

"How long have I been in this white space?"

"Becoming one with a legendary blade"

"Yes, in the end, I claimed possession of The Legendary moon sword"

"Even though it responded and spoke, I never considered it as a soul embedded object"

"Dzinu, I now know how to get you back and at the same time, I don't"

"If only-"


The white vacuum began to switch between black and white, zapping my mind with pain as the blurry image of a human stood before me.

"Who- Who are you?"


"Your presence feels so familiar, yet I can't pinpoint"

The white light began to fade into murky darkness as my body slowly regained awareness.

"Seems like I'll be leaving, with no answer"





"ngh", my eyes twitched and slowly opened, taking time to flesh out the actual shape of my surroundings. "Shyza, Lykana, Dzinu, I almost forgot all about you", I struggled to sit up, brushing my hand all over my hair as an itchy pain surfaced.

All I remember was tripping and falling straight into the mountain's forest.

"The rock", I looked up the steep hill and froze in terror as I saw blood dripping from the rock I had hit hours ago. "How in the world am I still alive?", I brushed my hand over my hair to check for any trace of blood but there was nothing, I was completely healed for some reason.

I gulped after glancing at the blood-drenched rock a second time. After fully regaining complete control of my body, I felt something cold in my right hand.

"What's this?", I looked at the black blade and instantly remembered, "Dzinu, damn it. I never understood what Taki-Sensei meant by becoming one with a Legendary sword."

With half of my strength back, I managed to stand on my feet. If it weren't for the rising sun, it'd probably be dark by now since I was in the middle of thick trees that could have easily block the moonlight.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight", I tightened my grip on Dzinu. "Now, we have a friend to save", I looked for a way through the trees and managed to squeeze through them and onto a wide path on the other side.

The path seemed to lead to the base of the mountain as I could see it lead down in a zigzag formation.

"Dzilaiza", my ear gear appeared and gave a blue glow in response.

"-Location confirmed-"

"Where are you?", there was no response. "Dzilaiza, are you there?"


Dzilaiza blasted through the trees in mid-air and landed right before me.

"-Necessary command was initiated since the target was in close range-"

"Uhh. That's... nice?", I entered the control seat. "Embalming pod status."

"-Bio matter stable -> 99.9% embalmed-"

I sighed a sigh of relief, "Good, how much time do we have before we reach Zephain's industrial zone?"

"-Estimated time of arrival -> 5 hours after reaching the foot of the mountain-"

"We'll just speed up then", I took one last look at Dzinu before placing him into his personalized slot. "Accelerate", Dzilaiza picked up speed.

"Why do I get these memories coming back from time to time?", I thought to myself. "After that incident, I wiped my memory so there's no way I should be remembering now."

"-Flying object located: Increasing speed-"

"Huh? Flying object?", Dzilaiza moved even faster, pinning me to my seat.

Before I realized, a huge tree had fallen right behind us from nowhere. It was as if something had thrown it in our direction. Just then, Dzilaiza came to a dead stop.

"What the hell's going on!?"

"-All automated systems are temporarily down -> Cause Electromagnetic fields-"

"What?", It took me a while to get something. "The Zephain company's field technology, but how in the world is it able to reach this far?"

"-Three bio-organisms approaching south-"

"Are you kidding?"

"-Switching to manual controls-", the steer appeared before me along with a gear that shifted between high and low acceleration, the other functions were done by Dzilaiza.

"Damn it! I suck at that! What are those organisms anyway!?", I shifted to high acceleration and took control.

"-Organisms confirmed: Argrain-"

"The fuck!? Argrain!? Why are they after-", my mind drifted back to the time I had killed the Argrain. Those two Crawns must've left that little piece they were fighting over and finished the bigger one. With flesh from their kind to confirm, they traced me with their sense of smell.

Despite the speed at which we were travelling, those Argrain caught up to us in minutes.


Their rage shook the entire area as they tried to knock me off the mountain.

"Tch! We're out in the open! Dzilaiza, we're gonna avoid these zigzags!!", I sharply drifted into the forest on left and immediately stabilized the steer. "I-I think I might get-"

"-Boulder spotted-"

"Wut?", I looked closer at the boulder waiting for us and then had an idea, "Heh! Are they still after us!?"

