The Dragon mecha

The Zephain company's hidden plantation, an immensely large area of land on an uninhabited planet outside our solar system. It was a faint memory but what I could remember was that children were raised there to prepare for experiments that continued to test for artificial hybrids and cyborgs.

Only girls who were given 'Seedlings' as a collective name were taken and once a potential subject was found, they moved her to live with the president of the company. They'd give her any spot in the family just to allow her to enjoy the 'last' happy moments.

Useless, unacceptable, there was no way I was going to let Shyza go through what my past friends did. I didn't want to feel useless like I did back then. Heh, why did I even want to protect someone I barely knew? This kind of stuff typically died in this era.

"I barely managed to evade his blade.", I thought to myself as I stared down at Red. "At least I managed to knock him out in time", the pain only pinched my cheek but it was still letting out quite a lot of blood.

"Is he the one who knocked that Red guy out!!??"

"H-Hey! It's the foreigner!!"

"Oh no! Captain!!"

"What is it!?"

"Our target's moving!!"

Green pulled out his spear from the last mecha bot he had destroyed, "15 minutes have passed." He walked towards the tower and looked up, telepathically directing his weapon to aim at me.

"Tch", I jumped down just before his spear could land a hit.

His weapon blasted through the tower like it was paper and then changed its course, charging towards me at full speed.

"Damn it! I can't move in mid-air!", the spear got closer and closer until-


"Huh?", something seemed to have blocked the spear before it made contact.

"Sek!", a tiny voice called out to me. "I managed to do it!!"

"Fraisia? Wait, wasn't I falling?", It took me a moment to realize. "Wait, WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I SITTING ON!?"


The monster-looking mecha let out a terrifying screech as I stared into its eyes from its back.

"I was able to create a mecha bot! Hehe", Fraisia smiled as she waved at me from atop the mecha's head.

"But, what's this?", I smiled sarcastically.

"A dragon. It's just a design though, it was in some old data I found.", about ten holographic panels appeared around her.

"Hmph", Green's spear returned to his side, his glare getting colder. "5 minutes gone."


"Leave it to me", the dragon flew down, firing ten missiles. "Got em'!"

The impact led to a huge explosion that sent particles of dust flying all over the area.

"Don't get too close yet!", I caught a glimpse of green light sparking up from within the dust.

Just then, several bands of green lights flew around in all directions.

"O-Oh no!", Fraisia tried to change course but one of the bands managed to cut through the mech's wing, causing an imbalance. "W-We're going to fall!"

"Tch! cell marble!", my storage cube appeared, ejecting a small yellow marble. "If I'm fast enough", I grabbed it and immediately crushed it in my palms then slammed them on the mech.

"-Artificial cell -> Regeneration-", the damage reversed itself, completely fixing the broken wing.

Green snapped his finger, instantly summoning his spear and sending it bursting top speed at me.

"Damn it! Fraisia!"

"Balance regained!!", she managed to regain control, barely moving us out of harm's way and evading the spear by an inch. "Neuron core fully charged!!", all her limbs began to type rapidly.


"Fire!", the dragon mech opened its mouth, gathering a phenomenal amount of energy from its core.



The fully charged beam of energy destroyed a huge portion of the town, leaving a bigger curtain of dust flying around.

"Oh no! I overdid it!"

"Doesn't matter!", I jumped down and blasted towards green, using the dust as cover. "It's over!", I said in my head as I got a clear view of him and landed a punch.


"Futile", green blocked my attack with his palm.

"What?", It took me a while to process, "How did he block it so fast?"

The next thing I knew, a stinging pain got hold of my throat as I noticed my body on the ground. Green had his elbow digging behind my neck.


"I don't think so!", a red streak of light slashed the dragon into a million pieces, leaving Fraisia to crash into the ground.

"F-Fraisia, how is he-", trying to speak was impossible as the pain tortured me whenever I tried.

"Did you have fun with my hologram?", Red walked towards me with Shyza on his shoulder.

My eyes lit blue with rage, "Shy-za"

"Huh? Bahahahahaha!", Red held his stomach, "You're a funny one. You barely know her."

"Mission delayed, we leave now.", Green got up.

"Naah, we kill him. He knows.", Red grinned.

Green turned his head back a bit, "Kill him then."

"Heh", Red lifted his sabre.

"Stop!! I won't let you do anything to Sek!!", Fraisia stood between Red and me, panting and suffering to stand due to blood loss.

"Heh? Pfft, get out of my way, tramp", he kicked her away but she came back. "This brat. I'll help you join him then"

"We've wasted too much time", Green stared into Fraisia's eyes. "We leave. Our objective's completed"

"Tch", Red glared into her eyes and turned away. "Lucky brat"

The two activated their rocket propellers on their suit and flew out of the town.

"Sek", Fraisia knelt close to me. "We got them to leave", she smiled before passing out.

"Shyza", my vision began to darken. "Heh, Dzinu's gonna kill me."


"Where, am I?", the next thing I knew, I was in a completely white vacuum.

"My child", the soft voice of a caring woman called out to me.

"This place again?", I stared at the only portion of the space that was far more illuminated. "Who are you?"

"Remember, I'm always with you. In your heart, mind and soul"

"What? What are you saying?", an invisible force restricted my movements.

"But now, all I can do is grant healing. Please live through your suffering", the light all around began to fade. "Live through it and find the reason why you exist"

"Wait! I don't get it!"

Everything ended with darkness.