Mama Shyza

(Crux Coelestis Ship - Shyza's POV)-------


"Ohoho, great job candy girl", Ed transferred the meat into the kitchen section where the bot cooks started work. "Ha, I didn't see that coming."

"Of course, girls are top-notch", I flexed my 'muscles' as Sek and Dzinu glared at me, drenched in salty water. Good thing I didn't look in their direction, else the stares alone would've killed me.

"Shyza", Dzinu's sudden dark voice caused me to flinch.

Cold sweat ran down my cheek, "Haha, yes?"

"No need to speak, Dzinu", Sekky walked towards me with one hand on Dzinu's hilt. "We'll give her a graceful death."

"H-Hah!? S-Sekky! What are you doing!?", the temperature suddenly dropped.

"Mm, you're right Sek", Dzinu's aura began to pour out. "Tricksters must be punished."

Sekky nodded in response, "Get ready."

"N-NOO!! Leave meee!! I-I just wanted to get the big catch!!", tears streamed down my face.

"Heh, big catch?", an evil grin whipped up on Sekky's face.

(Urnen Sea, an hour ago - Sek's POV)------


The King Zephul powerfully flapped its wings, whipping up enormous waves that barely missed us as we tried flying away.

"Accelerate! Accelerate!! ACCELERATE!!!", my shouts of desperation were utterly useless. That huge beast was faster than its subordinates, despite its humongous size.

"What do we do now!?", Dzinu shouted. "If that thing catches up to us-"

"Throw me", a voice interrupted.

"Huh? Shyza?", I felt a slight tug.

"Throw me up when I tell you to", she grinned. "I wanna try something."

I hesitated and then glanced back, glaring at the alien that had its jaws wide open. That damned thing wanted us dead so bad.

"Alright then"


The Zephul flew high up, then looped back down with tremendous speed. We weren't going to outrun it this time.

"Do it now!"

With all my strength, I threw her high enough to get above the monster before it got close.

"Heheheh!", she positioned her hands forward. "Twin cannons!"

Instantly, two cannons engulfed both her arms and rocket wings appeared on her back. Harsh humming could be heard as her weapons gathered power.

"Duo blast!"


Spherical energy blasted out from the cannons, completely shooting through the King Zephul's upper body and eventually melting its heart.

With a loud splash, the alien plummeted into the water. Its fall resulted in a huge wave that knocked me off balance and threw me straight into the water.

"What-", thoughts shot through my head.

"Sek!", Dzinu activated a field, pushing all the water out and absorbing the oxygen from it. "What was all that!?"

"That evil smile she had on her face", I rubbed my temples as we slowly floated to the surface. "Dzinu, you can sense the aura of others... right?"

"Yes-", he paused after noticing something. "Sek, after we landed on the board, it seemed as if Shyza had stopped attacking the Zephuls."

"So", my eyes lit up with a glint of rage. "She stopped attacking them so that their King would get attracted to me."

"What?", Dzinu was lost.

"Since I was the only one still attacking them-"

"It enraged their king", he completed my statement. "But, why was it chasing her?"

"It wasn't chasing her, she was following it", my anger grew even more. "She wanted to use us as bait to lure the big one in."

"She wanted to take out the big one for herself", Dzinu quietly said. "Heh."

We finally reached the surface, noticing Shyza. She hovered safely with her rocket wings, laughing hysterically.

"Pfft!! The 'Men' saved me!!", she held her stomach, laughing like a mad man while dancing in the air. "Lots of protein for me!!~"

(Crux Coelestis Ship - Shyza's POV)-------

"I-I'm sorry!! I tend to get evil when it comes to eating!!", I kept moving backwards until I hit the wall behind me.

"Heh, Heheh", Sekky didn't look human. "I don't care."

"Ahaha, dude chill", Ed laughed nervously as he stood between us. "You both will have to solve this another way."

Sekky's normal expression returned, "Hmm, half of it."

"Whah?", my eyes were blurred because of my tears but I did see him lifting his hands off Dzinu's hilt.

Saved!! It seemed like Sekky hated tricks... I wondered what he'd do if anyone attacked him from behind.

"You'll give me half of what you'll eat tonight", he grinned devilishly.

"Oho, nice one. The meat of a Zephul is rumoured to be really tasty", Ed nodded confidently.

Ha! No! There was no way I was giving my food away after I heard that. To top it off, I fluffing loved meat!!

"No! No way! Nuh-uh!!", I crossed my arms. "I worked hard for that big one!!"

"Dzinu", he placed his hand on the hilt again.


