drenched in my deep red blood.

"...", I was finally satisfied. "I'll bring you all back... Lykana, Dzinu, Shyza."

Now with a serious resolve, I grabbed Dzinu and stood on my feet while keeping my fists clenched. In a few minutes we were back on the road.

"Storage cube.", the cube responded to my call and appeared before me. I tried placing the beaded necklace into the cube but it denied it.

"-ITEM DENIED. CAUSE: STORAGE CUBE FULL-", the cube responded.

"What? I thought I picked out clothes a few minutes ago.", I kept trying and trying but it still denied it. "... Why?", I looked back at it and was even more perplexed. "Well, since it's a necklace...", I wore it around my neck and proceeded to enter the canyon area.

The narrow road had a zigzag style and the cliffs on both sides blocked the sun's rays from reaching us. After driving through, the rays returned as I got into an open area. I stopped and took a look around through Dzilaiza's drones.

Far ahead of us was a deep gorge and to my right, an abnormally huge boulder that would be impossible to get through. The only easy way that lead out of the canyon was to my left, there was a really weak rock bridge but it seemed passable.

I looked towards the direction facing my left,"There's no other way out except through that place huh?" then turned to look ahead,"If I could fly, it'd be easy to go over that gorge and there'd be less time to lose since that way's shorter.

"-New versions of the wolf sprinter contains flight mode-", Dzilaiza recommended.

"Yeah well, where am I gonna get a new vehicle in the middle of this deserted place?", I sighed.


A screeching growl echoed throughout the entire canyon.

"What was that?", I kept still.

"-Several life forms located-", Dzilaiza reacted to the vibrating sounds.

"Pin their location.", I commanded.

"-Life form location: All directions-"


Just then, a huge rock-like limb burst out from the gorge far ahead of us and slammed itself into the ground, causing a mini shock wave.

My eyes widened the moment the unidentified object revealed its true form. It was a huge spider but it was made up of entirely rocks and its eyes were gleaming with red solrocs, an extremely expensive mineral.

Right after the creature set all its limbs on the ground, an earthquake followed right after and the cliffs along with the ground began to break apart.


Multiple huge stoned creatures burst out. Some looking like centipedes, moths, and lots of other insects and they were all highly evolved forms of the ones that were brought from earth during thr great space migration.

"What the hell!?", I cursed as the creautures all surrounded us and stared deeply at the vehicle while looking like they were frozen in place.

"Dzilaiza", I spoke under breath,"Give me info on these things."

"-Available info: Name and red minerals-"

"Tch, those things are useless to me.", Immediately, I activated the accelerator and blasted towards the weak stone bridge.


An ant looking creature slammed its limb into the ground.


The car drifted as I made a sharp turn to avoid the monster.

"Increase acceleration!!", the vehicle's speed multiplied. "164mph...168mph... 172mph!" but it wasn't enough, not even in the least bit. Those stone insects were way faster than Dzilaiza and they managed to create a blockade ahead of us.

"Tch! Damn this planet's gravity!!", I slammed on the brakes manually and came to a stop.

Two huge stone-like centipedes were now in my way. "What do I do? If I go above 185mph, I'll lose control of the car and might fall off the cliff.", a sweat droplet slowly walked down my face. Looking at both Shyza and Dzinu, a thought came into mind,"... Seems like I have to take the risk."

Slowly, I opened the door and moved out with an ultron shooter in hand. It was one of the powerful laser guns that could shatter the hardest of boulders. "Dzilaiza... get through that bridge and don't stop until you do.", I passed the command and walked to the centre of the stone monsters.

"-Understood-", right there and then, Dzilaiza increased acceleration once more and headed towards the centipede blockade.

The monsters growled and enclosed almost every small space but then they were opened once again after I had gained the attention of all the creatures by blasting a laser bullet into the air.

In a blinding speed, Dzilaiza sped past the monsters and burst towards the bridge.

"Heh.", I said in an annoyed voice as I raised my head. "Storage cube, prepare for item intake.", the cube appeared floating beside me.

The creatures slowly moved towards me only making me smirk, "What a drag."