Arm and Saber

"Hahaa!! Still the same as always!!", the blue-haired killer kept patting his comrade on the back.

"Commence the mission. We are to return in 20 minutes.", the black-haired killer said in response.

"Sure thing, Captain!", he stopped patting him and turned to face the shaken security personnel, "And all you dumbasses!! You may call us Red and Green!!!"

"Are those the people meant to assassinate the town lord?", Fraisia and I still observed from a distance.

"Why are they here?", Fraisia muttered.

"I don't know.", I answered and then thought, "If they truly came to assassinate the town lord, wouldn't they have used a stealthier approach rather than openly revealing themselves?"

"It was predicted that the town lord would be targetted soon.", Fraisia held on to me tighter, "They're not here for him. If they were, they wouldn't have come like this."

"I know", I helped her regain her footing, "Their target is something else."

"Prepare to move.", green said in a dark voice as he raised his right arm.

"Heh, can't wait.", Red smirked.

Green sparks began to circulate around his arm, "Energy Turbulence."


He slammed his palm onto the ground, immediately dispersing the sparks of energy and causing every single tech within the radius to fall into temporary shut down.

"What's this!?!?"



"Yes Sir-"

"Too late.", Red smirked, his sabre charging as he slowly took a deep breath through his mouth.


He moved with lightning speed, using every single ship in his way as footing and leaving rays of red light in zigzag lines until he got above the main unit.

"My turn to show off!!", he grinned then slowly turned his smile into a frown after he landed on the ship in sword stance, "Static."


Sparks of electricity flew all over from his sabre, causing a malfunction in the ship's circuits.

"Terminated.", Red smashed through the glass window and into the tower in a ray of neon red light right before the ship exploded.

Backup units arrived a little too late, meeting the damage that was done.


Several armed bots appeared from ejection stations underground, surrounding green and aiming their laser cannons at him.

"Hmph, waste of time.", he gave a sharp, cold gaze.

"Why are they so desperate to get into that tower!?", just then, a sharp memory jolted my brain.


"Fraisia!!", I grabbed her by the shoulders, "What's that tower!!?"

"U-Um, i-it's the health centre.", she stumbled.

"Tch! DAMN IT!!", without thinking anymore, I made a mad dash for the tower.

"S-SEKSULFUR!! I'll prove to you and everyone that I can be useful!!", Fraisia's scream sounded faint but it reached me before I was completely out of her view.

"You better be.", I thought to myself in response as I made it through the link bridge and into the tower.

Debris from mecha bots was scattered all over the hallways as I sprinted towards the area it led me, the area I already knew.

"Tch, I should've considered the fact that they were from Zephain co.", my canines slowly began to expand, "And I know them all too well. I won't let them have Shyza."

After running for a while, I heard a voice speaking to itself and instantly withdrew myself from view.

"He already got here.", I said underneath my breath and moved closer to listen, making sure he wouldn't see me.

"Woop, the young mistress seems to have landed herself into big trouble.", Red walked over to the regeneration capsule and looked at Shyza who laid in there motionless, "Your father's been worried sick."

"Hey BASTARD!!", a familiar female voice yelled out.

"Tch", I cursed. I couldn't see who it was since she had her back facing me and it wasn't the right time to get into view.

"Ah perfect. Was waiting for the little rat to show itself.", Red turned back, " I prefer a head-on fight."

"How dare you. HOW DARE YOU ATTACK AQUACIA!!", her arms were replaced with mechanical ones.

"Heh", Red grinned, instantly letting off a horrendous aura that scraped my skin.

"What is this insane bloodlust!?", I moved back a bit, "That person's going to get killed."

"You'll pay for hurting her!!", she lunged towards him, ready to land a strike.

Red's sabre glowed as he raised it and chuckled, "Termin-"

The woman got closer than he had expected, delivering a fist strike before he could react but her attack only forced him to move back a bit.

"Child's play.", he swung his sword, dispelling an electric wave.

"Dang it.", I muttered and flash-stepped in between the two, dissipating the electric wave with the mechanical arm I had called out from my storage cube.

"Oh?", Red raised an eyebrow.

"Damn, this is the only offence gear left in my arsenal.", I panicked mentally.

"A-ASSHOLE FOREIGNER!?", the woman on her knees behind me yelled out.

"Hah!?", I turned back, "USELESS TOMBOY!? Oh no! This means that I wasted my last gear!!"

"Asshole, I have a name and it's Drameena.", she got up and stared at Red. "And now's the time to forget about the little score we need to settle."

"The sudden change in your voice is irritating", I thought to myself.

"That arm you have there.", Red pointed to my right arm with his sabre, "It's no ordinary tech, is it?"

"Heh, sharp eyes", the black and red mecha arm slowly covered my arm. Spikes began to pull out from it as it completed the engulfing process.

"What does he mean?", Drameena stared.

"It's alien tech.", I lifted my right arm, "Well, it is alien technology but it's been taken over by a human-made virus."

"Virus?", Drameena's eyes widened.

"Oh? Interesting. It would've been nice to spar with you but", a little gust of wind blew from nowhere as he completely disappeared in thin air, "I don't have time."

Before we could even move our heads towards the voice, we were struck simultaneously. The attack sent both of us flying in the opposite direction and crashing into the walls.

"Hahaha!!", you'll have to be a monster or something if you wish to defeat me!!", he held his waists while laughing.

The wall crumbled as I forced myself up, glad at least. For some heavenly reason, I had crashed just inches away from Shyza's capsule.

" A monster you say.", I finally found my footing, "Alright then, I'll give you a glimpse."

"Hmm?", he stared at me with a wry smile that slowly turned into horror, "W-What the hell's up with those eyes."

"My thirst for blood's greater than yours.", I walked right before him, "And I intend to show you only a tiny bit of it."

My glared pierced through his entire being, causing slight shivers down his spine.

"Now tell me, how many 'seedlings' did you experiment on before reaching Shyza?", I took his little fear as a chance to get a bit of info out of him. "I mean, surely your so-called 'plantation' must be full of them."

The expression of horror died on Red's face, "So you know of our underground activities." A slight smile appeared, "You've given me more than enough reason for me to kill you."


Red crashed into the wall. The force from the light punch I had given him sent him plummeting down the tower and into the ground below, immediately drawing all the attention.

"What's this!?!?"



"Who's that!??"

"It's a person!!"

"Heh", I licked the blood dripping down from the cut wound on my cheek, "that's all I intend to show."