"Zã", their auras merged, making the room glow with moonlight, instantly scaring the life out of me.

It wasn't fair!! Not fair at all!!

"Waaah!! Fine! Fine!", I conceded. "Meanie."

Sekky released his grip, automatically turning the room back to normal.

"Well then, it's settled", Ed walked to the door. "Seems like Candy girl learnt her lesson."

It took a while, but the guilt slowly crept in.

"I'm sorry Sekky"

He laughed, "No matter, I'm still having your food... though."

Sekky's eyes suddenly looked tired and his body began to shiver and sway from side to side.

"Damn it, so tired", he fell with a thud.

"Sekky!? Sekky!!", I frantically shook his body but he was long gone, already lost in dreamland. "He-"

"Dude got his entire energy drained", Ed looked down. "Must've used the sword a bit too much."

I looked up, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You'll understand after your rest days are over", he smiled and clapped his hands, summoning a home bot that carefully carried Sekky to his room.

"Will he be okay?"

"Should be, let's just hope he wakes up in time for dinner."

A sudden surge of evil thoughts gushed into my mind as my brain deduced what he said. It was 6:12 pm and dinner would be at 7:00 pm.

Bingo!! There's no way he'd be up in time after falling asleep right away!!

Haha, Hahaha, AKUKEKAKAKA!

"No Shyza! No!", I slapped my cheeks hard.


(Crux Coelestis Ship, 10:00 pm - Shyza's room)----------------------------


"Aaah, too hungry!", my restlessness only increased as my stomach kept torturing me. "I can't sleep."

I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling and then to my left. Moving around was the only way to keep my mind off my carnivorous tummy.

Eventually, I fell asleep but...

"Where am I?", I noticed something strange. There was no bed, I stood on the Captain's panel in a control room while men scurried around.


The entire area shook as we made an impact with a rain of asteroids.

"Captain!! We're under attack by the MeowMeow evil space crew!!", one of the men rushed up to me.

I didn't know what was going on and I didn't care. I HAD to protect the Crimson dogs' crew, MY crew.

"Alright then! Activate the plasma cannons!!", I commanded with the utmost strictness.

"Aye Aye!! Load the cannons!!"


"Make sure they suffer forever crossing paths with us!!"

Cannon blasts fired powerfully at our enemies, completely destroying their fleet. The crew cheered as victory was imminent.

"Oh no! CAPTAIN!!"

"What is it!!?", the sudden alarm raised everyone's nervousness.

"They're about to use purring paw blasters!!"

"Oh no!", I gasped. "Prepare the doggie cutie barkers!!"

"B-But Captain! That will require a sacrifice!"

There was a brief silence as I contemplated on what to do, "I'll offer the price."

Every one of my men was struck with concern, "No Captain! We can use another way!"

"My dear crew, unleashing this ultimate power will allow us to escape slavery besides... you all have cute dogs to go home to."

Tears streamed down their faces as they knelt, "We shall pass on the legacy, dear Captain!!"

"Mm", I nodded. "Use my dinner!!"

"A-Aye Aye", weeping echoed throughout the control room as they fed my last Zephul dinner to the ship.

"It was good knowing you"


My vision blinded, only allowing me to hear the blast from my ship's most powerful attack.

"-Are you certain you wish to dispose of your crew into freedom?-", mechanical god ringed in my head.

"Yes, let them live peaceful lives."


"Good luck, crew"

(Crux Coelestis Ship, 7:20 am - Ed's POV)---

Today was going to be something I really looked forward to. I quickly switched to my clothes, activating my personal holographic panel.

"It's finally going to be released!", a long list of movies appeared as I searched. "BINGO!"

There it was, the latest anime released by the great SwordSlash studios. They were the greatest ever! Sometimes I wished I got the chance to meet the voice actors in person but, they were in a distant galaxy in the far east of the universe.

"Well", I sighed. "A few hours before it airs on the Great Mass planet."

I placed my hand on my bed when suddenly, there was a slimy feeling.

"What the-", my entire bed was drenched in red slime. "Okay, what the actual fuck is going on here!?"


An eerie sound stole my attention, compelling me to look forward.

"How did-", a great force held my body, bringing the worst thought to mind. "A Mech Fabricator!?"


The force sent me flying into the wall, spewing blood out of my mouth and leaving me unconscious.

"How did that thing... get in here?", those were my last words before my vision completely darkened.

(Sek's room - Dzinu's POV)-------------

Sek seemed to have slept for long, he was still asleep as I stared at him. Of course, it was to be expected since he forced himself awake just to snatch his huge portion of food from Shyza before she greedily munched on it.

