The blinding huntress

(Shyza: That's not him, that can't be him)

"My scans record full proof of his complete sanity", Sliza punched in.


Utter silence was the only entity present as the little girl's sliced up body laid on the ground in a pool of snowy red.

Big Sis fell on her knees, her eyes trembling from the sight of the brutally battered body. She didn't dare to look into anyone's eyes, the snow was the only body that seemed to consume her attention.

Sekky finally looked away from the decapitated head and into the sky. Tiny snow flakes made their way down in a solemn manner, quietly joining the immense layer of snow on the ground.

What was he doing?

And the weapon he had used to just then, was it Dzinu?

But, there was something completely different about the blade. Aside the thick red colour of blood, it seemed to be completely black.

"Shyza", Sekky finally spoke, looking down and then at my direction.

(S- Sekky?)

"I've sent the area map's data to your wrist com", his voice seemed cold as he slighty turned his face towards the winter woods. "Hurry up and leave this place."

His words took me by surprise, (Huh? What do you mean by that!?)

For some odd reason, my mental messages didn't seem to reach him no matter how many times I shouted. It was like his brain had completely modified its charge flow.

"Three objects approach from the woods", Sliza interrupted, moving into battle stance.



All of a sudden, three large robots emerged from within the trees. Each seemed to be made from extremely rare alloys as the glow they gave was something I had never seen before. They all had spherical forms with two arms and a little head above their bodies which hid two menacing eyes. They didn't touch the snow since they hovered on electromagnetism.

Even though those robots were something I had never seen before, they seemed to ring a bell.

[Robot 1: Target found, executing task]

The large robot in the middle scanned Sekky's entire body as it fixed its aim at him.

(What's it planning to do!?)

Without warning, the bot charged forward and threw its powerfully charged arm at Sekky. The impact sent him flying straight into the ship with such force that the flying machine was completely blown apart!


Sliza scanned the burning debris, "There are still signs of life. Shall we give assistance?"

(Do you even need to ask-)

"Shyza...", a shaky feminine voice caught our attention.

It was Big Sis and she seemed to be holding the pitch black sword. She looked at me in the eyes and then back at the remaining bots that observed both of us.

"Let's leave this place", her hands vigorously shook as she gulped her saliva. "We have to get to the menergy traces."

(What are you saying!?)

Nobody was making any sense! Sekky was being attacked and now we were just going to leave him with those robots all alone!?

"These bots aren't here for us", she mustered the little courage she had and stood straight, both hands clenching the sword's hilt tightly. "Let's escape while we have the chance."

I couldn't believe what she was saying...

I thought she didn't want to be seen as some kind of weakling, so why?

(You can go on your own. Sliza, help Sekky)

"Affirmative", Sliza responded.

"Listen, why would he tell us to leave without having a way to catch up to us?", Big Sis looked back. "We'll only burden him if we stay here."


"Besides-", she began.


Just then, the middle bot was sent crashing into the woods.

Sekky walked out from the burning ship. His right arm had been donned in high tech gauntlets and blood streamed down from his head as he glared at his enemies with piercing faint red eyes.

Yet there was so sign of fatigue on his face.

My intentions were instantly halted...

"You've seen it for yourself", Big Sis continued. "He isn't quite human right now. Plus, I'm sick and tired of being weak."


"Shall we halt our movement?", Sliza requested.

Big Sis was right.

Sekky had insane superhuman strength and could easily stand his own against those robots.

Also, I'm sure he had a plan if he asked us to take the lead.

We had no other choice, the mission had to be completed.

(... No, we retreat)

"Understood", Sliza turned around.

Big sis nodded and slipped past the two bots. Just like she said, they didn't react as we both made our way into the woods.

The sounds of fierce battling slowly dwindled as we got deeper and deeper until eventually, it died out in the distance...




(Seksulfur's POV)

The effect of landing on this planet, Synchronisation. A strange effect that reversed the changes made to the body of the planet's dwellers.

If you lived here for years and then left to a completely different environment, there was no way you could fully assimiliate into that new environment without adapting to it. One would have to get rid of old habits, while replacing them with new ones.

