
(Island Prison - Mech warrior's POV)------


Without it, man would never be able to achieve incredible results in both evolution and power.

The very foundation of humanity rests within these invisible forces.

And now, we've managed to find the very first energy source... One that was completely hidden in the eyes of man. Deep within the farthest reaches of the universe.

Yes, I speak of the Neo Shard energy...

Incredible power and durability, giving it the nickname 'Destroyer of energy', the very potency that brought an imbalance to the law of conservation.

"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed"

That law now exists as a statement, though the aspect of energy creation is yet to be uncovered.

Neo Shard energy radiated from the ultimate source... The Neo Crystal is what humans have used to topple billions of galaxies and alien civilizations.

Those pitiful creatures now place their head in the dirt, succumbing to the immense power of the human race.

So many mysteries surrounded that energy source. The fact that it extends the life of humans by hundreds of years and keeps their youth still leaves us baffled yet, we keep on using it.

Weapons of destruction can cause a galactic-scale apocalypse and my mecha suit is of no exception.

Containing ten per cent of Neo Shard energy, I can destroy a thousand planets at a casual snap of my finger.

Now, a little brat and this escapee thinks they can pull me down?


(Island Prison - Olivia's POV)------------

"-Dual powered blast furnace-"

"DON'T TEST MY POWER, PIGS!!", the woman roared, launching her rockets.

"Little gir-", I paused. "I mean, Sliza!"



An insanely powerful beam of energy shot out from the cannon, completely obliterating the incoming rockets and sending the enemy back into the building with an enormous explosion that sent a shock wave powerful enough to uproot the trees in the surrounding area.

"-Recoil: 45%-", blood spewed from both Sliza's mouth and arms as the force kicked her towards my direction.

"Sli-", my eyes widened and my heart sank as we both flew off the cliff.

"W-We're going to be crushed!!", I frantically looked around, trying to find Sliza but... that wasn't Sliza anymore. "Little girl!?"

She had returned to her previous figure, a little girl.

"H-Hey! Open your eyes! What do I do!?"

"-Shall I activate a cell marble?-", a different mechanical voice boomed.

"This voice, Blitz! Help her!!"

"-Affirmative, releasing cell marble-"

The spherical bot appeared, throwing out a green marble that landed in my palm.

"Activate!", I tightened my hold on it, then threw it at the little girl.

"-Biological cell -> Regeneration-", dust-like particles spread around the girl and disappeared in a warm glow.

"We're getting closer to the rocks!", tears streamed from my eyes.


"Sliza", a low-toned voice muttered.

"-Your command has been heard loud and clear-"

All of a sudden, an invisible figure swooped down from nowhere and swiped us up right before we made an impact with the rocks.

"H-Huh?", I blinked.

Were we in some kind of ship?

"Are you okay?", the little girl could barely breathe as she took control, blood oozing from her arms.

"Little girl! Your arms!"

"Forget it", she grinned. "My name's Shyza though."

"Uh, Shyza? That's a nice- No! We need to take care of your wounds!"

"As I said, it doesn't matter", she swiped her palm, summoning several holographic windows. "Take us back to HQ", her eyes sharpened. "Mission is a success."

"Mission?", I stared at her, such determination in a child. "Where are you taking me?"

"Home", she immediately replied with a smile.

"Home?", my eyes widened.

When was the last time I heard that word?

"Finally!!", Shyza let out a huge sigh of relief. "I'm out of there!!"

"Hey... this 'home' you speak about-"

"It's the best", she interrupted. "I'm sure you'll be a part of it in no time!"

"Me? Part of a home?", the thought did seem nice but, it brought rather disturbing images into my head.

Even though the home I once lived in did provide all that I needed, it wasn't a place to call home and I couldn't utter any trivial word.

But that didn't matter, as long as my parents kept me there.

"Yup, home", Shyza closed her eyes. "You'll meet lots of fun people! I'm sure Sek will even-", she stopped speaking abruptly.

"Shyza? What's wrong?"

Her expression sank, there was some kind of fear that she suddenly radiated.

She shook her head, "Nothing."

"Are you-", I began but stopped.

"OW OW OW!!", Shyza burst out in tears. "Waaah! My arms hurt!! S-See this!? It's a mean ouchie!!", she pouted, showing me her arms.