"How long does he plan on sleeping?", I thought to myself.

Just then, the door slid open and then closed but no one came in.

"Is the door faulty?"

Without realizing, Sek had oddly begun to float in the air before being struck on the ground by an unknown force.


Sek awoke in a rage, "WHAT THE HELL!?"

"Umm", this was the most confusion I had suffered since coming here.

(Secret room - Sir. William's POV)--------

The room currently emanated a calm aura as the tea I made wafted through the air. It was the first time in a long time after I last had such exquisite tea.

"Such relaxation, good thing no one knows about my hand made tea", I carefully took another sip. "Else they'd be hunting me down to get a taste."

I let out a light chuckle and then stopped after a sudden disturbance distorted the room's temperature.

"Hmm, it got hotter all of a sudden", my eyes glanced back. "Seems like we have a little guest."

A smile gently appeared on my face as I noticed the little harm our 'threat' posed.

"Such wonderful creations of God", I took a sip and turned on my morning show.

(Shyza's room - Shyza's POV)-----------

"Ngh", my head pounded so hard that morning. "Jeez, why does my head hurt so bad and..."

Something slimy covered my entire body, it was red and completely gross.

"Ew, what's this thing?", I got off the bed only to strangely lose my footing and fall to the ground.

"Ouch!", I immediately glanced at my legs, my pupils shrinking in shock.

"WAAAAH!! W-What the hell is this!!??", the creepy creature slithered up my leg. It had red stripes flowing down its body and four eyes, two on each side of its head.

"Get off! Get off!! Get off!!!", my legs frantically kept swinging at it but they missed for some reason. It was as if someone just pushed them aside.

The snake-like creature only came closer and closer, its fangs were incredibly sharp and gleamed in the light of the morning sun.


The doors forcefully slid open. Ed stood there with menacing eyes as he held a laser blaster.

"Where is that damned abomination of a creature!?!?", he angrily yelled, locking eyes with it. "Ah, there it is", a demonic grin swept across his face.


It completely ignored him and proceeded to coil around my neck.

"Damn it! I can't move!", Ed stood there frozen.

Tears streamed down my face, "Save meee!!"

"Sleep, must kill sleep eater", a dull voice arrived behind Ed. It was Sekky and his bloodshot eyes didn't look so good.

"Haha, he's mighty pissed off right now", Dzinu spoke up.

The alien moved upwards slowly, closer until it got so near that I closed my eyes. I was ready to leave this world.

"Huh?", a few minutes passed but I felt no pain instead, something soft rubbed my cheeks.

My eyes slowly opened and there it was. Instead of eating me, it was showing affection?

"Uhh", Ed couldn't walk close. "Candy girl, since when did you have this thing with you?"

"I don't know"

Sekky's eyes lit up, "That's- Ed, let's head to the security room!!"

"Hmm? Why?"

"Let's just go! Shyza, you too!"

"Oh- Okay", the snake remained around my neck as I followed both of them.

(Crux Coelestis ship - Security room)------

Sekky: "..."

Dzinu: "..."

Ed: "..."

Snake: Ssss

Me: "..."

"Prepare the doggie cutie barkers!! It was good knowing you all", the security footage displayed my figure moving around with eyes closed. This continued for a while before until I entered Sekky's room, activating his storage cube.

"-Alternative user detected, do you wish to release all bioforms from storage?-"

"Yes, let them live peaceful lives"


"Good luck, crew", the video proceeded to show me saluting before leaving and returning to my room. Eventually, the storage cube had released the egg from that forest before and it had hatched overnight.

The painful feeling of gazes piercing me placed me on high alert.

"W-What!? I told you before! It's not my fault that I sleepwalk!!", I pouted.

"How didn't you sense her?", Sekky said to Dzinu while oddly staring at me.

"I-I don't know", he replied.

"I see, so that egg was developing in the storage cube", Ed folded his arms. "Normally, that wouldn't happen but some cubes do have a feature that allows them to create suitable conditions for growth in their space."

"Ssss", the snake kept showing its affection, bringing a stinging realization to mind.

"Does that mean-"

"Yes, you held it the most and so it was connected to your heartbeat", Ed interrupted. "Judging by its colours and eyes, that's a baby Slitheryon. Extremely rare."

"I'm a... Mama?", I turned to the happy snake.

"Yup, congratulations Candy girl"

"Well, I'm going to bed", Sek left.

"Oh yes! I have a show to get to", Ed followed.

Now I was left alone in the security room, desperately trying to digest all that had happened.

The only response I gave was a crooked grin, "Heh, Heheh, you're kidding."