Parasitic Frenzy

(Unknown planet's surface – night time)

(Seksulfur's P.O.V.)

"It's about time", I muttered darkly under my breath.

The leaves rustled with every movement I took and I could feel the alarms in my head going off simultaneously; the alien plants were watching, waiting to strike when I least expected it.

Hopefully, Dzinu's crazy training methods would pay off; I almost died during them!

A sudden voice sharply entered my thoughts at that moment, "You know I wouldn't let that happen."

"Yeah sure", a sarcastic smile crept up on my lips.


An electric signal zapped into my head. One of my clones was trying to communicate. Splitting my senses into parts was an unsettling feeling and it obviously made me feel dull battle-wise. Hence, finding out a way to talk to those clones was a definite necessity.

Luckily for me, it was not impossible.

[Dzilaiza: Translating signals…]

"Hmm", my eyes keenly kept watch on all the surrounding trees. "Why haven't they attacked yet? Are they full or something?"

"The aura fluctuations I felt the last time you confronted them do not seem to manifest currently", Dzinu answered. "At this point, they're all normal trees."

"Yeah well, that's unsettling to me"

[Dzilaiza: Message decrypted; Tremors seem to be steadily approaching from below]

"Tremors?", I leapt onto the highest branch I could find and then began to scout the area.

"Nothing but these alien plants in sight. My senses also suddenly died down. Dzilaiza, where's the epicentre?"

[Dzilaiza: 60 metres to the north-west]

"It's close-"


An incredibly large figure burst from within the ground at the epicentre's location, spewing an enormous amount of debris into the air. The ground began to shake violently and my ears seemed to burn as several electric signals flooded my brain from the clones in the forest.

"Tch! What the heck is this!?", I covered my ears and gritted my teeth. "Dzinu!"

"The aura fluctuations… they're back!", a petrified voice entered my mind. "They seem to be gathering at where that huge mountain of debris is rising!"

[Dzilaiza: Identifying lifeform…]

My eyes slowly widened as the debris began to fall away, "Holy…"

[Dzilaiza; lifeform identified, higher level species – Queen Litzizi]

A thick plant the height of about four mountains towered over the entire forest, seemingly touching the upper parts of the atmosphere. Eerie lights slowly began to spill from within its thorny stem.

[Dzilaiza: Energy distribution detected. The queen is currently undergoing seed multiplication. Estimated time to planetary devastation – 2 hours]



Run Run RUN!!


"Damn it!", I lunged into the air just in time to evade a power-packed vine that easily took down the plant I was standing on.

"Seems like our friends are back…", Dzinu sternly spoke.

"Yeah, no shit!", my arm stretched forward. "Storage cube!"

The floating cube flashed right before my palm as I reached into it and pulled out the menertical blade from the interior.

[Dzilaiza: Menertical blade activated]

Orange lights glowed all over the blade's reflective body as an electric current flooded its reflective body.

A group of vines headed our way didn't stand a chance as one intense slash was enough to split them apart. 

I managed to land lightly on the ground, but it didn't look like the Litzizi plants were going to spare me a second. Several vines shot forth from the surrounding alien plants. Slashing each of them wasn't an issue, however they simply kept coming in larger numbers.

"Great! What do we do now?", my vision slowly began to blur. 

"Don't worry Sek, they should be here any moment now!", Dzinu's voice echoed internally.


Just then, three shadowy figures emerged from the bushes.

"The clones!", I stepped back.

One of my copies aimed its plasma rifle at the incoming vines, firing a wide-ranged plasma shot that instantly wiped out the entire groups of vines.

The attacks seemed to lessen. All three clones then walked towards me, nodded and collapsed into the ground as shadows; eventually gathering right beneath my feet.

I shuddered, "Still not used to seeing that."

All my senses were finally restored, bringing a hidden smirk to my face. Having them gone made me feel empty, but now that they were back… 


"Hm?", I looked up and then narrowed my eyes at the sight before me.

The stems of each alien plant began to bulge and green liquids began to ooze from their underside, melting the grass beneath it.




Saliva began to leak from my mouth, "The heck, why am I hungry all of a sudden?"



A crazed smile tore through my lips, "Hold on, why am I even asking that question?"

"Sek? Sek! Snap out of it!"


Was someone saying something?


"Heh", I felt the grin on my face widen.

The stems of the alien plants burst open at that instant and lumps of flesh fell out from inside their bellies. The lumps of flesh began to move and soon, I was surrounded by what looked like a horde of zombie aliens.

Where did they suddenly come from?


Damn it! It was getting hard to stay sane!

One of the creatures gave out a menacing screech as it lifted its badly raptured wings in an attempt to fly. It was hard to identify them and my vision plummeted into a world of blue.

I could see it

Their hearts

My mouth opened on their own, baring the menacing fangs hidden in it. An explosive aura burst forth as the inner wolf began to take over.


A horned creature blasted towards us at high speed, directing its sharp horn straight at me. Tiny shock waves spread out in every direction as I took to firm footing and instantly stopped the beast in its tracks my left palm.

I gripped its horn and slammed it into the ground, following my movements with a swift jab using the menertical blade in my right hand.

No blood?

The creature wailed in pain as the strike that directly pierced through its fleshy core. 

My heart began to beat fiercely as I tore open the flesh of my prey and scavenged for my prize. An unsettling gleam caught my eye.




Worm-like creatures burst up from underground in an attempt to capture me in their swarm. Unfortunately for them, I was twice a fast and had lunged back in time. However, what I saw next caused my eyes to widen in disbelief.

The beast I had killed… its body completely disintegrated.



Every bit of my body was beginning to beg for an escape as several other creatures began to emerge from the darkness of the forest.

Were these not living things?


Kill Kill Kill Kill KILL!!

The grin on my face returned and my hearing got even worse, but I swore I could hear a faint voice

[Dzilaiza: 58 minutes to planetary devastation]