"-An Argrain is approaching at an exceedingly fast rate-"


Within the last second, I made a quick turn and avoided the boulder, leaving the speeding Argrain with no choice but to crash headfirst into it.

"-Threat eliminated -> Two threats remain-"

"Haha! Yes!! I'm gonna get rid of them myself!!!", I glanced back at the boulder drenched with the green blood from the Argrain's smashed head. "Dzilaiza!! This gonna be Artificial Argrain versus natural! Pfft!!"

"-My body is composed of a rare metal that forms from beneath the skin of Argrain and my chassis from its teeth. As an addition to speed control, my spoiler has been made from the shape of an Argrain's wings-"

"Heh, never asked since I already knew but meh!", I pulled back the gear a bit, reducing speed and sharply taking a right curve onto another path. "Accelerate- oop", I immediately shifted gear back to high speed.

The two Argrain on our tail roared even louder as they blasted towards us.

"-Energy accumulation detected-"

"Huh? Where?", yellow light shone over the area. "Oh no!", I shifted further into full speed.

Argrain had traces of neo shards in their bodies which allowed them to gather energy in their mouths and blast it at prey. This was an extremely rare case though since many of them hadn't developed the brainpower to do that yet.

"Wow, this is bad", I grinned, "I love it! Foolish prey!! Who do you think you're trying to blast!?"


The monster shot a beam of energy, barely missing its target and setting a few trees ablaze.

"That thing's gonna end up causing a forest fire"

"-Energy accumulation is being regenerated-"


Energy from the shards began to condense in the Argrain's mouth until...


The other Argrain dug its sharp teeth into its comrade and snapped its neck.

"What in the-"

"-Threat eliminated -> One remains-"

The Argrain threw its other kind's dead body ahead of us, forcing us to drastically reduce speed.

"Damn! I don't think so!"


The tyres screeched as I swiftly manoeuvred into the forest on the left, refusing to reduce any more speed.

"If we stop, it'll be over! Why the hell did it just tear through that other Argrain's neck!?"

"-Argrain aliens kill their kind when they exhibit stronger power before them. The killing is done only by the leader of the clan-"

"So that's the leader?", a realization then came to mind. "Why the hell do you crazy monsters chase us cause we kill your kind when you all do the exact same!!?"

The creature roared as if it had responded to me question.

"-Warning: Incoming ledge-"

"Eh?", the branches finally cleared showing a rising ledge right before us, slowing down now wasn't going to help at all. "We have no choice but to make the jump!", an idea suddenly popped up. "Dzilaiza, do you have any antimatter bomb?"

"-Antimatter bomb available -> Current state: Weakened-"

"Perfect, release it onto my palm"


The tube-like bomb materialized on my palm, "Alright then, I'll throw it into that thing." I grabbed Dzinu, "Dzilaiza, open the roof hatch once we're airborne."


"Well then, here we go!", I increased the speed, even more, moving over the ledge and jumping mid-air as the sun finally poked its full head into the sky.

Immediately, I grabbed Dzinu and climbed out the roof hatch and waited for the Argrain to get closer.


The huge alien opened its mouth, ready to devour me. This was exactly what I needed.

"Heh", I grinned and activated the bomb, throwing it straight into its mouth. "HA!!"


A huge explosion followed by an immensely bright light blew me off the car and straight down the base of the mountain.

"I should've kept in mind that it was an antimatter bomb", I stared blankly at the sky as I fell. "Dzinu, this is gonna hurt so bad."

I was expecting cracks and squeals of pain but there was none. It felt like I was bouncing instead.

"What's this!?", an odd field surrounded my body and shielded me from any impact as I rolled down the mountain. "This field, it was from that memory."

The bouncing came to a halt once I had finally reached the foot. I stood on my feet as the field shone brightly before disappearing, leaving an odd glow in the corner of my eye.

"Dzinu?", I stared at him as he glowed a bright night blue colour before it returned to its completely dark shade. A smile appeared on my face, "Seems like you're still in there."

"-User Seksulfur located-", Dzilaiza appeared from the trees behind me.

"You know, it's creepy how you always get here in time", I looked up ahead and then smirked as excitement welled up in my chest. "We're close"

The tall towers of the Zephain building stood at the end of the Forest, their colours still shining brightly amidst the glow of the morning sun.

"This time, I'll properly dispose of my prey", my canines expanded as I sat into the control seat and drove to the industrial zone.