
"There it is"

We managed to get to the industrial area at noon. Several towers stood towering over the area. Though it didn't look like much on the outside, the real work was done underground. That area was known to have a rich supply of energy-infused soil that served as a great alternative to the neo shards whenever there was a shortage.

I observed from behind a tree, close to the back of one of the tall towers. There was something completely odd, no single person was in sight.

"Was it abandoned?"

"-Negative -> Scan shows 100% underground extraction and security bots set around the square plot-", Dzilaiza spoke through the ear comm.

"So, there are people inside?"

"-Only a faint heat signal from humans have been detected-"

"Getting in might be easy since my energy field disables all tech", I walked up the small hill and back to the car. "The only problem I have now is that I may not know what's in store for me once I get in."

"-Tracker location pinpointed: Central tower top floor-"

"That huge, fancy-looking tower in the middle huh", I grabbed Dzinu. "Storage cube."

The floating storage gear appeared with a beep sound.

"Item status"

"-Calculating... 14 items remain -> 10 clothing materials -> 1 virus -> 3 stealth gear-"

"Access stealth gear, give me info on the ones available"

"-Fetching info... 2 slither boots/ 1 transparent orb-"

"Oh, these belonged to Lykana", a slight smile appeared on my face. "Those boots can help mask any sound my movements will make and that transparent orb can shield my presence for at least 5 minutes", I placed my hand on my chin. "Works for me."

"-Safe entry point located -> Eastern tower-"

"Hmm, that's not too far from the one in the centre. These stealth gear wouldn't really help with what I plan to do but, oh well", I proceeded to approach the eastern tower when a bright light caught my attention.

It was that odd beaded necklace I had taken from that building way back. I never even noticed that I had it the entire time until now.

"Maybe the organization will have more data on this thing", I removed it and tried to place it into the storage cube, but it denied it after several tries. "Hm, why does the storage cube refuse to accept it?", I muttered under my breath as I placed it around my neck again.

"-Standing by for mission start-"

A grin swiped my face, "I hope you know what you're supposed to do."

"-All data regarding this mission has been stored in the internal cloud-"

"Good, let's move"

Dzilaiza drove to wherever she was commanded to go and I headed towards the eastern gate.

Just like before, it was completely empty. No human, but there were at least 2 guard bots keeping watch on the gate. Of course, that's what I thought.

"These bots", I hid behind a nearby tree and observed. "They've been shut down", I noticed that their functioning lights were off and their heads were bent.

Cautiously, I walked over to the gate and took a closer look. It seemed like they had been shut down remotely since there were no signs of their power hatches being open, they were tightly sealed.

"Heh, should I be worried or should I simply see this as my lucky day?", I walked into the premises and activated the slither boots before swiftly entering the eastern tower.


"No one", my voice bounced off the walls and back to me as I stood there alone. "This entire area is completely dead."

I spotted an elevator after walking around. Quickly, I got into it and set its destination to the teleport room.

"What is today, Zephain worker freedom day? Yeah, that's impossible. Zephain never gives their workers time off."


The elevator finally arrived and automatically opened its doors, revealing a large room with multiple tubes.

"Everything seems to be functioning. I'll just transport myself to the central tower", the tube began to glow after I got in. "The Central tower, that place might have lots of people around."

The light from the machine surrounded me, transforming my body into tiny particles and reassembling them in the Central tower's teleport room.

"Wow", the empty room stared at me. "Still, you can't be too sure", I activated the transparent orb and instantly disappeared.

The hallways were empty, the only things operational were robots but even they were not security bots. It seemed like all the security bots were shut down.

"Dzilaiza, can you still sense humans?"

My ear comm beeped with blue light, "-Confirmed heat signals: robots-"

"No humans? Something's definitely up", I walked into the elevator and arrived at the very top of the tower. My eyes widened in excitement, "Shyza!" I disabled the transparent orb.

She was perfectly fine, resting in an experimentation pod in the middle of the chamber. Her breathing was recorded but something instantly took me back. There was no heartbeat but she was breathing, she was alive but dead at the same time.

"Tch, she's still in the same state. Doesn't matter, I'll bring you back to normal myself", I said as I happily reached for the button to open the pod.

"-Human heat signal detected-"

"Oh?", a voice sounded but I couldn't point out where it came from.

Almost immediately, a square panel appeared beneath my feet and an arrow facing towards the elevator behind me glowed.

"Damn it! A force panel!?"


The arrow's light brightened, summoning an invisible force that sent me crashing through the elevator and out into the forecourt of the tower.

Luckily, my force field protected me before I made an impact with the ground. I landed on my feet, already exhausted.

"Why do I, feel so tired?", slight dizziness engulfed my head and my vision began to blur as a man in a mech suit glanced at me through the large hole in the wall.

"HA!! and what makes YOU think that you can help the young mistress!!!", a familiar voice mocked. "Seems like Green was right! This idiot did come back!!", he cracked his knuckles.

"That guy from before, what was his name, Red?", anger raged in my chest as I barely managed to stand on my feet. "That bastard who dared to hit Fraisia."

"Now I can finally slice you up in pieces!!", a maniac look appeared on his face. "But, I don't normally give the intro", he smirked.

Greenlight grabbed my attention, directing me to look up.


The sound of someone clicking his fingers sent the green light rushing down on me in a fierce rain of doom before I even got the chance to make out their shape.

"DAMN!! You really know how to set the ball rolling huh!!!", Red whistled. "Oi Green, if you end up killing him, I might have to fight you instead."

The sound of footsteps got closer as the dust from his attack began to slowly settle.

"I wish to end this quickly", Green's voice remained calm.

"Hah!? You really are nothing but a boring bag!!"

"Pfft", I couldn't resist the urge to laugh any longer. The dust began to clear around my feet, revealing one of Green's spears just inches close to it. "Nice sneak attack, I would've been on my knees if I hadn't grabbed this one with my hand."

"Eh?", slight terror and disbelief appeared in Red's eyes. "W-What's this insane bloodlust?"

"And...", this time, the dust had cleared to my neck level, revealing the other spears that managed to cut the sides of my legs and arms.

Green immediately jumped back and his eyes stared wide in shock as the dust completely disappeared.

"... My brain would've been annihilated if I hadn't caught this dangerous one", I grinned as the spear continued to glow in the grip of my canines.

"The hell!? You caught one of Green's spears with your teeth!!?? Fucking show off!!", even though Red tried to hide it, his fear was clearly visible as beads of sweat began to run down his face.


I spat the spear out and glared at them with my wolf's eyes. The fact that I was a monster wasn't going to stop me from satisfying the blood boiling excitement that coursed through my veins. I HAD to feed this adrenaline.

"HAHAHA!!!", Red pulled his confidence back. "Storage cube", his cube appeared beside him and brought out his sabre.

Several spears appeared all around Green and aimed at me with one swipe of his finger.

"Celladonian freak!!!", Red landed onto the ground with such force that a crater easily formed. "This is gonna be fun"

My pupils shrank in acknowledgement, "It sure is."