Sky fishing

"Seems like a lot happened while you were alone", emotions of grief flowed into me through Sek, making it clear as to how sad he was.

Gently, he placed his palm on the glass pod that created a barrier between him and the person inside. The frost that hovered around the person's body made her seem alive even though she was long gone.

"Hm, a lot happened", Sek smiled slightly. "Fraisia, that was her name. If only she had understood earlier."

Sek moved his hand over it for the last time before turning back, noticing Sed who stood at the entrance of the room.

"We decided to bring that body into the embalming room since she seemed like someone important", Sed folded his arms as he supported himself on the wall.

Silence dominated for a while as Sek closed his eyes, "Thank you."

"No prob dude", Sed smiled and proceeded to leave. "Now, you better get to sleep. Little candy girl instantly knocked herself out", he laughed.

"Heh", Sek chuckled, leaving the room and walking down the path to his room.


"Yeah?", he tiredly replied, lazily jumping on the comfortable-looking bed.

"Do you really trust those people?"

"Mm, I don't know", his eyes slowly began to close. "But, I'm ready for any surprise that's going to be thrown at me. I'll kill if necessary."

"Oh, I see", the moon realm slowly began to turn dull.

"Dzinu", Sek sat up.

"Uh, yeah?"

"I almost forgot", he stood up and walked to the centre of the room. "Dzilaiza, have you managed to connect to the ship?"

Sek's ear comm beeped, "-Affirmative-"

"Alright then, activate night sky view", Sek commanded.


The ceiling suddenly turned transparent, turning out all the lights and allowing the moon to send its own instead.

"You always need to stock up on energy, right?", Sek placed me into a certain dull-coloured spot that strangely left me levitating.

"Ah, I almost forgot", the energy from the moon slowly began to seep in, calmly charging me. "Wasn't expecting this but, thank you", a smile appeared on my face.

"Ha, no worries", he slipped back into his bed. "You must be smiling by now"

"Uh, so you can feel my emotions too huh?"

"Mhm, it's like you have only a few. Happiness, Sadness and Surprise are what I feel from you."

"Hmm, am I slowly regaining my emotions?", I muttered to myself. "No, that's impossible."

"It's probably because of the link", Sek closed his eyes. "I'd like it if you did have emotions, especially those you can easily control unlike me."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?", he had slept before I asked. "Hm, Good night Sek."




"Waaaaaaaah!!! Sekky!!!!", the thin glass of the morning, gently emanating rest and peace were completely vapourised by a not so distant scream that blasted through the door.

"Ngh", Sek covered his head with a pillow. "What is it?"

"Wow, that damage to Sek's ears must be immense", I thought to myself as Shyza ran past me in her pink bunny pyjamas.

"T-They want to murder me!!"

"What!?", Sek jolted from his sleep and was on his two feet, completely energised. "Tch", his eyes gleamed with killer-intent.

"They, They're accusing me of throwing all the food reserves away", Shyza's eyes began to tear up.

"Huh?", a hint of confusion could be heard from Sek's voice.

"Yeeess!! I suddenly woke up in this unknown room and there they were, glaring at me with demonic eyes!!", her voice began to tremble as she hugged Sek tight.

"Uhhh, isn't that going a bit too overboard?", Sed stood at the entrance.

"Leave me alone! Bastard!! Demon!!!", Shyza's eyes displayed fear.

A sigh escaped Sed's mouth as he walked towards Sek, "Listen, dude, all our food reserves were sent plummeting to the surface and she's the one who did it."

"Why would Shyza just choose to do something like that?", I observed as no one noticed me yet.

"Sed, where's the proof", Sek seemed a bit rested now for some reason. Did he really think she could do something like that?

"Heh, in the security room", he turned away and gestured for Sek to follow him. "Let's all see it for ourselves."

Sek glanced at Shyza who had loads of confusion on her face.

"What? You don't think I'd really do something like that, do you?", She looked down.

"Let's go", he grabbed me and walked out with Sed.

"W-Wait for me!"

(Crux Coelestis Ship - Security room)------

Sek: "..."

Sed: "..."

Shyza: "..."

Me: "..."

"Ahahahahaa, the evil pony pinkie pirate lord of the dark galaxies has been thrown off his own ship along with his crew!!", the image of Shyza vigorously moving in odd motions reached the end as the footage concluded with her going silent and falling onto the ground, asleep.

All eyes pierced her from all sides now.

