Ear-piercing annoyance

(Western woods - Seksulfur's POV)

I gave one final breath of relief, vigilantly keeping myself aware of my surroundings as I hid behind a few trees. It was then that certain thoughts began to cross my mind.

It was a good thing I was able to notice that robot's low area coverage. I was able to successfully get far enough so I wouldn't be spotted.

Not only did noticing the bot's flaw help but, its sudden pause... as if there was somekind of interruption.

Did the controller have her attention diverted?

That didn't matter. What really mattered was how I was going to get back to the others. Even that was probably going to be delayed since my pursuers must've noticed my sudden disappearance by now.

A sudden pain zinged through my head in the course of thinking.

My inner instincts were still trying to take over. I had little time and Dzilaiza ceased to function a few hours ago.


Snow flakes slowly and elegantly fell on the snowy bed on which I sat. The trees somehow looked smaller than how they were a few years ago probably because I was a cub- I mean, kid... back then.

A few hours passed and there were no signs of movements. Just dead silence.

"I think it's safe to move out now", I said to myself, cautiously making my way out from within the trees.

No one in sight

I let out a sigh of relief. Now I could finally search for the others-

"Took you a while", a familiar mechanized voice sliced through the air. "Heh! Thought you could hide forever!?"

How in the world did I not notice them!?


Large mountains of snow blasted into the air as the charged bot slammed its fists into the ground, trying to crush me under its strength.

I evaded just in time, a few metres away from it. It was the perfect distance to make an escape.

"Heh", I smirked, knowing I still had a chance to escape danger.

"You really are a feisty one eh?", a cold, enchanting voice scratched the back of my neck.

I lunged back immediately, "What the-"

The armed bot quickly dashed beside a feminine figure. She seemed to be donned in a high-tech uniform and her eyes gazed upon me with a feeling of extreme sadism.

Something sparkled on her chest. It seemed like badge of some sort?

The lady moved closer, allowing a bit of the moonlight to reveal more of her features as well as the sparkling item.

"Zephain co.", I muttered. "Just perfect."

"Oh? You really don't like Zephain huh", the lady chuckled, suddenly appearing behind me.


She promptly interrupted, "Hunt's not over."

Right there and then, the bot burst towards me at full speeds. Its fists were clenched, ready to deliver a devastating blow!

Time was too little! There was no way I could dodge it in time!


The bot dug its fist into my stomach, splitting the air molecules in the surrounding area.

"D- Damn it", blood spewed from my mouth as I fell to my knees, completely weakened.

"Hah!? Is that it!?", the lady squatted. "You have GOT to be fucking kidding me!"

"Uh, Lady Yin Yue...", the bot sounded more like a male this time. "I think we might've killed him."

Lady ... Yin Yue?

Her name was immediately burned into my memory and just then, a pool of rage began to build within me.

Yin Yue stood up and summoned holographic windows, "Nah, he's alive. I still sense life coming off of him."

How was she able to use technology? I thought the planet cancelled the operations of anykind of tech.

So how...

Yin Yue paused, noticing the confused look on my face.

"Pfft, surprised I can use tech?", she smirked. "This planet has no magic trash like you all primitives think. Simple frequency's the cause."


"Allow me to lecture ya", she smiled as holographic gloves enveloped her hands. "This planet's frequency for some reason, is extremely low and tends to mess with any piece of tech. Not only that, it messes with the human brain as well."

Human... brain?

"Heh! It's the cause of the primitivity among you Celladonians", sets of headphones appeared around her ears. "All that trash about the planet having mysterious powers is just a hoax to keep people away from this wasteland. Of course, the government knows this but do you think they have time for useless pieces of trash such as yourselves?"

The rage within me grew stronger with each word she uttered.

"Aaaaaand, the only reason why Lady Yin Yue's tech doesn't get affected is cuz she can manipulate sound waves in her immediate surroundings", the bot continued.

"Heh, now since we got our prey pinned...", a demonic expression took over her face as she squatted with her right hand over my head. "It's time for a torture session."

A mechanical voice then spoke from the holographic windows

[Enhancing Infrasound]

"Eheh", Yin Yue chuckled.




(Northern woods - Olivia's POV)


No No

No No No! They were only getting closer!

"Shyza! faster!", I briefly paused my steps.

"I... I can't", Shyza fell to her knees. "I'm too worn out."

To think those black wolves from before hid and waited till the perfect time to attack. Loud noises began to get closer from within the woods.

It was only a matter of time before they caught up with us! I had to do something and fast!

"Shyza!", I rushed up to her. "Climb on my back."

She looked up, pure fatigue clouding her eyes as she picked up strength to stand. I held my grip tightly on her and continued running to wherever I was running to.

That didn't really matter to me. I had to protect both Shyza and I.


Howls and barks reverberated throughout the woods as our pursuers got closer.

But something was off! They were faster than before!

