Zephain Maidens

(Zephain main star fleet - The Great Mass' Exosphere)

(Claudia's POV)-------------------

The Great Mass planet...

Years passed and we humans were able to terraform this planet into something completely different. Its odd atmospheric layers were still kept intact though and humans were only left with the option of shielding themselves with a gas blanket.

I sat next to the window in the lounge, staring down at the gigantic planet.

The glow it gave its blue colour covering most of what truly laid beneath its clouds. That was all I did most of the time, just staring at the planet till who knows when I'd leave its presence.

Even though it wasn't my home planet, somehow it managed to attract me more than the super red planet; Scorx.

Hovering above the Great mass' exosphere was the most powerful star fleet owned by the Zephain company. Star's crest was its name and it was almost the size of three supercontinents.

Its firearms could wipe out planets with a single charged beam attack. Thus, our organization had captured several planets and colonized millions of alien races.

And within the ship wasn't different from what you'd see in top-class mansions as advanced human and alien technology were merged to form a stunning luxury interior.

Normally, the environment onboard the main ship would've been serene but...

"Ah, jeez!!", a lady donned in a black and blue uniform sat lazily on a couch opposite the room.

Zephain Maiden, Ying Yue. Also sometimes called the Moon's child since she had this odd tendency of speaking to moons and strangely, that moon would give some kind of response. Be it rocks coming together to form an image or the release of absurd magnetic patterns.

Her black hair was a sight to behold, the gleam it gave as it flowed down smoothly towards her waist seemed like an endless stream. Her cobalt blue eyeshadow made her eyes sharpen with devilish intent while skin shone as white as snow and her lips were a fluffy pink, truly proving that she hailed from the Eastern galaxy. One would easily fall for the assumption that she was "innocent" once they laid eyes on her... A dangerous fall that would be.

"I ain't ever taking any of that shitty work again", Ying Yue sighed.

"Oh? What happened now?", a tall lady walked into the lounge, wearing a silver uniform.

Oh... Zephain Maiden Lula, bearing the nickname Death's nightmare. She had never died no matter what deadly situation she got herself in. There were even rumours that she had escaped various interstellar explosions unscathed... that's, just impossible.

She had beautiful brown hair which had been tied into a long ponytail and her curvaceous body could easily attract any man. Her origins could be traced to the Northern Galaxy and specifically, to the group of humans who called themselves Germans in previous eras.

"I'm tired of getting those boring missions", Ying Yue scoffed. "Supervision this, Supervision that. Fuck it!!"

"Ahaha, seems like your side hasn't been interesting", Lula giggled, she looked like an angel.

"Hah!? What do you mean!?", Ying Yue cocked an eyebrow.

"I've taken down one thousand planets and five hundred alien civilizations", she responded with a smile.

"Filthy aliens again?", Ying Yue laughed. "Please, they could never topple a single human battleship. What did you do to them anyway?"

"I killed them all", she coldly replied.


Silence filled the room as those words coldly scratched at the lounge's walls.

"This demon", a sarcastic smile crept up on Ying Yue's face.

"Oh, I let some of them live as slaves though", Lula clapped. "In my part of the universe."

The Zephain maidens were allowed to own their colonies as a reward for their work and also to serve as stations whenever they've been assigned missions in those areas.

"Well... Filth doesn't matter, does it?", Ying Yue gulped.

"They'll be treated well", Lula grinned.


"Ahaha!!", a wave of laughter burst out from Ying Yue as she tried to calm the atmosphere.

Lula looked around, "Hmm, where is she?"

"Huh? Who?"

She kept looking around until she spotted me behind the window, "Oh, hello Claudia."

I looked back with a lazy stare.

(Hello Lula)

Then turned back to the view.

"... Well", Lula sighed.

"Hah? What did she tell you?", Ying Yue bounced over to me. "Claudia, do you always have to use telepathy?"

(Yes... Is there a problem?), I replied, my voice sounding with a hint of a drag.

"Ha", she chuckled weakly.

"Zephain Maiden Claudia, also known as the goddess of Scorx", a low-motivated voice sounded in our midst.

"THE HELL!!", Ying Yue fell back, completely taken by surprise.

"Oh, Hello Charlotte~", Lula hugged the petite girl.

