A comrade's walk out of insanity - Lykana's P.O.V

"Let me in"

"M-Madam Lykana, sure."

The doors to the confinement room slid open. It was completely dark, a room meant to hide the rays of the sun from startling the mentally unstable. I walked in, the only thing in view being the red eyes of a snake.


"Rrrraaaaarrr!!!", the savage lunged towards me, only to be pulled back by her restraints.

"Tch, what the hell happened to you during the mission?", I folded my arms.

She wasn't even hearing or understanding me. Her human mind was lost in a deep sea of blood.


She didn't pay single attention. Desperately, she swung her arms, hoping to dig her nails into my skin.


"Futile", I left her to her insanity.

The image of a woman appeared before me after I had left the room, "Madam, the General has summoned you to her office"

"Understood", I closed the holo communicator and took the elevator.

The sight of Dela's unit Aeros mercilessly tearing that alien monster to shreds almost caused me to puke. Heavy damage to the tower led to many financial problems within the company. Many of its personnel had been injured as well.


I walked out of the elevator and into General Senam's office.

"Lykana, have a seat", the general sat on her desk as her robot assistant stirred her coffee.

"I prefer to stand", I said politely.

"Fine then", she took her coffee and sat on her chair. "Now that we've lost the tech fuser miraculously, we've been given a new task."

The tech fuser I managed to obtain from Seksulfur disappeared all of a sudden and it was right after he went all blue wolf mode, that idiot. The time at which we were given another task was also something to worry about.

"So soon?"

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. It's a direct order from COMS", she sipped a bit of her coffee. "We are to protect the neo shard cargo that'll be arriving in the Eastern terminal in three days."

"What about Dela?", I asked curiously. "Will she be allowed to take part in this mission?"

The general kept silent for a while, "It depends on whether she'll recover in time or not. If she doesn't, you'll go with Nyuitor"

"Damn it, why do I always have to go on missions with that asshole?", I thought to myself.

"I know you specialize more in solo missions but this isn't one. You'll have to bear with it."

"Fine", I sighed.

"All right then, you may leave"

I slowly got up and headed towards the door.

"Oh, Lykana wait. Could you check up on this patient for me? See if she's doing well.

The info appeared on my holo com, "I will. I shall take my leave then."

"Right, thank you", she waved as I left the office.

"Ignitia Renald", I read the info in my head as I walked into the elevator and headed towards the health sector.

The area close to the sector seemed to have been affected by the large glass shards as well, "Heh, this company's gonna go bankrupt soon."

I finally reached the room where the patient received treatment.

"This is it", I cross-checked the info and walked in.

A girl with long caramel hair sat up in her capsule, reading a virtual book. She seemed to have lost an arm during the disaster but she looked okay.

"Oh, hello. I didn't see you come in", she smiled politely.

"Hey", I smiled back and sat next to her. "How are you doing?"

"Mmm, I'm doing a lot better thanks to the amazing tech"

"You're a student here, am I right?"

"Yes, I'm learning to become a mech fabricator"

"Oh, so you want to make powerful mecha bots huh"

"I want to create bots and suits that are far more superior to the ones we're currently using."

"Wow, normally students fear us but she seems free with me. Heck, we got into a conversation before I even knew it.", I said in my head. "You seem to know how to express yourself."

"Hmm? Oh yes", she smiled for a bit, "I owe it all to sister Dela"

"Dela? As in The Snake's Eye Dela?"

"Mhm, she taught me that no matter how scary we may be, we're still fragile humans deep inside."

"She taught you that?"


There was silence in my head for a while, "Heh, still the same from back then." I got up and stretched my hand towards her, "Why don't we both go and see sister?"

Ignitia's eyes lit up, "Really? Can I?"

"Hehe, sure", I chuckled.

I returned to the confinement room with Ignitia behind me, "Let us in"

The secretary took a look at Ignitia, "Ma'am, only specific people are allowed entry."

"Open it", I glared at him.

"Y-Y-Yes Ma'am"

The doors slid open, the darkness welcoming me once again.

"Is sister Dela in there?", Ignitia walked closer.

"Yes, I want you to help her come back to her right senses."

Ignitia took a look inside, "S-Sister?"

Growling sounds began to emanate from the darkness.

Ignitia walked closer, "Sister, are you there?"

Slowly, Dela walked into the light. "Leave-this-place"

"She isn't going to attack her?", the thought excited me.

"Sister, you're not in good shape", Ignitia tried to get closer.

"I SAID LEAVE!!", Dela raised her hand, ready to shred the girl into pieces.

"Tch! Move ba-", I stopped dead in my tracks. "What is she doing?"

"Sister, remember when you told me about bonds?", Ignitia hugged Dela tight. "That, no matter how deep you fall into insanity or confusion... all you have to do is accept help from someone and pull yourself out with the bond you share?"

Dela began to cool down, her eyes turning back to normal.

"Remember? I've lost my arm but the thought of you coming to check up on me every day is what keeps my head up", she smiled.

"I- I remember, I'm sorry little sister", tears began to run down Dela's cheeks. "I may not fully recover from my condition but, I'll find time to visit you."

My eyes widened, "I've never seen Dela like this since... heh." I smiled and turned away, "Whatever your past mistakes may be, it's all in the past and I'll make you realize that."

