Awaken: Blast Furnace!

"Woops, caught it in time. Now since I won, you have no choice but to join the fleet", I only heard her faint voice since my eyes were shut tight.

How in the world did she feel okay in such a situation!?

"You barbaric beast!!!", the supervisor's voice boomed. "How dare you taint the maiden's sacred body with your unholy stares!! You must be purged!!!"

My eyes opened at that remark, "Are you kidding? I don't have time to waste on another lady- uh, my eyes are open."

"MILADY!!", glasses guy pulled out a black cloak from his storage cube and covered Claudia's body. "You have no right to speak. Hmph, I'm sure you're already in your wildest fantasies."

"Umm no, the very sight of you standing before me half naked obliterated my mood", I raised an eyebrow.

"Heh", he adjusted his glasses. "It is only fitting for a servant like me to protect his master", he suddenly puffed his chest. "Even if that means shielding her body when I'm completely naked!!!"

My eyes blinked awkwardly, "That... sounded wrong. How in the world did your clothes deactivate anyway!? They clearly looked like fibre!"

"Skin shield has been merged with our uniform to provide maximum protection", glasses guy folded his arms.

"So that's it", I muttered to myself.

"-Mission: The second phase complete-", Dzilaiza spoke through my earcomm.

"Perfect, bring me in", a grin surfaced on my face as the ground beneath me began to shift and descend.

"Where do you think you're going?", Claudia tilted her head and pointed at me.

"Tch! He's escaping!", glasses guy tried to get me back but the force field prevented him.

"Heh, this is the last time you're gonna see me", I waved till I was completely underground.

"-Opening hatch ahead-"

Blue lights took the form of a vehicle in the underground tunnel as they moved to my direction.

"Great job, Dzilaiza", the doors opened automatically, allowing me to access the control seat. "The plan worked out perfectly", my grin changed into a smile of relief as I stared at the recovery pod that replaced the passenger seat on my right.

The plan was to get attention from the very beginning. I knew that the anti-matter explosion was sure to alert the workers in the area. With this in mind, I left Shyza's retrieval to Dzilaiza.

Zephain wasn't stupid. Green and Red managed to find the tracker, removing it and placing it on the body of one of their test subjects. Using the physical projectors, they were able to cloud that person's appearance with Shyza. Hoping to lure me into the tower.

I noticed it once we got there. The entire area was evacuated to prepare for a battle just like Red said but Zephain never lets their personnel out of their reach so they were moved to the underground chambers.

Apparently, Shyza had been taken to one of these chambers where they made various tests and it was those deactivated bots at the entrance that helped me notice. They were off alright but it was done remotely the fact that the elevators were operational only justified the fact that there were humans around.

"I never knew that Dzilaiza's drones could turn invisible or teleport objects", I muttered to myself. "To be honest, I had no idea how she was going to deal with the mission. You can't underestimate an NTAI huh."

Neo-Tech Advanced Intelligence simply called tech gears were the evolved form of the Artificial Intelligence that was used in the old days. The newer ones had human emotions embedded in them which allowed them to make their own decisions.

They were just like humans! Same body systems, organs, gender. That depended on whether its owner wanted it in humanoid form. Robots were now classified as he/she and not 'it'.

"-Surface disturbance detected-", Dzilaiza snapped me back to the situation.


The walls began to crumble as rumbling caused the entire tunnel to vibrate.

"They're trying to kill me now huh", the car switched to accelerate, speeding towards the open hatch ahead of us. "There's no way I'm letting them get their hands on Shyza."

The frequent memories that were beginning to flood my mind brought to light, the fact that I knew Shyza way back.

"We're out!", we blasted through the hatch and onto a wide path in the middle of a wide plain, a few miles away from the towers.

Now all that remained, was escaping the outer area.

"-Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Widening boundary radius!-", a mechanical voice followed by the sound of sirens boomed over the entire area.

"Damn it!"

The gates kept shifting farther away the more I got close.

"We'll need more speed to catch up to it!!", I shifted towards high-speed acceleration.

159mph -> 254mph -> 332mph

"-Deploying pursuit ships-", the voice sounded again, releasing two armed ships from their hangers.

The flying metals blasted towards our direction at full speed, catching up to us in a matter of minutes.

"Too fast!!"