She was Zephain maiden Charlotte. She didn't have any nickname, but she was strange. Her missions were completed at the fastest time and they'd be done in complete silence.

Ying Yue cursed, realizing that she had been spooked by someone who always hid her presence. It was as if you couldn't feel her around until she spoke.

Charlotte had short dark blue hair and wore a black uniform that could change colours depending on the terrain she found herself in.

"Claudia, who are you talking to?", she asked with a curious look on her face.

"Huh? What do you mean", Ying Yue held her hips.

"Mmm, she isn't talking to me", Lula placed a finger on her chin.

(I'm talking to myself), I answered, instantly closing any link to my mind.

(You owe me, readers)

"Hmm... I want to do the same", Charlotte spoke with a hint of emotion.

(Charlotte's POV)

Reading Claudia's mind was quite simple since I was also a Psychic, but she had cut her connection for some reason. She normally kept it open the entire time.

The lady who stared at the planet below was Zephain maiden Claudia... Goddess of Scorx. No one knew why she was given that nickname, but we thought it was because of her godly body.

She had yellow hair which faded into a red hue and blazing amber eyes that radiated a feeling of heat off of her. A bright glow bounced off her beautiful dark skin, a testament to her origin that connected her to the Africans from old eras.

Even though all of them occupied the Central galaxy which we were currently in, Claudia seemed to stand out the most. Probably because of her majestic aura.

(Why do you always want to do what I do?), she asked, still gazing at the gigantic planet.

(Hehe, because you're my role-model), I replied.


"Uhh, what do you think those two are talking about?", Ying Yue stood arms crossed.

"I dunno~", Lula smiled. "But, they really are the two most emotionless humans in the universe huh."

"My stars, their emotions must be locked in their huge-ass minds", Ying Yue threw her right arm in the air as she walked away.

(They do know that we can hear them, right?), I fixed my gaze on them.

(Noise, too much noise), Claudia groaned.

(Ah, sorr-), I paused.

Lady Claudia must've let her mind lose again as the blurred image of the person flashed across my mind.

(Oh, sorry), she closed the link again.

(Hmm, who's that?)

*Beep Beep*

Just then, the room's notice system lit up, displaying a large holographic window in the centre of the luxurious lounge.

[Incoming Message]

"Oi Lula, go get it", Ying Yue jumped onto the sofa.

"Okay~", Lula replied, twirling towards the panel.


"Well?", I inquired after noticing her silence.

At that moment, every single one of us shot glances at each other.

"Seems like it's important", Ying Yue shot up. "Let's go."

(Zephain star fleet - Cockpit)

(Claudia's POV)---------------------

Before us stood the sturdy doors of the ship's cockpit. Red lines lined its edges and the symbol of a Zephul was etched onto its surface, allowing it to radiate a daunting aura.

"-Access granted-"

The system scanned our DNA, opening the doors afterwards.

Anyone could've easily been knocked out in awe at the sight of the expansive cockpit. Shielded by glass walls, the view of the stars and other celestial bodies was a golden sight. Not to mention, the Great mass planet that stood majestically before the fleet.

Several operational pods lined both sides of the huge room as personnel were hard at work, keeping the ship in its best condition. Sounds of beeping and clicking, sliding and humming... these were the very sounds that proved that the entire fleet was alive.

And there was only one person who bound them together. On a raised platform, sat a man who was never to be messed with. He faced the large holographic panel before him, lifting his right arm after noticing our presence.

"Maidens", his cold, deep voice sent shivers down our spines as he turned his seat to face us.

Zephain President, Lynzel.

"Sir", we all responded with discipline, bowing in respect.

The President gave a smirk, his icy blue eyes gleaming eerily in the shadows cast by the lights. Even though he had lived for 100 years, he had still managed to retain his youthful appearance from 82 years ago.

Keeping one's youth was normal ever since humans began to utilize Neo shard energy.

His facial features and supreme build still reeled in many women in high positions, but his loyalty to his wife was never-ending.

"You all were supposed to be given rest time", President Lynzel closed his eyes. "But, that'll have to wait for now."

"If it comes to whatever the President wishes, there's no such thing as rest", Ying Yue spoke.

