Goddess of Scorx

Claudia closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, relaxing her nerves and calming her whole being. A warm glow basked her body in bright beauty as she aimed to cool the tension that was starting to build up.

I didn't even notice until now, that she had a shining red long hair that faded into a yellow hue as it travelled down. Her scarlet uniform and black pants matched rather well with the sun's rays as she smoothly moved her hand over her scythe, forming a powerful link with it.

"She's awfully calm", the thought crossed my mind as the virus standing before her took one step closer.


Screeching noises blasted out from the virus as it lunged full throttle towards Claudia, transforming its right arm into a huge claw that crashed into the ground.

Claudia swiftly shifted to the side with a soft twirl and slammed the monster's head with the base of her scythe's handle, creating a resounding vibration.

"Kuuurrrzzk", the virus flew into the air and crashed into the ground, instantly finding itself back on its feet.

"Hmph, this battle has already been decided", glasses guy smirked in the shadows as his lens reflected the sun's rays and hid his eyes.

"Heh", I also returned a cocky smile while the thoughts kept rushing in. "How in the world did she evade so fast!? That virus clearly got to her in seconds! Yet-"

*Klang! Klang!!*

The virus launched powerful tentacle punches at Claudia but they were all deflected as she reflexively blocked them with her scythe's handle.

Her blade did not even touch a single part of that coded monster!


Having had enough, the black beast roared in anger and leapt towards its target. This time, delivering a close-ranged punch as it contained more power than its tentacles.

Claudia responded with strange breathing patterns, locking herself on the earth and immediately locking the virus' fist with her weapon.

The virus tried to break free, only finding it completely futile as Claudia spun her scythe rapidly and caused the trapped monster to spin as well, falling on its back with a loud metallic thud.

Without any hesitation, she brought down her weapon's blade upon her enemy's head.


Her charged blade crashed straight into the ground. The monster had managed to slip away before the impact so fast that it was almost nowhere to be seen.

"Milady! Behind you!!", glasses guy just HAD to spoil the fun.

"Damn you", I stared at him blank.

An extended arm burst forward with a thrusting force, hoping to pin its prey down.

Unfortunately, Claudia protected herself by spinning her scythe and preventing the arm from getting closer.


Her weapon instantly stopped moving, leaving expressions of shock and surprise on her face as she tried to pull it back from the virus' firm grip.

"The virus is attracted to other tech, your scythe is no exception", an evil grin swept across my face as the virus spread its corrupt data over the scythe.

"Tch, the maiden's weapon will get infected at this rate", Red muttered, helping Green sit upright while tending to his amputated arm.


Claudia's eyes widened a bit. It was as if she had suddenly noticed something. She stopped struggling to get her scythe back and simply pulled the virus in her direction, delivering a deadly headbutt straight on its head.

A small shock wave brushed over my skin as my eyes twitched.

"Don't tell me", my grin turned into a sarcastic smile. "She already found the virus' core!?"

*Bzzt Zzzurkkzz*

Its head shook violently as sparks of electricity revolved all around its body. Claudia regained control over her weapon as the stunned monster stepped a few yards back, clutching its head at its misplaced data.

"It's over", the supervisor lifted his head.

His actions only made me sigh, "Look, you're making this annoying."

"Hmph", he turned away.


The virus suddenly stopped moving as if it had gone into shut down mode, was it over? Heh, no way.

Of course, Claudia wasn't going to let her guard down just yet as she closed her eyes and stood in a familiar stance while changing her breathing patterns yet again.

"The way she moves, her breathing, those stances", I kept thinking until a bell suddenly rank. "That's it! Heat manipulation! She's steadily controlling the amount of heat coming into contact with her body while adjusting her senses to drastically reduce the odds of fatigue!", it was something I never expected since that battle art was extremely difficult to master.

"This means that she already knows of the virus' reboot since it greatly reduces its heat energy in the process", I observed carefully. "It all makes sense now! She's from the planet Scorx!"

The motionless metal gave out a humming sound as it reached the final part of its boot process. Claudia had enough time to finish it off once it was in its shut down state but she didn't, was she being careful?

Red lights on the creature's body glowed harshly as multiple powered cables shot out of its back and charged towards the silent scythe-user. Waves of force surrounded its cables as they moved, depicting the sheer force they released.

The Zephain maiden slowly opened her eyes which shone a harsh tone of scarlet as she gracefully weaved through the virus' arms and smoothly approached the demon.

Red's eyes widened, "That's-"

"Lady Claudia's dancing Pheonix style", glasses guy interrupted. "Nothing can touch her now."

The glowing human approached the virus and raised her scythe horizontally, forcing the demon's arms open and giving her a clear opening. There was no way the virus was going to pull back its cables in time and its mono command prevented it from acting on its own.

Without letting a second slip by, Claudia spun her weapon and slammed the handle's base onto the ground. Heat began to build at the base as she dragged it and gave the monster a deadly uppercut on its jaw with her weapon.


The virus' head bent over as Claudia's scythe blade sped down with a powerful sweep.

A light voice suddenly slipped into my mind at that moment, "Mighty sun's descent."

She sliced the virus into two perfect halves, ultimately affecting its core chip as well.


A screeching roar boomed out as the virus transformed into a large black blanket and swallowed Claudia whole.

"LADY CLAUDIA!!", the supervisor rushed towards the mini domed virus, only to get punched into the tower with a loud crash by its tentacle.

"Seems like I win, Ha!!", sweat ran down the sides of my face as I thought I'd lose for sure. "Now, I can leave-"

The smell of melting metal caught my attention as large fumes of gas erupted from the virus' large body. It continued to melt and the heat continued to amplify until there was nothing left but the figure of a sun goddess standing before sizzling metal.

"I-Impossible", an expression of disbelief killed the happy one as the lady loomed over me and bent down.

"I win", she spoke to me telepathically.

"D-Damn it, Damn it all!! Pfft, yeah no", the evil grin returned. "Thanks for helping me buy time. Dzilaiza!"

"-Objective completed -> Disabling all technological materials in radius-"


Every single piece of tech around us began to deactivate including Red and Green's mecha suits, leaving them in their black pre-suits.

"Now then- uh", my eyes widened as they beheld something I never ever thought was going to reveal itself at such a moment.

Claudia's uniform slowly deactivated, along with her pants and shoes. Thus, leaving her in... How do I say this, umm... quite an attractive state?

The faces of every single man shone an extremely harsh red as Claudia stood before us with her slender body, only hiding her nakedness with her under garments.

She looked down then back up, with the same mono expression on her face. What she said next scared me.

"I thought my bra was supposed to adjust to my breasts today", she finally spoke out but in a low tone.


"WOAAHOHOHOOO! COVER!! COVER!!!", my hands shielded my eyes as my arms thrashed about frantically.




Damn it... She has GOT to be the goddess of Scorx. This is something I never told Lykana.