Blur and rain

"You must've noticed why this entire place was deserted", Red walked towards Green. "Heh, we noticed that there was an explosion up in the mountains and found traces of reversed charges flying all around. Hence, we went into defence phase and now, I CAN PULVERISE YOU WITHOUT HOLDING BACK!"

"Your voice irritates me", Green instantly shattered his mood.

"Shut up, dumbass", a cyber thug expression appeared on Red's face.

Noticing the slight distraction, I lunged forward at full speed.

"Ooh, coming at us huh!?", Red got into sword stance.

Green's spears threw themselves at me as I swiftly evaded them and blasted towards them, my speed greatly increasing every time I avoid his attacks.

"Heh", I appeared before Green in a flash, ready to land a blow.


One of his spears smashed into the ground, emitting a powerful vibration that vertebrated throughout the area and serving as a barrier between us that stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Pfft! Even I'm not in a hurry!!", Red got behind me before I even knew it, already swinging his blade towards my abdomen.

I immediately shifted farther to my right, evading his slash.

"Ha! I don't plan to stain my blade at the start of this fight!!", be grinned and slammed Green's spear with his sabre, forcefully sending it spinning savagely at my direction.

"Tch!", I instinctively ducked and avoided the spear by the skin of my teeth, but that left me too open.

"Descend", another spear spun above me, instantly piercing through my belly and into the ground with such force that there was a huge crack.

Blood spewed out from my mouth as I clenched my teeth and struggled to pull the spear out.

"Wow, all that show off for nothing", Red walked over to my thrashing body and burst into laughter. "TOO BAD!! You're gonna die now!!"

My glare got sharper as the urge to bite off his head grew larger. All of a sudden, everything disappeared. I was still in that same position, with the spear pinning me onto the ground.

"Are you a wolf in the first place?", a familiar might voice boomed over my head.

"You...", I stared up into the eyes of the gigantic blue wolf.

"Even a wolf knows when to feed its adrenaline. Your death will be certain the next time you rush into battle", the spirit reached out to pull the spear out with its teeth before disappearing.

"Hmm?", Red cocked his eyebrow in slight disbelief. "Uhh, Green. This guy's actually pulling your spear out", he walked away.

Great strength entered my body as I slowly pulled the weapon from my body and threw it in the other direction. The wound promptly healed as I stood on my feet.

"The hell?", Red firmly gripped his sabre. "Oh well, MORE FUN!!", he blasted full speed only to be slammed onto the ground by my elbow before he got the chance to swing his sabre.

"Hmph", I left Red to daydream as I carefully analysed the spear pest. "Let's try this then", I smirked and lunged at Green.

His reaction was quick. With a simple swipe of his palm, a spear appeared from thin air and effectively blocked every single one of my punches.

Just then, a sharp tingle alerted my brain. "Behind!?", I thought to myself and glanced back for a bit before backflipping in time to avoid a hidden spear from piercing through my back. "Damn, if it weren't for these instincts."

Green snapped his fingers, immediately commanding the spear before him to spin rapidly. There was an instant pause after he changed his hand sign. "Energy injection", the spear slowly entered the ground as he moved his palm down.

"Is he planning to manipulate the cables underground!?", my force field came to life once the thought had crossed my mind.

Vein-like structures began to climb up onto the spear, glowing a bright neon green colour as the cables from beneath the ground jolted out and moved around like serpents with electric charges surrounding them.

"Pierce", Green commanded.

Like blinding lightning, the highly powered cables began to stab my force field. It didn't have enough force to breakthrough. A slight grin spread across my face at that realization.

"Increase", Green's words cut through my hope as the cables increased their speed as well as force.

It only took a short while before they completely shattered the field and pierced through my arms and legs.

My body lost more blood as the pain slowly began to sting my skin. The wolf mode wasn't going to last for long. My endurance immediately died after the last cable cut through a large portion of my stomach. I trembled as the pain got sharper and eventually, I gave in to the blood-curdling scream I had locked up in my voice box.

Green increased the power in the cables, slowly torturing and ignoring my agonising screams before abruptly dropping my battered body to the ground.

"Hmm? I lost control", his monotone voice spoke out in the silence.

