
(Crux Coelestis Space ship - Outer Space)

(Shyza's POV)----------------------

"Woah! Outer Space! Outer Space!"

I leapt around in the tiny space ship, moving between the windows on both sides to get a good look at the vast expanse of the universe that looked like it could swallow the travelling vessel at any moment.

I couldn't remember the last time I had been outside the planet, but all I knew was that I came from Faunaria and that I had travelled through space with dad countless times before.

... He wasn't my real dad, but it still felt like he kept me closer than anyone else until he merged me with Sliza.

"Woah!!", I stared star-struck as we weaved through an asteroid cloud. "Space is wonderful", my legs finally gave in as I sat on the seat next to Olivia.

The ship had very few sections.

The lounge section, food station, bathroom and cockpit. Olivia and I sat in the lounge while Sekky took control of the ship from the cockpit.

"You seem quite hyper today", Olivia gave a strained grin.


My body might've been exhausted, but not the bursting excitement that still flowed out from my heart.

"Haha", Big sis laughed nervously. "You must really like space a lot."

"Mhm! Big Sis", I stared at her, noticing a slight shift in her composure.


"Are you nervous?"

"What? Hahaha, W-What are you t-talking about?", she stammered, looking out the window.

"Hehe, we were placed in this mission together so don't worry about a thing!", I flexed my 'muscles'.

Big Sis gave a light smile, "I know."

Just then, something grabbed my attention as I glanced outside. It looked as if something had moved through the vast vacuum but it was completely blurred.

"What was that?", I muttered.

"Shyza", Olivia turned back. "Did you really understand what Sir William said?"

My head tilted, "Huh?"

"Menergy", she said undertone.

"Oh. Pfft, I didn't get a single thing"

"I... see"

My eyebrows furrowed at her sudden expression, "Is something wrong?"

"Hmm?", she snapped back to reality. "Oh, nothing. Look! A huge star!"

"Ooooo, Where!?"

(Crux Coelestis Ship - 3 hours ago)

(Planet Great Mass)

(Olivia's POV)

My head was thrown into a state of complete confusion as I stared speechless at the boy kneeling before me. I had just woken up and decided to head to the cockpit ahead of Shyza when suddenly, he appeared.

"Umm", I stammered, trying to find a way out.

"Goodmorning, my dear angel from above", Ed grabbed my hand.

"G-Goodmorning... Uh, you're-"

"IDIOT ED!!", Shyza burst out of the room and into the hallway. "GET AWAY YOU IDIOT!!"

Shyza threw a kick at him, but a sudden gleam sparked in his eyes as he swiftly avoided her approach and grabbed her leg.

"Is it wrong to greet an angel?", Ed spoke darkly as he adjusted his glasses.

Wait, where did those glasses come from?

"A-Angel?", I muttered, my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"HUMPH!!", Shyza snapped but managed to contain herself. "Okay then."

Ed let down her leg with a smirk.

"Goodmorning Ed", she smiled and offered her right hand.

"Huh?", he was quite confused.

"Goodmorning", Shyza grinned widely.

"W-What's she up to?", I thought to myself.

"Heh", Ed brought his hand forward, grabbing Shzya's. "Goodmo-"

"Sick em'"


An unknown force sent him flying straight into the wall with a dull thud.

"Kukukukuku", Shyza dusted her hands as a figure slowly revealed itself around her right arm. "Good job cheeky."

"T-That Slitheryon", cold sweat ran down my back.

"What. The. Hell.", Ed twitched in pain as his brain tried to process what had just happened.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! IDIOT 0, SHYZA 1", a devilish aura burst out from Shyza as she walked towards me and grabbed my arm, pulling me away with a goofy walk.

"U-Um, Sorry about her", I apologised, leaving the poor boy still on his butt.


The doors slid open with a mechanical hum, revealing a wide hall that reflected the sunlight through its large glass windows. Shyza and I walked in, greeting Sir William who sat on his seat with a cup of tea in hand.

"Sekky!", Shyza ran towards a tall figure who held a graceful-looking blade in his hand.

"Who's that?", I thought.

"Hmm?", Sir William placed his cup down. "Where's Sedem?"

"Hehe, he's taking a nap", a bright glow lit up in Shyza's eyes.

"Oh, seems like he'll be late then", he replied, summoning a large holographic window with a clap of his hands. "According to the report Shyza gave me, it looks like the government engages in some form of underground experimentations. Though, the information I've received from the main database speaks of prisoners being the only ones taken through these."

Several texts began to zip down the screens as he spoke.

"It's quite odd since they mostly inform the public and allow the prisoners to meet their loved ones for the last time before taking them back", Sir William continued. "Those experiments aren't meant to keep the prisoner alive since the true test subjects are the ones released to test their capabilities."

"What are you trying to say?", a cold, dark voice sent the temperature plummeting as the boy spoke.

"He... sounds familiar", the thought crossed my mind.

Sir William gave a look of concern, "If these prisoners are being kept alive, it might mean that the superiors may be trying to take up an extremely new project and the fact that the footage of the battle against that soldier at the prison showed something rather strange leaves many questions unanswered."

"Footage?", Shyza curiously asked.

"Yes, Sliza constantly records your whatever you do and stores it in its cloud", he answered. "It's easy to withdraw the information as long as it's in this ship's field."

A look of slight fear and panic swept up on Shyza's face, "H-Haaah!?"