"What!?", she pouted. "It's not my fault that I do completely weird and violent stuff when I sleepwalk!!"

... Silence ...

"What are you all silent for!?", tears appeared in her eyes. "You all are just BIG MEANIES!!"

"Uhh", Sed looked over the footage again, showing mixed emotions as he saw all the food sent flying away.

"Hmm, we can simply refill the reserves, right?", I gathered the courage to ask.

Sed glanced back at me with dead eyes, "The Legendary sword, I never noticed you since the day you came in with Sek."

"Oh, really?", I stammered.

"Mm, so that's why something felt missing from the mission items I picked from Sek's storage cube", he spoke in an emotionless tone.

"You already took them?", Sek's voice was also left emotionless.

Those two were completely dead.

"Waaah! I feel bad now!!", Shyza burst into tears, instantly sparking up a sudden gleam in Sek's eyes.

"No! No! No worries!!", his arms frantically moved about in the air. "Sed should have a way to refill the reserves!!"

"R-Really?", she sniffed.

"Absolutely!!", he turned to Sed with expectant eyes.

"Dude, you think that I am gonna go fill those reserves?", a demonic grin appeared on his face. "Yeah, no. You both will fill it on your own."

"Huh?", both Sek and Shyza were left confused. "How?"

"Heh, Heheh, Ahahahahaa", Sed suddenly burst out laughing like a maniac.

"This might not end well", I thought to myself.

(Crux Coelestis ship - Exit)-------------

"Why are we here?", Shyza stared at Sed as he stood with a confident smile. "And...", She looked down. "Why are we wearing flight suits?"

"Hehehee, you both are gonna go sky fishing", several holographic panels appeared around Sed.

"Sky fishing?", I asked.

"It's a sport and also something that some people do to live", Sek answered. "It involves jumping from high above the sky and cutting through flying aliens while sucking them into storage cubes in their weakened state."

"Oh, sounds interesting yet dangerous", a smile formed on my face.

"Hey Idiot!!", Shyza stomped. "There's no way I'm jumping from a ship just to cut down flying aliens!! They could kill us!!"

Sed chuckled, "Funny candy."

The huge door suddenly opened, allowing a large wave of pure oxygen to flood the interior.

"Oh no! The oxygen!", Shyza covered her nose, only to realize that an invisible mask already protected it.

"Those will reduce the impact of the gas on your body", Sed moved back. "There are Zephuls a few feet down. Heh, don't get killed."

"What!? You must be joking!", cold sweat ran down the sides of Shyza's face. "I'm not going! Zephuls easily get angry and their speed is insane!!"

"Welp", Sek walked forward, tightening his grip on me. "Seems fun."

"Huuuuuuuh!?", shock slapped Shyza in the face. "Sekky! Do you want to be killed!? Wait...", she paused and glared at Sed. "Sed sounds like Sek."

Sek stopped, "Hmm?"

"Um, so what?", Sed cocked an eyebrow.

"It's annoying"

"Hah?", a look of annoyance came upon his face.

"So I'll remove the 'S' and call you Ed", Shyza confidently declared.


"Mm, Well I'm leaving now Ed", Sek waved. "I'm getting too excited about this."

"H-Hey dude! I didn't say I was okay with that-"

Sek jumped out before he could complete his sentence, leaving him completely frustrated.

"Sekky! Wait for me!", Shyza followed. "Ed, you'll have to pay us for risking our lives."

"What? Okay, I'm NOT Ed and YOU threw all the-"

Again, the poor boy was ignored.

"Fuck this"


"Wow, such clear clouds", I stared in awe as we continued down, the wind brushing all over Sek's body.

"Dzinu! I see them!"

A familiar ringing sense called my attention while I looked down at the alien birds casually minding their own business.

"They look like a cross between Pterosaurs, Eagles and Crows", I suddenly blurted out.

"Pfft, where in the world did you get that from?", Sek chuckled.

I blinked continuously, "I don't know"

"We'll zip down with an attack!", he placed his hand around my hilt. "Get ready!"


Sek closed his eyes with a brief pause, "Zã"

Both our auras clashed, temporarily summoning the moon realm and leaving us in a plane of blue and black as he pulled out my inner form and smoothly sliced through all 20 of the aliens in one slash.

"Hm", a smirk crept up on Sek's face as a feeling of pride overwhelmed him.

"Um, Sek", sadly...


Our attack was completely weak since the only time I was at full strength was when it was night time.

"How in the world-", Sek barely missed a straight dive attack from one of the Zephuls.

