Alluring blade

-3 years later-

"Seksulfur", one of the girls gently placed a torn teddy bear in front of me. "Teddy got hurt. Can you please fix him?"

I didn't respond, I never responded to whatever anyone said. Nitrica made me the leader, so all I had to was to help them with what they needed. Slowly, I placed my hand over the stuffed animal and summoned my blue energy. The girl stared in awe as the light encircled my hand and began to mend the torn part.

Their reactions to my power were amusing. For some reason, they saw it as some kind of invisible force. Sometimes, they'd see it as an invisible field but I didn't mock them because of that. I was the only one who knew the true form of my power, a wolf cub.

This cub was with me for as long as I could remember. It's odd, crooked smile and its tilted head never left my mind as it heeded my every command. The little wolf which was made entirely from an ominous aura would dispel some of its power to fulfil my wishes. This was the true image of my power, not an invisible force or blue light but a spirit.

"Wow, thank you leader!", the girl grabbed her fixed teddy and cheerfully returned to play with her friends.

Right after, the door slid open and one of the guards came in.

"Hey boy", he called out to me from the dark corners of the room. "Time for your daily tests."

I got up, weakened by the numerous times they had sucked the power from my wolf spirit. My movement was slow as pain moved through every part of my body and creaks could be heard in my joints.

"Quick", the guard led me outside and gestured for me to follow him.

Normally, I was allowed to go into the experimentation chamber alone since got to know the basic map of the layout but today was different. After they had extracted my power and found out that it was in abundance, they tightened the security around me since they thought that I'd still have enough power to escape.

Fools, how could a completely weak child like me blast through a continent-sized prison on my own, with a power I didn't even know much about.

It was the same scene every single day. Children were brought in from numerous planets, some were tortured due to their intriguing planetary distinction and others were allowed to develop fully. In our case, we were taken through classes to nurture our brains. Within a year, I was able to fully understand and speak in English.

As we walked closer towards the chamber, two men laughed as they recalled the events from their previous missions. One of them carried a child in his arms.

"Did you hear how that dumb idiot kept screaming!?", one man laughed.

"Yeah! He was like 'No! No! Shyzaaa, my daughter!"

"Pfft! HAHAHAHAH!!! His death was a swift one!!"

"Yeah! Hope the alien birds have fun with his head."


They both kept laughing as the entered a different hallway into another chamber.

I had no idea what I was feeling in my chest, it felt like heat, flames that suddenly got wilder.

"In you go", the guard stood at the entrance and waited for me to get my 'tests' done.

"-Energy extraction complete: 89% success-"

"Good, you may leave", the scientist unlocked the bindings and showed me to the door.


That night was especially quiet, something I cherished more than anything at that time. After staring at the moon through the glass ceiling, sleep finally reached my eyelids and slowly began to shut them down until...

"Damn, this vent's so small", a girl's voice echoed from the vent on my right side.

It was frustrating, having no silence to sleep. I wanted to kill that person.

"Okay, I. Think. I. finally. got. to. an. opening!"

The girl burst through the vent and poked her head out, surveying the area. It was a miracle, the fact that the other girls didn't hear a thing.

"Hmm, the coast is clear- uh", she paused after she locked eyes with me. "I've been spotted! Cyber ninja rule: allow yourself to be spotted! Complete!"

I had no idea what that meant and I didn't care but that sounded extremely wrong for some reason. I shrugged it off and turned away.

"Hey boy, this is a girls' place ya know", she squeezed herself out. "Doesn't matter anyway, I'm here to bust y'all out!", the annoying girls puffed her chest out in pride.

It seemed like I wasn't going to sleep that night so I diverted all my attention back to the moon instead, though it was almost impossible to force myself not to hear her because of my wolf genes. As a blue wolf, controlling sound at a close distance was impossible.

"Oi, I'm talking to you", she stood before me with both hands on her waists. "I can't let everyone out on my own. I need internal help."

The moon had already entranced me at that moment. All I hear were tiny squeaks.

"Hellooo!", she placed her hands on my cheeks and turned my eyes to meet hers. "I'm talking to you! Don't you want freedom!?"

Upon all the squeaking I heard, there was one word that reached me... "Freedom". At that time, freedom was what I needed the most.

"Good, I can see that I got your attention", she let go of me. "Your odd power disrupts electricity, all I want you to do is activate it when you hear tremors tomorrow. Lemme deal with that shitty wrist band first", she grabbed my wrist and moved her palm over the electric band. Its white light turned red before shutting down. "There, you better do it."

"Mm", I hesitantly nodded.

"Great!", she rushed into the vent and closed it right before the guards came to check up on us. "Oh, and be sure to protect your girls before the tremor sends the glass falling in shards. Toodles~", she whispered and crawled back to wherever she came from.

"Should I trust her?", I thought to myself.

-The next day-

The sunlight was especially bright that day, nothing happened yet but I wasn't sure if that girl told the truth or not so I decided to stand in the centre of the room until I felt the slightest ground movement.