Sadly, Celladonian's were'nt allowed any of that. The phenomenon was unexplainable even with current technology and an abundance of energy. Scientists tried to breakdown the reason why natives of Celladonia were immediately transformed into their cannibalistic selves once they stepped foot on it.

Theories suggest that prolonged exposure to the odd magnetic patterns of the planet caused a mental evolution that seemed to reset even after years of escape from the large Ice planet.

Thus, the reason for the Celladonian's 'primitive' lifestyle. Even if one of our own were to pack insane levels of knowledge pertaining neo tech, the synchronisation would wipe those information free.

Of course, that would've affected me but it seemed like Crux Coelestis' menergy-based technology was not to be taken lightly. Ed was able to create an artificial magmetic field around my brain without causing a single bit of damage. The field affected the brain charge flow in a similar way as it did on other planets.

The neo shard energy within me spiked but my sanity was kept clean.

And now, the case of Dzinu. He had large amounts of menergy but for some reason, he got trapped within his own realm.

Not to mention, the large amount of negative energy that flowed out raised many questions in my mind.


I swiftly evaded another missile as it blasted right past me and into the snow.

"Tch", I clicked my tongue, carefully watching the three robots. "There's no time to think."

There was something completely off about those robots. They seemed to distort and suddenly bolt right back everytime I landed a blow.

Their appearances also got misplaced whenever a bit of snow blocked my vision. Were they holograms?


Technology had long ceased to function on the planet.


"Don't you think you've played hide and seek for far too long?", I smirked, never getting my eyes off them. "Wouldn't it be far better to fight fairly?"




There was no response, but the three bots' sudden halt confirmed my suspicion; Someone was controlling them.


"Hmm, never met an animal so smart before", an intoxicating female voice finally responded.

"Heh, took you long enough", my right fist clenched, keeping the gauntlet charged.

"Oho, I was beginning to get bored", the voice giggled menacingly. "Seems like things are about to change."

I scanned the area around the three robots, but there was no sign of anyone present and my ears failed to sense anything.

"Don't waste your time trying to find me", the voice turned stern. "Let's continue now, shall we? Only this time..."

The three robots began to break apart, merging and forming a seven feet tall humanoid robot with two menacing blades on its back.

'Are you kidding-', I thought as I slowly backed away.

"Ha! Now, let's begin the hunt", the voice spoke with glee, commanding the bot to charge forward with immense speed.


"Damn it!", I made a quick reflex, smoothly dodging the attack and heading towards the western woods.

"Oh! Great idea! What's the point of a hunt without having to chase prey!? Ahahhahahha! Exciting!", the voice burst out in a maniacal fit of laughter as the bot began to drive into pursuit.




(Northern woods - Olivia's POV)

There was nothing but the sounds of the Celladonian ecosystem as Shyza and I slowly came to a stop at an open area in the middle of the woods.

"We're still a bit far from the menergy site", I checked the map on the holocomm's holomap.

"Sekky...", Shyza stared at the direction we came from, her eyes teeming with hidden worry and frustration.

Sliza returned to its dormant state a while back, but Shyza still seemed to be fatigued.

Maybe it was time we took rest.

[8:54 am - 24th hour]

The holocomm's bright holographic feature lit up and displayed the time.

"Big Sis...", Shyza turned back.

A warm smile settled on my face as I set eyes on her, "We'll take a little break here."

She nodded slowly, her eyes fixed on her cute little shoes as she fidgeted with them. It was quite obvious, she wanted something and I knew exactly what it was.

"Shyza", I gently called her name.

With reluctance, she lifted her head and instantly fell into a teary-eyed state as she saw me offering my arms.

Taking no other second to breathe, she rushed into my arms and buried her face into my belly.

"There there", I gave her pats on her head and tried to stay as bright as possible.

Flashes from the moments a while back began to replay in my head, bringing back Seksulfur's desperate throw of the black sword just before he was attacked then to moments way back...

Back to the times of a slave...

And to the last memory I had of my home...