"My power's weak in the day time"

"You should've told me!"


A whole flock of deadly, ultra-fast aliens began to descend at great speeds. Evading them would be impossible.

"Ha! Absolute losers!!", a noisy shout came from above the aliens.

"Shyza?", Sek glanced back.

"Sliza! Take over! We'll show the boys how it's done!!", a confident smirk swept across her face as she temporarily fell unconscious.

"-Body control gained-", Sliza spoke as she pointed both her fists at the flock. "-Twin cannon-"

(Hahahaha, behold my tech gear's power!!)

Mini cannons formed on both her arms, charging with a loud hum as energy began to condense at its tip.



The immensely powered beam shot through the Zephuls, instantly taking out half of them.



"Tch", a thick sheet of clouds harmlessly passed over Sek's body, revealing what lay at the surface. "Did you feel that?", he said beneath his breath.

"Sek! Water!", I instantly shot a warning through his thoughts.

"The Urnen sea!?"

[Voice: Ha, already prepared for that!], Sek's storage cube appeared along with a panel that floated beside it.

"Ed?", he responded.

[Voice: Still calling me Ed huh]

"Heh, we'll end up wet by the time we return"

[Voice: Not really]

"What do you mean?"

Just then, a hoverboard zoomed out from the storage cube and positioned itself a few metres above the surface of the water.

[Voice: There are two Zephuls on your tail, better take them out], with this, the panel disappeared.

"Heh, this is perfect", Sek grinned as he made a clean mid-air somersault.


Water leapt into the air the moment he made contact with the board, slowly bending and leaning forward as he took in deep breaths.


"-Connecting...-", Dzilaiza promptly responded, completely taking over the hoverboard.

"Sek, the two birds are getting close"

"No worries", he stood upright and lightly tapped the board with his foot. "Full acceleration."

Within the blink of an eye, we were speeding across the surface of the water as the two Zephuls followed closely behind.

They moved faster than I imagined, "They're fast."

"Dzinu! Since I can't use any skill right now, I'll simply slash them straight forward!", he placed his hand on my hilt with a tight grip.

"Alright!", I placed my palms together, sharpening my edges.

"Get ready", a calm feeling engulfed Sek as he grounded himself. "Decelerate."

Speed drastically reduced that instant.



A speeding Zephul was swiftly cut in half while the other managed to effectively move to the side, not missing the chance to leave a scratch on Sek's cheek.

"We got one", he withdrew my inner form, placing it back into the metallic sheath as he kept his eyes on the other alien.


It was coming back

Sek lightly tapped the board, commanding it to return to high speed. The Zephul only seemed to get more and more agitated, perfectly increasing its speed as it opened its sharp-teethed beak.

"Closer", his eyes turned dark blue, his pupils shrinking as his concentration spiked. "Closer."

The alien kept speeding up as if it was falling for his calls.

"Just a little more", Sek slowly began to unsheath my fine blade. "Now-"


"What?", all his concentration was shattered in an instant. "Shyza!?"

"Why's she-", I thought to myself as we both beheld the sight of Shyza heading towards us at a tremendous speed.

"I-I can't control it!!", tears streamed from her face, not even having the chance to run down her cheeks as the speed kept rising.

Sek looked back at the incoming Zephul, "Oh well, let's see if this works."

"Do you have some kind of plan?"

"Yeah, let's hope it works", he focused his gaze on the little girl who barely knew how to use a hoverboard.

"One", Sek began to count as she got close.

"Two", it seemed like Shyza moved way faster than the Zephul.

"Three!", without a second pause, he reached out and grabbed Shyza from her board while hitting it with his and changing its direction.

The board moved upwards, colliding with the alien and kicking it into the water. Thus, it was rendered motionless due to its wet wings.

"Waaaah!!", Shyza hugged Sek tight, I don't think she was going to let go anytime soon. "T-The board suddenly appeared! Then- Then I took control! When all of a sudden, I began to move without slowing down!!", she burst out more tears as she kept trembling non-stop.

"You're okay now", Sek smiled.

"Sek's right, the men are here now! We'll slash every monster to pieces!!", my words brought reassurance.


"Yes! He's right! We'll slash all those meanies to nothing but pieces!!", Sek answered.

"Mmm", she looked down. "Even if it's a King Zephul?"

"Mhm", he nodded. "Even if it's a- wait, what?"


An enormous body loomed over us, instantly sending bone-cracking chills down our spines.