"This-", I felt a tiny shift underneath my feet. "It's time, right?", I thought to myself. I didn't want to speak at all but I had to gather all the girls as soon as possible. "Gather", I muttered under my breath.

That very moment, every single child turn their heads towards the source of the voice at the same time and gathered around me. Of course, we were all bearing wolf genes. The only difference was the fact that I was the only blue wolf amid The White Wolf clan.

"Leader, is something wrong?"

They all stared at me with their adorable eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Whatever happens, stay around me", I answered and expanded the field, surrounding every single person.

Looks of confusion spread on all their faces as slight tension began to build in the room.


Seconds passed.


Minutes passed.


Hours passed.

"Tch, she-"


A huge explosion sent a powerful shockwave through the entire area that shattered every single glass dome in its way.

The girls screamed as they rushed closer to me. Glass shards bounced off the field, shielding us from harm.

My eyes widened, "It wasn't a lie."


The next thing that followed after that warning was chain explosions that shook the planet to its core.

"What the- Intruders!!??", the guards yelled. "HEY! STOP- ACK!"

There was nothing else but the sound of explosions until the door slid open, revealing the girl I met from last night and a huge man with glasses. He looked friendly even though he was that big.

"You did it!", the girl chuckled. "I'd have bombed this place without warning if you hadn't done it."

A slight chill ran down everyone's spines, "How did you-"

"Your power made the sensors malfunction", she moved out of the way. "Now hurry up and get out before this place falls to the ground!"

The girls didn't move an inch, so did I since I didn't give the order to do so.

"You don't trust us huh", she folded her arms. "Lykana, Lykana's my name. If I ever deceive you, search the entire galaxy to kill me. Right now's not the time for this!"

"Now Now, don't sound scary. This way, we'll make sure your clan is safe", the man smiled at me.

I hesitated for a bit, "Move."

Everyone rushed out, following Lykana and the friendly man to the exit. I made sure that I was the last one in that room before I left. Lykana stood at the end of the hallway, waving at me to come but something stopped me from taking another step.

"-Threat located -> Annihilation commenced-", two heavy mechs appeared behind me and charged their cannons.

"Running would only get the others at the other side hurt", I activated the force field.

"HAH!? Hey dumbass! What in the world are you doing!?", Lykana ran towards me, trying to pull me back.

"No! Stay back!"


The cannon's energy beam bounced off at the last second, I successfully managed to expand my field in time but the sudden increase in its size drained a lot of energy out of me. With little energy, the field disappeared and my legs no longer had the strength to stand. Thus, forcing me on my knees.

"Boy... you saved me. Hey boy! Are you okay!!?"

"Leave", I panted.


"We'll both die if you stay!"

"An important cyber ninja rule! Never leave a dumbass comrade behind!"

"Oh, you actually got one right", a man clapped as he walked right in front of us, facing the mechs.

He wore a white robe that had sea waves on its edges and it looked as if he had horns. On his left waist were two swords, a short one and a long one that had crystal-like designs and a diamond hilt. He radiated a noble aura.

"Boss!", Lykana cheered.

"Boss?", I thought.

"Lykana dear", he placed his hand on the long sword's diamond hilt. "You were supposed to be out 2 minutes ago."

"Urk", she gulped and whispered, "Boy, you dead."

"Oh well", countless tiny droplets shone all around the area.

"Woah! Boss is gonna use the legendary torrent sword!!", Lykana was immediately star-struck.

"Legendary?", I muttered to myself.

"Chirasu", the droplets spread all around the two mechs. "Kyomei suru"

Right after he said those strange words, the droplets shone brightly and began to vibrate violently.

"Haijo suru"


The two mechs were blown to smithereens.

I stared in awe as a brief sea blue light shone for a moment.

"FUCKING COOL!!", Lykana shed tears of joy.

"Now then, we leave", the man turned his face but it was blocked by the strange mask he wore, it looked like a demon of some sort.


"Hmm?", he stopped.

"Oi boy, ya nuts?!?"

"I want that sword", I glared at him.

"Okay, YOU'VE LOST IT!", Lykana didn't seem pleased but I didn't care.

"Hm", the man removed his mask, revealing incredible handsome features. He had a strange mark below his left eye and light blue eyes that looked empty, the man smirked and knelt on one knee. "The power of a legendary blade is not a toy, dear."

"I hate weakness", those were the only words that blurted out in response.

"Oh? Hmm, I would have loved for you to test it but the sword does the choosing and not me", he carried me and placed me on his shoulder.

"Eh?", Lykana was shocked. "B-B-BOSS! Not fair!!"

"Boy, you may not wield this particular legendary blade but maybe you may claim an entirely different one in the future", we began to walk to the exit, I didn't even realize that the explosions had seized. "And when you do, never let go of it. Become one with it, only then will you bring out true friendship."

"Friendship?", I thought to myself.

"Heyyyy!!! You'll soil boss' Ninja robes!!", she pouted, her jealousy was too extreme.

"Haha! Lykana dear, I'm a Samurai", the man scratched his head.


"This won't change", he sighed as we walked out into freedom.

The bright light instantly taking away my vision and bringing an end to that memory.