It didn't even take three seconds as five wolf beasts leaped out from within the bushes. Their eyes gleamed a bloody red and their mouths were filled with blood-thirsty drools.

They had transformed into actual wolves!

"Big... Sis..."

"Don't try to say anything", I interrupted.

Right at that moment, I knew there was no way we could escape those beasts.

One of the attackers suddenly leaped forward, knocking both Shyza and I onto the snowy bed.

"Shyza! Are you okay!?", ignoring my blurred vision, I hugged Shyza tightly.


The wolves growled, surrounding us at all angles. There was no escape.

'Is it over?', my eyes shut tight as thoughts of this nature filled my head.

The growling stopped all of a sudden and the wolves began to give way to an unknown figure.

I opened my eyes but my vision was too blurry and my current state wasn't ready to focus.

The figure walked closer, "Act quickly."


That voice-

Memories from hours ago flooded my mind and it all pointed to one person.

But it couldn't be

I saw her head get cleanly sliced off by Dzinu.

"And cease that blade"

Oh no, they noticed the moon sword! The look on Seksulfur's face when he threw the sword to me flashed in my mind.

There was no way I was going to let them have it but, what could I do in such a weakened state?

The wolf that had knocked us down began to walk forward, slowly transforming into its humanoid form as it got closer.

'We'll be taken as prisoners at this rate', several thoughts began to race in my mind however, none of them seemed to pull forth a solution to the situation.

My vision began to darken as my body neared its limit.

"Bring the little girl along with us and dispose of the other one."

Those were the last words I heard before eventually losing consciousness.




(Western woods - Seksulfur's POV)

"You're afraid, aren't you?", the large spirit of the blue wolf grinned menacingly as it glared down at me. "You're afraid of being consumed by what slumbers deep within you."

Where was I?

For some reason, wherever I was looked like an exact copy of the moon realm.

Just then, the water beneath my feet began to boil with an intense energy.


Faint blasts resounded throughout the vacuum, causing ripples to form in the large expanse of water.

There was this feeling inside me

The fear adrenaline

Was I... running?


"Ahahahahahaha! Run! Run faster!", a femine voice burst into a maniacal fit of laughter as several missiles were launched into the air by a robot.

My point of view shifted. I found myself running from the enemy, my heart pounding heavily as great fear overwhelmed me.

Where did it come from!?

All I remember was seeing that holographic panel display the number 7. That was the moment everything started.

I could feel it

The urge to kill my enemy and the urge to run as fast as possible both locked in a bloody conflict.

I needed to kill! but I needed to run at the same time!


The missiles made impact with the snowy ground, shaking the entire area with an enormous magnitude and setting the trees ablaze.

I forcefully halted my steps, "Damn it! Why am I running!?"

"Oh?", Yin Yue walked from within the flames. "You killed the fear again."

"Tch!", my eyes sharpened.

"Jeez, cold", she shrugged. "Why don't I turn the volume down a bit-"

I wasn't going to give her the chance!

With full force, I leapt forward in an attempt to pin her down.

"Don't think so!", a mechanized shadow appeared from nowhere.


The swift bot delivered a direct blow to my cheek and sent me flying straight into a nearby rock with a force great enough to shatter it partially.

"Lady Yin Yue, just finish this guy already. He's pretty much dead now", the bot groaned.

"Ah jeeeeeeez", Yin Yue sighed. "True, this got fucking boring hours ago."

"Heh, but to be honest...", the robot stood aside as Yin Yue walked closer to me. "Your infrasound manipulation ability is really something."


... That's it! That could explain the sudden fear

She was trying to force me into acting like somekind of prey by using low sound frequencies to mess with my nervous system.

Heh, well that made things interesting.

I happened to have something louder.

My high-energy gauntlet began charging.

'The manipulated frequency field around her also affects my tech, making it function', a hidden smirk graced my face as I thought. 'perfect.'

"Welp, I'll just kill him then", she grabbed my hair and pulled me up. "Sad. To think you'd last a bit longer."

'Tch, almost there', I squinted my eyes and pulled the pain back.

"Don't worry though!", an innocent-looking smile appeared on her face. "I'll add your skull to my Golden collection."


I felt my gauntlet make a faint noise.

It was ready.




"You have GOT to be kidding! How long do you plan to stare at the guy!?", the bot spoke in anger. Clearly, whoever was controlling it had lost patience.

"Shut up asshole", Yin Yue retorted.


"For some reason", she paused. "He actually looks quite handsome."

Bot: ... 'Bruh'.

Me: ... 'Uhhhhhhh'.

"Sorry so-called 'Lady' Yin Yue", a slight grin crept up on my face. "But I already have someone in mind."

Right there and then, I grabbed her face with my gauntlet.

[Charge complete]

"Activate!", I commanded.

[Ultrasonic wave burst]

The bot stumbled in shock, "Ultra-, Lady Yin Yue!!"


A huge ultrasound wave swept through the area, penetrating Yin Yue's body and completely shattering the bot into a million pieces.