Who owns who?

(Crux Coelestis ship - Stargaze balcony)

(Dzinu's POV)-----------------------

"Back then", Sek leaned against the rails, staring into the endless night sky decorated with the bright stars and white clouds that seemed to blend into the scene.

"Hmm?", I felt the link between him and I weaken.

"Back when we used the gracious slice attack for the first time", he closed his eyes. "That was when I noticed the imbalance."

"From that far back?", I thought.

"The thing is", he began. "Why did you keep quiet about it."

(Day of the Crimson Sky)---------------

There was something that grabbed my attention the moment we moved to attack Nyuitor.

"Zã", blue aura boomed out from both Dzinu and me, clearing the clouds and exposing the bright light of the moon.

"Nyodɔme Kakɛ!!"

"Flamma lancaem"

"Sek! Watch out!!"

"Tch!", I clicked my tongue after hearing Dzinu's warning.

Within the flames that were blown out towards us was a thin, sharp ray of light that perfectly stayed hidden.

"Damn it!", I cursed, barely evading the attack as it grazed the surface of my cheek.


A quick nod came in response, I wasn't going to let this chance slip! Without wasting even a second, I swiped the blade and brought it above my head, sending a line of blue light down as I swung the sword.

"Heh, got him-", I paused in shock. "What's this!?"

Everything seemed to have lost colour, leaving a world of white and black as even time had been slowed down. The line of energy I sent towards the enemy seemed to have slowed down as well.

"Whenever you use the gracious slice attack, there is a temporary occurrence", Dzinu explained. "My realm comes to this one to obtain its energy but, that ends up sending time on a slowdown phase."

"What do you mean?"

"For you to use my power, you need energy from both my realm and this one"


The world began to shift and distort, returning time to its original pace as we began to slowly fall faster.

"All this happens in seconds but may seem like an eternity to you"

"Oh?", I cocked an eyebrow. "Doesn't matter, as long as-"

There was an instant pause. Something caught my attention at that moment. There was an eerie presence that began to surround Nyuitor as a certain mark on his neck glowed a bright crimson colour.

"What's that?", I muttered to myself, feeling an odd chill on my right cheek.


Before I had even realized it, the attack had already sent Nyuitor plummeting into the ground with a tremendous amount of force.

(Crux Coelestis ship - Bath section)

(Olivia's POV)-----------------------

Gentle steam completely engulfed the entire room, filling it with an aromatic perfume that emanated from the sleek bathtub.

"I've never had a chance to be in one of these", I muttered, sinking a bit into the water as the vapour entered my skin. "Do I even deserve it?"

I looked up, the lights on the ceiling blinking softly in a white glow.

"Do I?"

Memories of that night began to attack my head with poison jabs as the raging blue flames that brought my home down kept replaying in my head.

"I'm the one who caused it, right?", my eyes dimmed as I leaned over to the side. "Why am I the one who's set free instead?"

"Prison mom... I shouldn't have left her"

Trembling fear began to tighten its grip on my entire body, still pushing in those horrible memories.

The faces my parents gave before their final breath

The rage

The disgust

"But, I didn't do it... did I?", I turned to look back at the ceiling. "It wasn't my fault, was it?"

Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks as their last words threw a final shard at my heart.


"W-What did they mean by that?", a waver could be heard in my voice, those tears couldn't be held in anymore. "I don't understand..."


Only silence was left and it was something that soothed me sometimes. I could stay in that perfumed water for hours, that way I wouldn't have to face others as some kind of criminal.




The water zipped into the air as figure poked her head from underneath the liquid, staring at me with a devilish glare.

"S-S-S-Shyza!? W-What are you-"

"Kukukukuku", her glare got more and more uncomfortable. "Big sis hides some things I see."

"... Eh?"

"Big sis really is big!!"

My head exploded at that comment, "W-What do you mean by that!?"

"Hmm, so... Big sis must be scared of boys", she swam closer.

"Huh?! S-Stay back!!"

"AKUKEKAKAKA!!", her hands rose into the air, wriggling unsettlingly. "Me wanna feel big sis!!"

"What are you-", I instinctively blocked my body with my arms, watching in horror as the little demon drew closer.


"Wah!? No! Stop!"


"Teehee, I see I see"

"S-Shyza, L-Let go!!"


Water splashed all over the room as both of us struggled against each other.

What did she want anyway!!??

"Shyza! I need personal space!!"