"We're here at your beck and call, we'll smite galaxies at your command", Lula followed.

"And that, we'll do with utmost perfection", Charlotte spoke with all seriousness.

Talking out loud was something I had difficulty with since I couldn't control the volume of my voice. Thus, it remained in an extremely low tone since I was born. That was why I resorted to putting all my mind into being a perfect Psychic.

"Very well", the president supported his cheek with his fist. "Lady Charlotte and Lady Lula."

"Sir", both maidens promptly reacted.

"I'll have you two obtain the neo shard reserves that are being kept on the planet Hordias"

The holographic window behind him changed into a map, displaying a spiral galaxy.

(The Western galaxy), I thought to myself.

That galaxy was currently occupied by the dwellers of the Australian dome and the Dome of the Americas that once existed during the Aerial arm era.

"Understood", both Charlotte and Lula firmly acknowledged.

"Lady Claudia and Lady Ying Yue", he sent his gaze towards us.

"Sir", Ying Yue bowed even further.

"You both will land on Planet Celladonia. Details of the mission will be sent to you once you get there."


"Good", his cold eyes left our sight, lifting the immense pressure it came with as he turned back to face the hologram. "Dismissed."

We all nodded in firm response, getting up to leave afterwards.

"Lady Claudia", the president called. "Stay."

The others left the cockpit, leaving me in the presence of the president. Even though the personnel were in their pods and couldn't hear or see us, the tension was greater than before.

"I've decided to give you another chance", he looked back. "I want my daughter back here. You might've guessed the mission details."

I bowed, showing that I indeed had an idea.

I could've easily linked my mind with the President's, but it was impossible for some reason.

Back when I gazed at the planet from the window, I noticed an object leaving its atmosphere. And by the direction it was headed, it seemed to be moving towards the Celladonian planet.

"You still lack the full mission details, but I'll only give them to you after you land", with that, President Lynzel raised his right hand. "You may leave."

(Zephain main star fleet - Alien girl's POV)--

"M-Momma?", I looked around, but I couldn't find her.

I was lost...

I only remembered holding momma's hand when suddenly, I ran after one of the flying aliens that had escaped from the garden.

"Huh?", I looked up.

There was this really HUGE door, it looked like it was entering the sky.

My heart began to beat faster and faster when I saw a tiny symbol above the Alien bird mark.

"H-H-Humans", my lips trembled as I spoke, tears welling up in my eyes. "I-"

Just then, the doors opened and a human lady walked out. She seemed to be wearing one of those cool uniforms

But... Humans, they were too scary...

"H-Human... M-Momma", tears began to stream down my face as my eyes met with hers. Those eyes looked like they were on fire.

The lady just stood there, looming over my tiny body with a death glare.

"I-I'm done for", I flinched, thinking about all the horrible things she was going to do to me. "Momma, Momma."


"What-", I gasped.

Something... Someone just entered my mind. Was it the lady?

(Little girl)

The lady squatted before me, patting my head.

(You're green, I like green)

"I-I'm sorry", my voice wavered. "I won't ever come here again."

(Hmm?), she tilted her head.

"S-Sorry, great race", I closed my eyes, sealing the tension she poured into me.

(Great race? We humans?), she paused, quite confused. (Storage cube)

A floating box appeared beside her.

(There's nothing great about us), she placed her hand into the cube and pulled out a rainbow sphere.


I stared at the sphere, then back at her.

She was scary because of her emotionless face, but was kind...

No... Humans, Humans were monsters...

They- They destroyed my home...

(Now, use that sphere. It's yours), she stood up, holding her hip. (No one can take it from you)

Before I realized, the sphere was in my hands.

I knew that thing. It could change its shape into whatever you thought of... but why did she-

I looked up so I could make sure that it was for me but, she was long gone.

Humans, they're too confusing...

"Iteya! Iteya!", a familiar voice kept calling my name.

"Momma?", I looked back, pulled into a hug before I could even react.

"Iteya, what were you thinking?", she scolded. "Let's hurry and leave this area."

She pulled me along, the sphere in my hands and my eyes pinned on the spot where she stood.

Trying to understand why she didn't get angry...

We 'aliens', all of us... were considered nothing but scum in their sight after all.