"Haha, don't worry", Sir William laughed. "I only take information related to this organization and its works."


"The energy that white soldier used...", he muttered. "It resembled Menergy, it was too similar."

"Menergy?", an unknown voice asked.

"Where-", I looked around but couldn't find the source.

"Well then, I think it's about time you knew a bit about Crux Coelestis", Sir William smirked.

All of a sudden, the texts on the holographic screen switched to an image of a yellow flame.

"You do know about Neo Shard Energy", he paused. "That same energy that has been nicknamed as the Destroyer of all forms of energy."

"Yes. Remnants of a Past Universe were found and scientists found out that several million forms of energy existed until they slowly began to disappear all of a sudden", Shyza spoke up. "Mmm, they say it was because of the Universe's ageing."

"N-Not really", I stupidly blurted out.

Everyone turned to my direction except the boy, sending a mountain of pressure on me as I struggled to formulate words in my head.

"U-Umm, I-"

"Tell us what you have to say", Sir William smiled, instantly reducing the tension.

"W-Well... the reason why so many forms of energy disappeared wasn't really because of the universe's ageing", I began. "Neo shard energy... That was the cause, no... It was the Neo Crystal to be exact."

"The neo shards radiate energy from the crystal, but for some reason... the source of that same energy doesn't contain a concentrated form as one would expect."

"There was some kind of sudden fluctuation in the crystal's composition trillions of years ago, causing an explosion... Well, I'm not sure if it was one. But, whatever happened suddenly wiped out billions of energy forms and supposed Pre-alien civilizations."

"Woah", Shyza's jaw dropped. "Woah!! That was awesome! I don't get much of it but that's awesome!!"

"E-Eh? Umm, I-", a familiar burning sensation left my cheeks melting as she stared at me with her star-struck eyes.

"Interesting. Even I didn't know a bit of what you said", Sir William clapped. "That would've been the end of all life, there wouldn't have been any such thing as existence."

There was silence in the room once again.

"If it weren't for Menergy that is", he adjusted his glasses. "Menergy's extremely mysterious and It could be responsible for many otherworldly occurrences.."

"This energy's what we Knights use with our tech", he began. "And it may have something to do with energy creation, something deemed impossible in the first place."

"There are extremely faint traces of Menergy scattered throughout the universe. It may have been around during its birth, but so many details have been hidden from those who even follow the Church closely."

"Only those within the highest order have the ability to harness menergy and through its fusion with technology, it has become something completely threatening since its power is increasingly huge."

His eyes trailed into the outside view, "What baffles me is how the government got its hands on it when the organization's existence is completely clouded. Even though it was only an essence that was used during the battle, it should've been impossible for someone outside the Church to utilize it."

"What do you suspect?", the boy asked in a serious tone.

"Well, the other legendary blades have been proven to have a decent amount of menergy according to the data we collected whenever you unsheathed the Moon sword", Sir William answered.

"So, they pulled menergy from a legendary blade?", the mysterious voice echoed in the room.

"Probably", Sir William paused. "That's why I'll need you three to head to the Planet Celladonia. Traces of menergy has been detected there and I'll need you to extract the gaseous samples."

"Celladonia?", I thought to myself.

That planet was the coldest in our solar system and spent most of its years in the ice belt. It was no mystery that humans who found themselves there easily evolved to meet the harsh winter conditions since Neo shard energy had various 'mystical' effects.

"And you'll have to leave now", Sir's words snapped me back.

"N-Now?", I said to myself.

"YES!! That means we get to go to Outer Space!!", Shyza leapt for joy.

"Hm, right", he smiled. "Olivia, Seksulfur, Ed will send your Crux Coelestis uniforms to your storage cube."

The silent boy turned to leave, "Understood."

"Seksulfur", an odd feeling grabbed my body the moment I muttered his name.

I couldn't identify it, but it felt as if someone was glaring through my entire being.

"What are you standing there for Big Sis!?", Shyza grabbed my hand.


"C'mon! We're gonna see Outer Space!!", she pulled me along before I even had the chance to complete my sentence.

(Unknown location - Planet Celladonia)

(Winter woods)

(Celladonian's POV)

My feet sunk into the thick snow as I stared into the distance, miles and miles of snow-choked trees were the only things one would see once he or she got lost in the vast forest.

The insane freezing could easily freeze a human inside out, but of course, that wouldn't affect those who dwelled on the Ice King; Celladonia.

"Brothers!", panting from a heavy marathon, I roared at the top of my voice. "Brothers! Brothers!!"





Still, chilling winds swept through the land, barely touching my skin as a layer of my black force field repelled the harsh temperature from coming into contact with my body.

"Bornic?", a little voice echoed in the woods.

My attention instantly spiked at the sound, "Forest guardian."

I sighed internally. Finally, a member of our pack had heard me.

Just then, a little girl with black hair emerged from behind a tree. She wore clothes made from the skin of the planet's lower beings like everyone else did.

"What news does a delta bring", the air seemed to get even colder as she spoke.

I kept panting as I tried to bring out the words, "I felt it..."

Her eyes sharpened and her pupils shifted into a total black hue as an ominous aura engulfed her, "Do not waste my time."

My power dwindled in her presence as I bowed, "I felt it... The aura of a lone wolf."

The black colour in her eyes reduced with a powerful shift.

I blinked, looking further down as my eyes changed into a similar hue.

Finally, it was time.