Humming noises erupted as both pursuers gathered condensed energy in their cannons.


The huge laser beam fired with a powerful force that blasted a crater in the ground, it missed!

"Tch! Dzilaiza!"

"-Neuron missiles activated-", large missiles surfaced from the sides of the car, bringing up a target screen.

"Heheheh, do I have to be the one to fire those things?", cold sweat travelled down my cheeks.

"-Energy concentration detected-"

"Fine! Fine!!", the target icon moved wherever my eyes did. There was a still sense of silence and tension as I tried to lock on to them.


The missiles zipped through the air, wonderfully missing their targets and leaving me with a gorgeous smile of sarcasm.

"Fuck my life"


An explosion pulled my attention. The pursuers had evaded the missiles but ended up crashing into each other at such a tremendous speed!

"Well, my life may not be THAT bad"

What a wrong thing it was to say at that time. Almost immediately, two silvery figures zipped at us. Appearing on each side of the vehicle in a matter of seconds. They looked human, except they had pointed arms and simply zipped around on pointed legs as they both stared at me with a faceless face.

"What the hell are these things!?", my eyes displayed slight terror as I witnessed them increasing the length of their arms into long sharp blades. "Decrease acceleration!"


Dzilaiza promptly moved back, avoiding the dangerous slash from the odd-looking attackers.

"Increase it again!", those creatures moved so accurately, confusing them might've been the only way to go around it.

Dzilaiza sped past the two figures, leaving them at a decent distance far behind.

578mph -> 676mph

"The gate only got farther away! We'll have no choice but to go top speed. Those creatures aren't giving up either!!"

"-Activating force protection film -> Accelerator switched to full power, waiting for command-"

"Do it!!"

699mph -> 900mph

The force film protected those within it from the effects of such speed as being exposed to the force could completely crush the car.

"HAHAAA!!", my hope spawned once again as the creatures dwindle in size.


Pfft, of course, it was still too late to rejoice as another one of those creatures landed on the hood and began smashing its way through the windscreen.

"I've gotten too close to fall back now!!", my hands swiftly swiped the air, making a floating screen appear. "I have no choice but to use the reserves!", I tapped on the floating red button.


The creature was injected with a powerful jolt of electricity, throwing it off and crashing into the other two behind.

"-Power reserves depleted -> Time until speed reduction (00:59)-"

"We can still make it!!"

799mph -> 798mph -> 777mph

"-Extremely high energy concentration detected-"

My heart skipped a beat, "What?"

The next thing I saw sent a cold chill running down my spine. It was Claudia! Zapping towards us on a hoverboard in her cloak.

"That lady's mad! She's still undressed!!"

687mph -> 670mph -> 645mph

Claudia aimed at us with two powerfully charged blasters. The energy concentration was on par with a rare Argrain as the particles of energy could be seen.

"Damn it!! We won't make it!!", the gates got further and further away.

567mph -> 521mph -> 499mph

"Damn it! Damn it!! DAMN IT!!-"





*Thump Thump*

All other sound ceased as I heard heartbeats. It wasn't mine, I touched my chest but didn't feel a thing. It... came from the pod.


An arm punched through the pod's glass surface and directed itself towards Claudia as a mini cannon began to engulf the arm.

"-Bio signs detected -> Starting boot-up process-", a different mechanical voice sounded.

The machine began to give a harsh humming noise as it condensed a phenomenal amount of neo shard energy.

"-Fully charged -> Awaken: Blast furnace-"


The power from the blast took Claudia by surprise, leaving a mountain of debris. There was no way a human could survive that.

"Huh?", it took me a while to realize but, we were travelling at 1,000 miles per hour!!! The force from the blast had propelled Dzilaiza at such a great speed.

The smell of metal sheets melting off filled the interiors as dust entered through the destroyed back window.

"We'll be vaporized if we continue!!", we had passed through the gate and gotten far away from the area. It took a great amount of strength to get to the gear handle.



*Click Click*

It didn't move!! It felt like death was upon us as the heat increased and the circuits began to melt until...

"-Absolute control gained -> reducing speed-", the odd robot spoke again.

789mph -> 654mph -> 432mph -> 218mph

"W-We're slowing down", something cold touched my hand, causing my heart to drop and tears to well up in the corners of my eyes as I looked up. "Shyza"

"Ehehe", she smiled.