Unstable - Lykana's POV

*Knock Knock*

"Dela, it's me. Open up", that was my fifth time knocking on her damn door and I was starting to lose my mind. "Tch, she's at it again?"

Even after Dela seemed to have calmed down a few days ago, that insanity kicked in again. This time, it was even worse and frequently switched at any random time. She's been confined ever since she went on a rampage and killed three officers.

"Let's hope my face doesn't get ripped off", I sighed as I swiped my palm over the door's sensors.


"Dela, you're-", my eyes widened in shock as I stopped dead in my tracks, staring at the mess before me.

The walls were scratched, some parts of it even having dents and blood splattered all over the floor. She wasn't in her rest section as her bed was torn to shreds and a deep patch of blood stained the white cloth.

"Damn it, the smell", I winced as I covered my nose and walked further into the room. Something about it sent slight shivers down my spine.

"She might be in one of the other sections", my eyes caught a blood trail heading into the bathroom. "There"

The door promptly slid open, revealing the small room that had been painted red with blood as a wretched figure sat in the corner. Gently carving wounds into her bare skin with a shard of glass.

"Five hundred... and forty-two", she sliced slowly yet deeply as her face showed no form of emotion at all.

"Seems like I arrived at the cool-down stage", I held my waist and stared at her. I didn't know what I felt at that time.

Was it pity? Disgust? Anger? Damn it, thinking about it was gonna blow up my fucking brain.


"Five hundred and fifty-three"


There was a brief pause as Dela slowly turned her head to face me, her eyes completely dead.

"Are you done now? Seeing you cut your naked body isn't something I deem as fun"

Dela simply tilted her head in response and slowly handed me the bloody glass shard.

"What, you want me to do the same?", a sarcastic grin swept across my face as I turned away. "Tch"

I knew there was something off, something was extremely wrong and I noticed it the moment I saw Dela in Unit Aeros' cockpit. There was only one cable that connected to my nerves but, why did she have so many?

What's so special about her?

What are they so desperate to achieve that they go ahead and experiment on us without a hint of humanity?

I don't know whether to get into Unit Yana anymore but I always end up using it to kill my anger and that's exactly what I was going to do.

"Seven hundred and twenty-two"


Blood gushed out of the vein she had cut, instantly making her unconscious.

"Hm", my eyes darkened while I stared at her body. "Cell marble, regeneration"

"-Biological cell -> Regeneration-", the marble dissipated into the air, sealing her wounds.

"Zain, contact the medics"

"-Affirmative-", the manly voice of my tech gear responded through my ear comm.

My task was done, I made sure she was alive but it slowly drove me insane every time I had to face her.

"I need to get my mind off things", my calm voice hid the awkward rage burning from within my chest.




"Umm, Ma'am. The Mecha bots are not fully operational yet", a female engineer stood between me and Unit Yana.

"Step aside"

"I-I'm sorry ma'am but-"

Her voice was cut off immediately as the cold edge of my proton dagger lightly pierced her neck and threatened her life.

"W-When did-"

"I need that bot to clear my anger", my whispers taunted her. "Unless you want to help me yourself."

"I-I understand"

"Good", I withdrew my blade into the weapon slot on the side of my right thigh.

"Activate Unit Yana!", the female ordered.

"Right!!", came a prompt response from the upper control room.


"-Nerve cable connected -> Synchronizationb(89%)-"

"-Injection commenced-"

My body twitched as the link substance seeped into my body. That odd tingly feeling was something I hated.

"Damn it, what's the aim of that liquid anyway", the screens around me lit up, showing the large space I was in.

"-Virtual battle room activating-"

"-Terrain selected-"

The room began to shift and distort as it took the form of an extensive terrain littered with healthy green grass plains and tall mountains that stood quite far from me.

"Bring in the S-class enemies", I ordered.

"Understood, releasing physical projections"

Countless aliens materialized almost immediately. They didn't look menacing to me but, they did pose extreme dangers in actual battle.

"The usual rare Argrains, Zephuls and Crawns huh", my eyes expressed boredom with a tiny hint of excitement. "Oh, a megark"

Megarks were space creatures that swam in the endless sea of dark expanse, feeding on the residue from interstellar explosions and solar flares. Their extreme energy won them a spot as the favourite pets of Battle Captains and was useful in the Government's star fleets. Scientists say that they could be the greatest ancestors of the megalodon sharks that somehow managed to revive and evolve through a mutation effect with neo shards.

Heh, mentioning the government was quite amusing. The fact that the two great organisations handled the planet like it was theirs made it seem like there was no government at all.

"Nice number of enemies", my neck gave satisfying sounds as I cracked them and activated the bot. "Sadly..."