I was still weak inside, but I had to shell it in. I never fulfilled any promise that special home gave me, but this time-

'Both of you better get to the menergy site before I do, promise me you're going to survive in those woods'

Those were the words I heard Seksulfur say before he threw the sword to me.

Shyza's trembling instantly brought me to the current situation.

"Shyza?", I stared at her as she glared at something from the shadows. "What's-"

There, from within the large trees, were menacing sets of eyes that stared us down with killing intent.

No, nothing was rendering me useless this time.

"Come, let's leave this area", I grabbed Shyza's hand.

"... Okay", she responded.




(Zephain soldier's POV - Abandoned plantation)


"M- Miss Yin Yue", cold sweat slowly crept down my face and hanged on my chin as great fear enveloped my body. "Is it... really okay to be here?"

Miss Yin Yue had brought me to the planet via one of the teleporters. No one was supposed to know about the mission but the Zephain maidens, but here I was.

It was instant job loss once the fleet found out I was missing. Plus, what was up with the Celladonian planet!?

I heard it was a crazy place with crazy organisms but it seemed like the planet was crazy itself! I could literally feel the planet's cold voice as somekind of force tried to crush the teleporter with me.

I have no idea how the maidens were able to make the technology work in such a place, but... It's to be expected of them, I guess.

"Ughhhh", Miss Yin Yue lazily flopped herself on the couch in the middle of the dome. "Kid, just shut up and do your work."

"But, I might get fired-"

"Hm, to think a cute guy like you would get so scared of leaving his post just once!", she retorted. "Pfft, I'll make you my assisstant if you get fired."

Miss Yin Yue's... assisstant?

Oh no

No no no

No way! There was no way I was going to agree to that. She already had several assisstants before, but none of them returned alive after each mission she undertook!

*Beep Beep*

The holograpgic window before me flashed a red light as our target suddenly disappeared from our radar.

"Oi kid, what happened?", Miss Yin Yue got up and slammed her hand on the desk as she leaned in. "Hahhh???"

"U- Umm, m- miss", I adjusted my glasses. "You're... a bit too close."

"Hmmmmm", she ignored me, squinting her eyes at the screen and smirking sinisterly. "Smartass."

Just then, her eyes beamed a bright blue colour and the radar's efficiency was improved by a landslide!

The map instantly increased immensely, covering almost half of the planet!

I felt like a god!

"Can you spot him now?", she grabbed a bucket of popcorn from her storage cube.

"Y- Yeah..."

Our target was this Celladonian who had quite a rare aura. I had never heard or seen a wolf with a blue aura before and the fact that he could summon it whenever he pleased was completely intriguing.

"Welp! Back to my movie!", Miss Yin Yue stretched her limbs and jumped onto the couch.

"Heh", a sarcastic smile cracked up on my face.

I just couldn't imagine myself being so lazy once I had such an immense psychic power!

My robot-making skill easily earned me a spot in the elite arsenal of the Zephain fleet. With my skill, Miss Yin Yue was able to link up with my bots and boost their damage as well as transfer her own abilities to the bot.

For some reason, she didn't activate it.

But if she did...

I wouldn't be sitting here WASTING TIME IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

"Hmm?", an intoxicating aroma suddenly wafted in the air around me.

(Direct your focus to the northern parts of the woods), a familiar voice ringed in my head.


I swear, I almost wet my pants after I noticed Zephain Maiden Claudia checking the radar at such close range.

"L- Lady Claudia! When- How- Where-"

Without showing the least bit of reaction, she walked out of the dome with eyes that were completely devoid of all emotion.

Did she find something on the radar?

I took a look at the northern map and there I spotted two targets moving cautiosly through the woods.

'Is she after them?', I thought to myself and then spotted five figures moving in closely behind them. 'hmm, seems like lady Claudia isn't the only one.'

"Hey cutie kid!", Miss Yin Yue stood up. "I'm bored."

"Sure you are", I muttered under my breath as a blank expression filled my face.

Sudden pressure pressed onto my shoulders, "What did you say?"

"Ahahhaah nothing nothing!"

"Hm, good. Now...", she grinned. "Let the huntress get to work."