"Ahahaha", I laughed nervously.

"-Shall I provide more healing equipment?-"

"Oooo, is that your tech gear!?", her eyes sparkled.

"Mhm, his name's Blitz"

"Ooo, hewo Blitz!"

"-Hello young one, a fine pleasure it is to meet you-"

"Here's my baby, Cheeky!", she grinned, showing me her right arm.


Something slowly revealed itself on her arm. I couldn't see it clearly at first but, my heart stopped in horror after it had become completely visible.

"Eeeeek!! S-S-Snake!!"

"Ehehe", Shyza scratched her head.

(Crux Coelestis Ship - Cockpit)

(Sir. William's POV)-------------------

The skies looked especially blue today as the ship slowly moved through the air, perfect for a cup of tea.

I sat on the Captain's panel, on the top floor of the room. Below me was the personnel section where commands were taken but, since we barely had any recruits who could take up those positions, an AI was left to take over.

Before me was a huge window that faced both the upper and lower sections, the windshield. That was the eye of the ship, the portion where you could marvel at the beauty of the universe through a big screen.

Uni-X23 was the name of the ship, only made my the Mech fabricator section back at HQ. We relied on our own resources to build our organization, making us quite self-sufficient.

"Sir, they're on their way back", Sedem bowed in respect behind my seat. "The mission was a success."

I smiled, "Good, prepare the meds for them then lead them here."

"Right", Sedem firmly replied, then left.

Formalities weren't something I took seriously, but missions and official business were treated differently.

"Are you happy now?", I asked the figure leaning on the wall close to the exit.

"I can't decide what she does", Sek replied.

"Hm", I smirked. "Once we've finally completed our introductory phase, we'll commence our actual missions."

"Heh, so we haven't started anything yet", he chuckled.

The moon sword spoke up, "Maybe, we needed more people?"

Sek kept silent.

"Well then", a holographic panel appeared after a casual swipe of my finger. "We can observe from here."

(Ship Hangar - Sedem's POV)-----------

"Med bot 1, Med bot 2", I pressed a button hidden beneath my sleeve. "Activate."

Just then, two orbs materialized and began to float in the air thanks to the harmless rocket propellors that ejected from their bodies.

"-Med bot 1, active-"

"-Med bot 2, active-"

"Aight, prepare to receive any possible patients"

"-Understood-", both robots promptly replied.

"-Incoming ship identified, opening hangar-", a different mechanical voice echoed in the huge hall as the large hatch above slowly opened, allowing a ship in.

"Hey!! Ed!!", Shyza poked her head out, waving madly at me.

I raised both eyebrows, returning a wave, "Oho, heyo Candy girl."


The ship safely landed on its pad, rotating until it faced one of the docking rooms. I walked towards the ship as a flight of stairs flew down from its entrance.

"The mission's finally done!", she jumped down, brimming with energy but then, sudden anger took over. "Ed... what happened with Sliza back there?"

"Ugh", I looked away, a sarcastic grin gradually cracking up. "Ahahaha, well ya see-"

"Shyza?", a different female voice sounded.

"Hmm?", my eyes looked up, locking with a dimly lit emerald green.


She had this odd glow that completely trapped me the very moment I set eyes on her! Even though she was in a mess, her godly figure was still enough to blast me to smithereens!!


Heh, it was time for action.

"Oops, I left you on the ship all alone", Shyza rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Haha, my bad."

The pretty lady responded with a rather cute expression, "Ah, no... it doesn't- huh?"

"Milady", I knelt on one knee, solemnly placing her right palm in mine and offering a kiss. "Welcome, to Crux Coelestis."

"EH!?", Shyza staggered.

"W-What?", the lady stared, completely flustered. "U-Umm, I-"

"Speak no more, beauty"


"Your heavenly glow requires you to torture the moon with your grace and grace speaks through silence."

Shyza: "..."

Med bot 1: "..."

Med bot 2: "..."

Hangar's AI: "..."

"I...", she was lost for words. "I don't really-"

"Milady, allow me to-"



"IDIOT!! Quit doing that!! It's too weird!!", Shyza slammed my face with her shoes.

"B-Buff, sheez my lwady"

"Like hell she is!!", she screamed, looking back with a smile, "Olivia, stay away from this creep."

"Ahaha", she laughed nervously.

