Crimson Sky - Shyza's POV

"Huh? Eh? What? How? Why?", were the only things coursing through my mind as I stood in the middle of a freaking crater field!!

"I am SO CONFUSED RIGHT NOW", I stared at Sekky and the blue guy were locked in their fierce battle, completely destroying everything in their sight and punching craters in the ground.


Something fell right beside me at full force, throwing packs of dust into the air.

"What the-", I coughed as the dust cleared, revealing the beaten up Sekky on the ground. "Hey, Sekky! You can't just start jumping around fighting some guy without warning!!"

"Tch!", he stood up on his shaky legs. "That thing he drank."

"Exactly! You didn't even take care to analyze the situation first!", I folded my arms.

"Hmm?", Sekky turned to look at me with a confused expression on his face. "Oh, Shyza you better go somewhere safe."


"Oh, sorry", he turned back, locking stares with the blue guy that had an ominous red aura.

"There was something about that liquid that didn't make me feel right", sweat slowly ran down my face.

"You're right, that aura he's giving out is similar to Dzinu's", Sekky responded.

"Could it be-", a huge gust of wind slapped against my face before I even got the chance to finish my sentence. "YOU IGNORED ME AGAIN!!"

Sekky lunged at the blue guy with full speed, delivering punches that were easily repelled with just a palm.

"Hmph, useless mutt", the guy said coldly as a large glowing whip blasted up from the ground and knocked Sekky onto the main building's walls.

"Should I help that idiot", I stared at him blankly as blue guy zipped towards him, ready to land a finishing strike. "Ah fine!"

"Give me the moon sword, if you value your life", blue guy summoned a lance from storage cube.

"You aren't getting Dzinu any time soon!", I appeared before him in time, slamming him back with my scythe.


He landed with great power, leaving a deep crater in the ground.

"Sekky, we need a plan", I glanced back. "There's no way you can beat him with that style."

"I know", Sekky stood up, cracking his arms. "That's why I rushed in."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He may not be holding it now, but whatever power he's using comes from a legendary blade", he walked forward. "So there really are others."

"Oh really? I never knew that?", I smiled.

"Yeah, our plan will have to be accurate"

"Ohohoho, you're right... great thinking", my smile widened while I thought, "This bish"


A sudden electrical surge lightly tapped the ground.

"Did that come from the sky?", my eyes widened after confirming my suspicion. "Sekky, the sky!"

The large expanse above our heads had turned from black to red as clouds stormed above us, sending discharges scattering around.

"The power's starting to manifest", the blue guy looked at his palm which began to glow with a harsh light as electricity circulated around it.

"Oh no", I muttered.

Of all the legendary swords, it had to be the one that was rumoured to have destroyed half of the ancient earth years ago. In more spiritual texts, it wiped out almost half of both heaven and hell... Though that's just a tale now.

"The legendary Crimson Sky sword", my mouth slipped out the words.

"What? Crimson Sky sword?", Sekky's glare got intense. "Sounds bad."

"Duh!! How many times did I tell you NOT to get on DeV co's nerves!!??", the tension placed fear on its peak as a wave of energy began to surround a certain spot in front of us.

"Sis, I have a plan"

"You do? Well, Spill!!"

"We charge in", he bent down, ready to thrust forward.

A smug look emerged on my face as I hoped that he was joking, "What?"

"I can't explain now, just cover me", Sekky blasted forward.

"But- Aaaaaaaah", my feet stomped in anger. "Hope your plans gonna be worth it", I lunged forward.

"Fools, such poor tactics", thousands of whips burst out from the ground and charged at us, this time with glowing eyes and sharp teeth.

"Eeeek!", my stomach began to turn. "Those things look like worms!! with TEETH!!!"




My scythe's blade swiftly cut through an oncoming worm, spewing its thick liquids on my weapon.


"Heh, you're doing great!", Sekky teased as he kicked one out of his way.

"I... I hate you", I couldn't stop myself from tearing up.

More and more worm-like whips cracked at us, only to be sliced in half or punched into pieces as we blasted through the swarm when suddenly, an enormous pillar of energy shot down from the sky and engulfed blue guy's body.

"What's that?", I stopped, so did Sekky and all the worms.

"Damn it, is the manifestation being completed?"

An intense shock wave swept through the area as immense heat waves brushed over our skin, instantly causing them to release loads of sweat.

"Too disgusting, too hot, I'll just cry later", I comforted myself.

"The power from a legendary sword", a dark voice sounded from within the wave. "Such power even from a little extraction."

"I don't think he's the same guy from before", Sekky took a step back. "My instincts are crying for me to get away."

"W-Wah!? Now my fear came back!!", I pouted.

The wave dissipated, revealing a totally different person from before. He was taller and his skin was a pale red with two long horns jutting out from his forehead. His eyes gleamed with a menacing crimson colour as the pair of demon-like wings on his back added to his sinister appearance.

My body instantly trembled at the sight of him, "I-I can't move."


A violent line of energy swept towards us with just one swipe of his hand. The force led everything to waste as it knocked me off the ground.


His shadow loomed over me as his lance transformed into a red death weapon, ready to tear through my body.

I couldn't scream

I couldn't move

All I could do was close my eyes.


A sudden interference knocked the devil's weapon into the air. I could only make a faint image of it but I knew who it was.

"Sekky", my eyes widened as I looked up at Sekky who had thrown the lance away with Dzinu.

"The plan was a success after all!", he glanced back. "Please hold out until I come back, little sis."


Harsh blue lights burst out as an unknown force slammed the devil guy into the ground and sent me flying further away.

"Hey! At least make sure I land safely before you leave!!", he already left. "Sekky I'll kill you!!!"


Confusion washed over my face as my back hit something rather comfy.

"What's this? Foam?", I curiously pressed it before realizing. "Wait, Dzilaiza!?"

"-I decided to act on my own due to present danger-", she responded before closing the door shut and creating a force field around the car.

"Well, thank you?", it was weird being saved by a bot that decided to enter the battle. "Hmm, are you one of those NTAI?"


"Oh, I see"


The car shifted violently as the worm things came back, trying to break in.

"Are you kidding? Wow", a tear appeared in my left eye but I immediately cleaned it. "Okay, THAT'S IT!!"

I had had enough of these freaking things that came out of nowhere and heck, who cares about a demon-looking person!! He must be killed for making me talk too much!!

"Sliza, we're going on a rampage", an extremely devilish grin slashed my face.

(Affirmative, preparing to take full control)

"Hahahaha!!!! BLAST THEM ALL TO BITS!!", with that, my conscience was the only thing that was left of me as Sliza took control of my body.

I opened the door slowly as my arm cannon covered my right arm, giving off a humming sound as it charged.

"-Blast furnace-", my left artificial eye adjusted as it pin-pointed my targets.

(Teehee, Sekky won't have anyone to obliterate once I'm done)