"... I'm a girl too", she paused, smiling with a tilted head.

This girl was too adorable, but I STILL wasn't going to let her come close!!

"Hahahaha, just kidding Big sis", she grinned, moving behind me and placing her hands in my hair. "Ehehe."

"Huh?", I blinked in confusion.

"Your hair's too messy. I'll wash it for you!"

My face turned red from having someone so close. I was always prevented from meeting people and now I was faced with having no way of reacting that much.

"Ah, okay", I looked down at the water.

The silence visited again, leaving the entire room a bit tensed as Shyza filled my hair with foam.

"Hey, Big Sis..."


"Are you sad?"

"...", I hesitated. "You don't have to worry about me."

"We're family now", she muttered. "Right?"


"You don't have to hide everything"

I looked up, "Can I-"

"Weak", a cold voice scratched my mind, instantly causing me to flinch.


"Hm? Haha, I think too much has happened today", I laughed nervously.

"Hehe, you're right. We need to get rest"

I nodded, "Yes."


"W-What is it!?", I turned back in shock, staring at Shyza who had tears running down her eyes.

"Your hairs too much", she sniffed.



(Stargaze balcony - Dzinu's POV)--------

"Mind explaining?", Sek pointed to a crescent mark on his left cheek. "Why do I have this?"

I stared at the unfamiliar mark for a while, "I don't know."

"What?", he cocked an eyebrow. "Are you kidding right now?"

"I'm not, it looks familiar but I can't recall"

"Tch, that demon thing owned that guy's soul because of this mark", he moved back. "I felt it at that moment."

"What do you mean?"

"Your soul, looming over mine and your palm grabbing me", his eyes changed into a blue colour. "I don't care about having these things or giving you more life force than necessary."


Sek's eyes sharpened, "The fact that you didn't tell me anything related to our link places doubts within me."

"I know, I just felt reluctant", I hesitantly replied.

"Heh, so this mark is a mystery we'll have to solve huh", he smirked. "Well, as long as we both get what we want without feeling indebted to each other."



"What was that!?", I thought to myself, noticing a strange surge flow into me. "Sek?"

"Huh? Y-Yeah?", he shook his head, snapping out of his daze.

I could've sworn that his eyes had turned a red colour but, it had left the instant it appeared.

"Let's get some rest", he tightened his grip on me, taking his leave.

"What do you think about Olivia?", I curiously asked, well aware of the cold word he said back at the control room.

"She's clear as long as she doesn't try to get too comfortable around me", Sek replied with a cold stare. "I'm not in the mood to deal with weaklings right now."

I kept silent as we walked into the ship's interior.

"What are you trying to say, Sek?", I muttered.

He did seem cold when he said that, but it wasn't as intense as how it usually was. Was he hiding something?

(Control room - Sir. William's POV)--------

"Mmm, what a nice evening", I took in a sip of my tea.

Tea was something I couldn't live completely without. The way it soothed the body and brought its calming effects was magical. Of course, sleeping would be quite difficult after but who could resist?


"Hmm?", my gaze shifted from the view to a figure behind me. "Sedem?"

"Umm, ya see. About Olivia."

I smiled, "Oh? What about her?"

"You don't think she really killed her parents, do you?"

"The door to someone's mind rests within their eyes", I replied. "You should know this."

"Hahaha", he scratched his head. "I never get you."

"Do you feel something for that young lady?", I took another sip.

"H-Hah!? Pfft, no", he stammered.

"Ha, well then", I glanced to a spot behind him.

"Huh? Is something wro-"


A large mech burst from the shadows, lunging towards me with brute force.

"What- BORDRON!!", Sedem called out to it but it kept coming.

"Hm", I smirked, lifting my right hand.


Powerful winds whipped up throughout the room as the bot stopped with abrupt strength, its body vigorously shaking as it locked eyes with me.

"Still malfunctioning?", I asked.

Sedem stared in shock, swallowing his saliva as he built up words.

"Y-Yes, it's still under repairs"

"I see, your tech gear's a rowdy one", I placed the cup of tea down and turned back at the view.

"Bordron", Sedem tapped a holographic button on his palm.

"-Shutting down-", the bot responded, humming to sleep.

"This guy's a pain", he sighed.

"Olivia's mission starts tomorrow"

"Eh?", Sedem blinked.

"And she'll be going along with Sek and Shyza"

There was a brief silence as we both kept quiet.

"Right", he replied.