Eye of the night

One would've expected that day to be filled with at least a little bit of joy but, it was the complete opposite.

The EST wasn't far now, we managed to stop in the sandy beaches of the Urnen sea just a few miles away from the Eastern City. Gently, the waves came in and back into the large expanse as the full moon reflected its light over the waters. It was calm, but a feeling of sadness filled that calmness as Shyza and I sat on a large rock that faced the sea.

"I didn't think I'd wake up to find myself in this state", Shyza's usually motivating voice had died that night.

"Do you remember what happened?", I didn't dare to face her. As always, I was late... too late to change what happened.

Shyza slightly nodded, "It was after Dzinu began to glow back when you broke the barrier."

(Flashback - Shyza's POV)-------------

"SEK!!", an invisible force grabbed me as Dzinu began to levitate.

"Tch! Damn it!!", Sekky tried to stop him but an electric surge kicked him out.

"Souls, pain, melancholy, you must suffer the price"

"W-What? Dzinu, what are you saying!?", I felt something slowly pull out of my body as a blinding light stole my senses.

"What- Where am I?"

There was nothing in that vacuum. Sekky disappeared, it was like I was in an entirely different world but there was something off.

"Whoa", I staggered as the ground began to shift and turn. That's what I thought, what I stood on wasn't what I expected, "W-What in the world!?"

"Etɔrnam! Your soul shall suffer countless pain!!"

"You shall tear at your flesh in response to that pain!!"

"You killed my mother!!"

"You took away our lives!!"

"May you be cursed!! May you suffer for eternity!!"

The urge to throw up appeared in my throat as the numerous human bodies wriggled beneath my feet like sardined worms. They seemed to pull each other back as they headed towards a particular spot in front of me.

"A shrine?", the bodies began to pull me towards the large, golden structure that bore runes of the Legendary moon sword. "What's all this!? I'm scared!!"

"I humbly take in your fury, it is what I deserve"

The voice summoned my attention, "Dzinu!?"


The shrine fell into the sea of humans, revealing a young boy who shone a moon blue aura. Tears of blood flowing down his cheeks as the bodies pierced their nails into his skin.

"Who's that?", I muttered to myself as I slowly got closer.

"Etɔrnam! Etɔrnam!! You're a disgrace to the bloodline!!"

"You cursed mongrel!"

"We should've offered you as a sacrifice!!"

It was disgusting, maggots blurted out from their mouths and they devoured the poor boy before me.

My instincts kicked in all at once, I wanted to run and I was going to run until I got away from them but, where would I run to in such a large place?

"Your pain is my pain, if I have to suffer this to quell your flames then so be it", the boy spoke again.

Suddenly, a blue moon appeared in the vacuum. Its colour fading to a blood-red colour as thick blood streamed down from it and drowned the boy along with the souls.

My lower lip trembled violently and my body shook as the very sight of blood transformed into a huge sea of pain and swept over my entire body.

I had had enough, this was too much, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop this", the souls kept ravaging, breaking each other's bones to give that boy a piece of their minds. "I'm telling you to stop!", I shut my eyes tight.

Of course, would they care? They were fixed on one target but, it was too much for me.


... Complete Silence ...

"T-They stopped", I thought as I slowly opened my eyes, only to come face to face with a mountain of people. My eyes shivered in fear as I screamed for my life.

"Must, eliminate, useless soul", they extended their arms and grabbed me tight.

No matter how hard I tried, their grip had extraordinary strength. Slowly, they pulled me closer as I thrashed about and burning tears began to heat my cheeks.

"L-Leave me!! Let me go!! Please-"


"D-Don't you dare utter my-"

My eyes widened as an arm pierced through the fleshy mound of humans, pulling itself in. It was him, that boy... Somehow, it felt like I knew him.

"Shyza, help master", a smile formed on his face, instantly killing the fear as he brushed his hand over my hair and slowly placed his forehead on mine. "I'll return"

Bright light stole my senses again, leaving me in a dark space. It was faint but I could hear and feel my mouth moving, it wasn't my voice but at the same time, it was.

"-Fully charged -> Awaken: Blast Furnace-"


Where was I? Where we in trouble? I had to help Sekky.

"Why can't I move my body?"

"-User Shyza has returned to optimum health-"

"Sliza?", I was quite puzzled to hear the feminine voice of my tech gear. Did she take over my body? But how?

"-Body scan(50%biological/50%artificial) Sync rate complete, preparing to return control to host-"

"Huh? Sliza, what do you mean by that?", she didn't reply and gradually, I gained control of my body and opened my eyes. A wave of happiness washed over me as I grabbed Sekky's hand and smiled at him.

"What's he so tensed up for, that idiot", I thought to myself.

"Shyza", Sekky had teary eyes for some reason.

"Ehehe", I was confused.

(End- Sek's POV)--------------------

"Heh, and now I find out that my own dad merged me with Sliza", Shyza began to tremble. "My own dad made me a cyborg."

"Tch", my eyes began to switch between normal and wolf.

Creating Cyborgs had a huge negative effect on people. Children that were younger than 15 could become powerful soldiers when made cyborgs but if the test fails, the child may end up with huge mental disorders and sometimes death.

Zephain's plan became a bit clear now. They wanted to make invinsible soldiers help them conquer galaxies through their star fleets. Rage began to build up in my chest as the realization that the clan could have been involved in this years ago... Nitrica, might have been made a cyborg or maybe dead by now.

"Sekky", Shyza's voice began to waver. "I'm scared, who else do I have? my so-called father only wanted to give me my last days", tears began to emerge in her eyes as her body shook.

"What will I do? Where will I go? How will I take care of myself!?"


"Ack!", Shyza squeezed her head. "I can't live my life like this! My head! Who's my real father then!? Do I have a mother!!? No, No!! I might as well-"

"And whoever told you that you have no one?", It was enough, I've been hearing cries ever since I was born, I didn't want to hear them anymore. I wasn't going to hear them anymore.

I embraced Shyza, bringing her mind further back from stepping into insanity. There was no way I was going to let her lead the life of a monster like how I did. For me, it no longer matters.

If I have to rip apart the flesh of demons who hide, saying they are humans, I'll gladly do it. Humans, we are our own poison.

"You might've lost many people in your life, but I'll stay here with you", I hugged her tight. "And any unlucky soul who wishes to harm you will have to deal with your big brother's fangs."

"S-Sekky", she sniffed as she slowly raised her hand. "Mm, I have a big brother... I'm not alone, I'm not alone", her lips trembled as tears flowed down.

The stillness of the night died solemnly as Shyza let out her cries, those tears that I vowed never to let her shed ever again.


"Sekky, go take a shower"

"Little sis, you're an idiot"


Perhaps, that night might not have been that sad.