"Fine, jeez", I regained my composure, wiping the dust off my shirt.

"HMPH!", Shyza coldly glared at me.

"Well", I placed my hand on my chin and thoroughly observed the two. "Med bots."

"-Med bot 1 General analysis... No injuries found-"

"-Med bot 2 Cellular analysis... Normal internal function-"

"No problems huh"

Shyza held her waists, "Hehe, it's thanks to Blitz"


"-Tech gear: Blitz, at your service-", a round bot with a single red eye zoomed out from behind Olivia.

"Oh, the goddess' companion", I closed my head and nodded. "As expected of it."

"Where's Sir. William?", Shyza asked with a blank expression.

"Right, I'll lead you to him", yellow light surrounded my headphones. "C'mon."

"Let's go Oliv- Waaah! What happened!?"

"Hmm?", I looked back. "Goddess!!"

(Cockpit - Dzinu's POV)---------------



"Still ignoring me?"

All connections to Sek's mind had been cut off temporarily and it might've been because of the explanation Sir. William gave. It was my fault, I should've told him about the uneven cycle once I found out.

No, I should've told him that there was no way he could handle the moon's power the very first time he wielded me.

There was a brief silence in the room until the doors slid open.

"H-How in the world did you end up there?", Shyza walked in.

"Goddess, your clumsiness adds to your infinite cuteness", Ed followed.

Shyza growled, "Oi, talk like that again and you'll be having a private chat with Sliza"

"Fine Fine", Ed sighed, walking up to Sir. William. "They're here."

"You did a good job Shyza", Sir smiled.

"Mhm, was annoying! So imma go cry after giving the report", she replied.

"Ah, I see", he chuckled.

"Hey, Olivia! Quit staring at the walls like that!", Shyza held her waists and pouted.

Just then, a lady entered the cockpit. She had something about her that seemed odd yet calm.

"Those eyes", I muttered to myself.

"Sorry", she said nervously. "They seemed familiar, I must've seen them somewhere before."

"Hm, glad to see you in fine health", Sir. William snapped his finger. "Olivia Light."

Harsh lights appeared around the lady, thoroughly scanning her body and displaying information on a holographic window.

[Name: Olivia Light]

[Age: 18]

[Gender: Female]

[Height: 5 feet]

[Blood type: O]

Shyza's jaw dropped, "Woah, how did-"

"Heh, that's Crux Coelestis tech for ya", Ed grinned. "Only a few people are allowed access to this level though."

"Hm", Sek quietly chuckled.

"Why can't I read his mind?", I thought to myself.

"So I'm 18 huh", Olivia looked down.

"You were sent to prison by your parents when you turned thirteen", Sir William spoke up. "Of course, they used their last breaths to do so."

Olivia flinched in response to what he had said.

"W-What does that mean?", Shyza turned to her.

Ed's eyes widened, "... Did she, kill her own parents?"

Sek opened his eyes, something seemed to have caught his interest.

Sir William adjusted his glasses, "Why don't you ask."

"I...", she stammered, tears forming up in her dim eyes. "I didn't do it... I didn't kill them, but I can't tell you what happened, I just can't."

"Weak", Sek muttered, but loud enough to send an instant chill down her spine.

She stood there, trembling in fear, "I-"

"We'll speak no more of this", Sir William commanded. "I'll take the mission report later, Shyza's now a member of the organization."

"Uh, y-yes sir", she replied, feeling sad for Olivia.

"Well then, why don't you both go and rest?", he smiled warmly, instantly clearing all signs of fear. "It might get dark soon, be on time for dinner."

"You don't have to worry about anything goddess!", Ed grinned. "You're pretty much part of the family already. What you did or did not do doesn't matter."

Olivia looked up, her eyes plunging deeper and deeper into darkness yet, she manages to force a smile.

"Hehe, told ya you'd be part of it!", Shyza giggled. "C'mon! We'll sleep in the same room!"

Sek walked out from the shadows, heading towards the exit.


He stopped, then looked back with a smile, "Heh, welcome back."

Shyza hesitated, "...Mm."

The door automatically opened and closed again after he had gotten out, his smile dying at that moment.


My attention completely shifted to him, "So you finally chose to speak to me."

"We're going to have a long talk", he said in a deadly serious tone. "A very long one."