"Ah d-damn you Green", Red limped towards Green, rubbing his head. "You enjoyed torturing him, now he's dead."

"Get rid of his body", Green turned back.

"Ya kidding, right?", Red walked up to my motionless body. "This guy must have lots of stuff in his storage cube."

"Looting, pitiful"

"Oi, it's not like we're gonna get paid big cash for this", Red waved his palm around me, engulfing my body in red light and making my storage cube visible. "Nice", he grinned.



I was in that white, empty space again. How many times did I appear there? It seemed like I was almost dead. No, I was almost dead.

"Why do you seek to deliver justice with your anger?", it was that mysterious woman's kind voice. As always, she was shrouded in light that shone even brighter than the white vacuum I was in.

Hesitation set in before I spoke, "Those bastards deserve the most terrifying death."

A soft chuckle came from the bright light, "My dear child, anger only fuels suffering and confusion and these two things never seek to solve any of your problems."

"Tch", I looked down with my fists clenched. She was right, I was only moving my fists because of my hatred towards them. Of course, who wouldn't hate these two for kidnapping Shyza and hurting Fraisia?

But, they worked under direct order. Could they have done all that they did willingly? or are they being forced to do it?

"I see the realization in your eyes. Go forth my child, I give you another chance in addition to the one you just wasted."


"G-Green! This sword! It's completely black but this shape, it's definitely the Legendary moon sword!!"

Green glanced back at the sword in Red's hands.

"With something like this, Zephain's progress will skyrocket!"

"Hey", my wavering voice stole their attention.


"Get your unworthy hands-off Dzinu", I grabbed his wrist and increased my grip as I stood up, entirely healed but still energy-drained.

"What are you, A FUCKING MEGA CAT WITH A THOUSAND LIVES!?", Red tried to break free but it was futile.

"I'm sorry, I don't fall under the category of 'cats'!", my clenched fist dug into Red's abdomen, powerfully sending him smashing into the tower at high speed.

"Dzinu", I grabbed the legendary blade before it fell to the ground, my breath began to shorten as my body began to felt the strain set in.

"Appear", the original shape of Green's spear came out into view. Its silvery colour shined in the sun as green lights coursed through it. "Charge", green sparks of electricity began to circulate around the spear.

"This one ain't getting close", I took in a deep breath and gently placed Dzinu back into the storage cube as I readied my arms.

"Zapping electric surge", great force propelled his spear, allowing it to surge with great acceleration towards one clear target, me.

I grounded my entire body, relaxed my nerves and raised my hands.


There was a powerful shockwave that blasted an enormous crater beneath my feet as I had managed to grab the spear with my bare hands. Blood dripped down as the spear still moved me back with great force.

"This asshole", Red rushed out and threw three tiny spheres that took the form of jackal-like mecha beasts. "Tear him to shreds!!", the mechanical monsters responded with a growl and charged towards me.

"Heh, come at me!", with every bit of strength I had, I turned the direction of the spear towards Green and shot it back at him with full force!


The spear cut through the air, smashing through the three beast bots and into the tower, causing a huge impact which spread massive amounts of debris into the air.

"D-Damn... tired", I fell exhausted.

"Where does he get that monstrous strength from!?", Red coughed from the large amounts of dust entering his lungs. The dust finally settled, allowing him to put down his arm shield. "Tch! Green, let's-", the next thing he saw left him frozen in shock.

"Hm", Green smirked.

"What the actual fuck!!", Red stared as the spear had neatly sliced off Green's left arm. "Damn it all! I'll simply destroy this entire place!!"

"Do that and your family will return to the slave exoplanets", a clear male voice spoke as several mecha bots appeared from an underground hatch.

"Supervisor", the tough expression on Red's face died.

"Seeing you continue this fight would've been sad", the young man with glasses that reflected in the sun and a purple uniform stood with a majestic aura as a woman also appeared from the underground hatch.

This time, both Red and Green bowed in respect, "Zephain maiden Claudia"

The attractive woman stood with an energy of silence emanating from her as the huge scythe on her back gleamed with killer-intent and her amber eyes perfectly synchronised with the rays of the hot sun.