"-5,000 projections defeated -> Time (10 minutes)-"

"Useless", my voice echoed in the cockpit. "Useless, Useless, USELESS!!"

Nothing worked, even these so-called 'S-Rank' projections couldn't stand a single wave from the Unit's large proton and electron daggers.

Fuck it!! They were bigger than the 25 feet tall mech I was piloting!!

"Are you done playing?", a sharp male voice pierced through my thinking.

"Perfect, the Asshole's here", the mech turned its head towards the source of the voice as the virtual room turned off.

"Face a real opponent instead"

"Hmph", I lifted an eyebrow. "Unit Xera, Nyuitor."

"Your useless jumping around won't make you achieve any new strength", Nyuitor spoke through the in-built mic.

"And your pride is what's going to land you in defeat", I retorted.

An ominous silence grew as we both glared at each other.

"I'm here for another reason", his voice surprisingly had a faint sense of emotion.

My heart skipped a beat, "The hell? Was that a sad tone?"

"Prove to me that my pride will lead to my downfall, trash", his emotionless voice suddenly kicked in.

"Heh, gladly"

"-Terrain selected-"

Vacuum shifted and distorted in a familiar fashion as the room transformed into a devastated city, its buildings had been left from an explosion as smoke still rose into the air.

I breathed in slowly, "Kill"


An immense force punched a crater in the ground as my unit lunged towards Xera at top speed.

"Wrong move", Xera ejected one of its cables from its back and slammed it at my direction, barely missing.

"Nah, I predicted it", the two daggers pulled out from their slots as Yana took a sharp curve to the side. "You're finished!"

"Naïve", another cable shot up from the ground, tangling my mech's feet and lifting it into the air.

"Damn it", desperately moving the controls didn't seem to free me from his grasp.


Nyuitor's bot slammed me into the ground, he kept going until deep cracks tore up the surface of the earth.

"Disappointing", Xera gave a final throw, throwing Yana straight into a row of buildings with great power.

"Lykana, your mech focuses on speed. Get that drilled into your head", Nyuitor commanded more cables from his mech.

"I already knew that", I thought to myself as I controlled Yana back on its feet. "Why am I suddenly rushing in? Tch, it doesn't matter as long as I make sure this anger dies."

"Fool", Nyuitor muttered as I took a straight lunge at him, greatly missing my target.

"I just want to slam something so hard!! How the hell am I supposed to cope with these things!? No matter where I go, I..."

"Ice prison", Xera slammed its palms onto the ground, sending all its cables penetrating the surface and bursting out large mountains of dry ice.

"Shit, I spaced out!"



*Click Click Click*

Creaking sounds emanated from Unit Yana's joints as frost began to cover the exposed parts. I couldn't move at all and the carbon dioxide slowly found its way into the cockpit.

"I... lose?", my lungs began to crave for oxygen. "Heh, seems like I lost."




"Do you have any IDEA how priceless it is to fix those bots!?", General Senam slammed her fist onto her desk, spilling her cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry aunt- Uh, General", there was no running away this time.

"For goodness sake", the General sighed.

"General, what's the mission?", Nyuitor asked with his regular emotionless voice.

"Mm, good you noticed. I'd have given you two a personal visit so you could feel my wrath properly", her eyes narrowed with killer intent. "You two bastards are damn lucky that something came up."

The temperature suddenly dropped.

"Well~", she suddenly switched to a cheerful mood. "It's time for the EST mission", she shot a glance at me.

"It's already time?", I folded my arms.

"Exactly, he's headed there right now", the general tapped on her holographic panel and ordered for some new coffee.

"We aren't even close to his power level", Nyuitor closed his eyes. "He wields the Legendary blade."

"There's no way he can draw the inner form. He's not chosen", I responded.

"Plans have already been put in place to counter all of that", the general sipped her coffee.

"Plans?", something within me sparked up.

"The Legendary Crimson Sky sword", she smiled. "It's energy can be extracted and transferred."

"That sword hasn't been used for centuries since no one is worthy to wield it, who here has the capability to do so?", Nyuitor hid his excitement.

"Wielding the sword isn't necessary", an evil grin appeared on the general's face. "All we need is a test subject."

"Count me out", I promptly refused.

"I'll do it", the empty voice of the arrogant boy left me dumbfounded. "I'll be the test subject."

"You think you can handle it? Asshole, your pride knows no bounds", my eyebrow rose.

"If tricking the Crimson Sky sword into giving me its power means that my strength will become infinite, I'll gladly take it", Nyuitor turned back. "And I won't hesitate to slay that useless Celladonian mutt."

"Sek", my guilt increased.

"Perfect, the mission starts now", General Senam gave a slight chuckle before sipping her coffee again.