The demon in the sword - Dzinu's POV


"Shyza, stay back", Sek landed lightly. "Dzinu, how the hell did that thing manage to survive."

"The attack surely made impact, he's dead but something is taking over his soul", I answered.

The ominous aura from the Crimson Sky sword flickered and zoomed around in an unstable manner as sinister sounds emanated from the cloud.

"Sekky, he looks like he's suffering", Shyza held Sek's arm.

"The sword, it's devouring him", the power coming from the energy cloud could make anyone go mad.

"AAAAACK! G-GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!", visible pain and screams of terror sounded over the entire area as the demon-looking person turned to dust.

"Tch", Sek took a step back.

"Heheehhe", the sounds grew louder as the aura shifted and distorted, slowly taking form.

"Since the host was weakened, the soul within the sword had the power to feast on it", I muttered to myself as Sek lifted me.

"But I didn't see him with the sword, how did it suddenly appear!?"

"I don't know"

"Sekky, If I die... I'll make sure you die too", Shyza kept her grip on Sek.

"He wasn't worthy enough", an evil voice screeched as the cloud took the form of a huge demon. Its eyes gleamed frighteningly as its wings stretched as far as the eye could see and its horns pierced the sky, he wasn't completely visible as his body was pure energy.

"I-I know that thing but, how come... there are no such things as demons", Shyza trembled.

"What are you talking about?", Sek glanced back.

"That's the soul of a demon named Cranibulus, the inhabiting soul of the Legendary Crimson Sky sword", she answered. "But demons aren't real, are they?"

"Ha, I don't think you can ask that question after seeing souls with your very own eyes", I answered.

"I'm scared"

Shyza's expression of terror created an indescribable tension.

"H-Hehe, even I'm not confident", Sek's legs trembled slightly and his aura coat's ears lowered.

"So you human fools really thought you could trick me?", a wicked grin appeared on its face before it left out a burst of roaring laughter. "The duration at which your kind has lived amuses me."

A heatwave swept through the area, melting every metal in sight. Luckily, I was indestructible and Sek's vehicle had some kind of barrier surrounding it.

"I'll take this entire city down", the demon threatened, summoning an extensive circle from the sky.

The circle glowed as ancient runes moved round its rim, covering the entire area and beyond.

"Purge, demon's hell fall", the demon raised its hand, ready to give the final command.

"Damn it, Dzinu!"

"My field can't cover this entire area!", I responded.

"I'll add mine! Dzilaiza, you too!!", Sek commanded as his force field lit up.


I released my field, combining it with Sek's and Dzilaiza's. It was just enough to cover the entire area! But, the field would naturally be weakened.

"The field's weak!"


"Too late", the demon snapped its fingers, bringing down a flame apocalypse that instantly caused cracks on the field as it desperately sought to burn living flesh.

"Waaaah! Sekky, I tried adding mine but it died!!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter", Sek kept Shyza close.

"Pffft! HAHAHAHAA!! You humans are too funny!! Maybe-", the monster paused as it sensed something powerful, also stopping the flames.

"This...", I thought to myself since I also felt the power.

"The Asshole died huh", a female voice came from behind the demon.

Sek's looked up, "Lykana."

Two feminine figures stood at the entrance of the main building. The one on the left had yellow lights moving in and out of her suit while the other had red lights.

"Lykana and Dela", their figures got clearer. I looked at Sek but he didn't seem bothered.

"Dela, do you mind hurrying? This place is too hot", Lykana pouted.

"I would snap your neck at your disrespect if it weren't for my current state", Dela glared at Lykana with her reptile-like eyes and back at the demon.

"Heh, you're here to destroy me?", rare horror showed up on the demon's face.

"Pfft no, she's just gonna return you to your blade", Lykana held her waist.

"Return", the demon transformed into a tiny sphere, instantly dispelling the negative aura. "Seal", then like a suction machine, the Crimson Sky sword pulled the soul into it and locked it up.

"Once I obtain my full strength, you all shall be purged", those were the demon's last words before the sword floated onto Dela's palm.

"Let's leave", she turned back with Lykana doing same.

"Lykana", Sek called, forcing her to stop.

"Why are you still after me?"

"I don't know why I felt that way for you, but that's exactly the reason why I'm doing all of this", Sek answered.

"Hm, now's not the time. You're of no use to me anymore"

"Expect to hear me smashing through star fleets just to meet you again", Sek's eyes switched into its normal colour.

Lykana flinched, clenching her fists, "Whatever, you'll get your answer then." She entered the building, leaving the city in a DeV co ship.




"Sekky, we're somehow alive", Shyza sat down exhausted.

"Sek", I felt a surge of grief and anger coming from him even though he hid it.

"Shyza's right", he looked up as rain droplets touched his face. "She only sees me as a monster... heh"


Sek fell to the ground unconscious.

"S-Sekky!?", Shyza crawled towards him. "H-Hey! Sekky, wake up!"

"I drained too much of his life force, seems like I felt way too free", the rain began to fall harder.





"I have a feeling..."


"A deep dark feeling"


"That my time as a Legendary blade will soon come to an end"


"Is that really what I want?"




"I finally have a chance to understand your words"