Chapter Twenty-Three: Netflix and...Well You Know

Truthfully, it started mostly friendly. We sat on the couch together, no to close but not too far. We talked and comment about what the movie, Clarke getting us some snacks too. It was all very comfortable, and for probably at least half the movie that was how it stayed. Slowly, without exactly realising it though, we had started to inch closer. To get to the snacks on Clarke's lap I had to lie myself across the couch so my head was closer to Clarke's shoulder. Then once we had eaten everything I didn't move so we were just sitting close together. Which was awkward for a little while and that was weird considering we had gotten as close as two people could get, physically that is.

The awkwardness didn't last though. Clarke started to move his hands around. He put his hand on my thigh, rubbing it back and forth slowly, starting with small movements but eventually getting further and further up my thigh. I knew he could tell it was turning me on.

"Are you sure seeing me with Alicia didn't bother you?" Clarke suddenly asked.

I felt my libido shrivel up. "Yes, I'm sure. Why are you still asking about that?"

"I was.... just thinking," Clarke shrugged, turning his head towards me.

"Thinking?" I said confused. "That's not weird at all right now."

"Oh, no, not like that," Clarke said, taking his hand off my thigh. "I mean, yes kind of. For the cameras I have to pretend, hug her, hold her hand, and kiss her and all. Then other than good PR I get nothing out of it. Honestly, Rory, if this hadn't of happened I think I would've gone crazy. Those fake kisses with Alicia are not enough to get me through."

I couldn't tell if he was trying to get a rise out of me or if it was his way of even thanking me. It reminded me of what Kieran had said to me about Clarke using me to keep himself from becoming that bad boy again. Right now, I knew I didn't want to talk about this anymore though. In one quick movement, that surprised the hell out of Clarke, I lifted myself up and put my leg over Clarke to face him and then straddle him. I pushed my hands around Clarke's neck to hold myself there as Clarke moved his hands around my waist.

"So I bet she doesn't kiss you like this?"

Before Clarke could speak I got my lips down to him, forming a slowly burning kiss. I brushed my tongue against his, making sure to tease him with my lips too and keep each movement slow and sexual. I also made sure to run my fingers through his hair and ever so slightly grind my hips up on him. I pulled away slowly and moved to see his face which was now had an expression of awe and lust.

"No, she definitely doesn't," Clarke promised.

"Or does this."

I moved my head back towards him but instead of going to his lips I went for his neck. I wanted to tease him and remind him I was the one who could give him this right now. So I used noy only my lips, but using my teeth to nibble on his skin, and probably eventually giving him a hickey. I didn't do this for too long though as I wanted him to start to feel good but not take him there, not yet. So I moved my body back to see his face again which was still in awe, and he was breathing a bit heavier.

"Nope, not that either," Clarke whispered. He was now moving his hands up and down my body. He was definitely getting turned on.

I started to fiddle with the buttons on his shirt, slowly undoing them one by one. He was still moving his hands on me as I undid his shirt but was closely watching me as I went on. I was definitely in control of this whole situation and I liked it. Usually it feels like Clarke was in control and took dominance and I didn't mind that, I liked it. At the same time though I really liked watching Clarke being submissive.

"And she definitely doesn't do this."

It was easy to have him under my thumb from there. I started trailing kisses down his body, running my hands along his slightly sculptured body. I let myself slid off him and got my knees to the ground so I was kneeling in front of him. I undid his belt, pulling it back once it was off to get his pants off. Before I even had them off though I could feel him bludging through the fabric of his pants. I glanced up to him and as I pulled pants away, letting me look at his boxers and his now obvious bludge.

I was having way too much fun teasing him, so I decided I was going to tease him for as long as I could. I played around with boxers, holding the material in my hands, pushing them down towards his knees where his pants had stopped to. It meant he was finally free and I saw him sink into the couch a little more as behind my head I heard the movie get more intense but Clarke definitely didn't notice as he was very focused on what I was going to do.

I used my hand first, running my fingers up down his member, which was getting harder with every movement I made. I made sure to make each movement small and sentential and kept this up for a little while until I heard an audible groan from Clarke...he was frustrated. I smiled a little at him as he groaned again. He was really hard now, definitely couldn't get harder now, so I decided to give him some relief.

Very slowly I put my mouth over him, using my tongue to tease him on the tip. He immediately groaned again, but a lot louder again, so much so that I felt the vibration of his groan in his stomach. It wasn't going to make me go faster though, I loved that it was frustrating him. I wrapped my tongue around, only moving back and forth slowly, and I was able to keep this up for a while, keeping Clarke in a tense state. I decided to give him some relief and started to make quicker movements. I could tell that made him happy because he moaned instead of groaning, and I felt his hand come to head to guide me. I liked that I was now satisfying him, but I wasn't going to let this teasing stop though, so as he got close...I stopped.

I moved my head back and straightened up on my knees so I was closer to his face. The look on his face was priceless. He looked a little shocked at first, maybe annoyed at me, but then he breathed out and chuckled a little.

"Definitely only you do that," he assured me, responding to my comment from earlier. "Now, though, it's my turn to show you what only I can do to you."

If I thought I would have time to ask what he meant, I was wrong. He was quick to stand up and grab me to pull me up with him. He only did it though so he could get me into a position where he could throw me onto the couch. With me now lying on the couch, Clarke came over me, immediately kissing me urgently and hard, gripping to my body as he did. Man, I had really frustrated him.

He didn't waste any time really. He started to pull off my clothing, throwing it away once he had it his hand, so in no time I was naked on his couch. His movements were hard, and even slightly rough, something though I didn't seem to mind. It felt like he wanted me hard and fast and the thought of that turned me on.

Turned out, I was right because once he positioned himself, he was inside me with a hard thrust. My body immediately responded, tingling all over and I let out a loud moan in response. I gripped to his back with every thrust, digging my nails in slightly as he went hard. I was surprised how long he ended up lasting after I had teased him for so long but he made sure he got me there too.

By the time we were done, so was the movie, which I would never know the ending for. We however both sat there for a moment on the couch, breathing heavily and in silence. This time hadn't been like the last time we had done it on the couch, I wasn't going to run away at least.

"That... was something else, Rory," Clarke finally said.

I shrugged slightly, smiling smugly. "I can be naughty when I want to be."

Clarke laughed at me. "I know that now. I guess...when I first met you I presumed there was a bit of innocence to you, boy was I wrong. Here, put this on."

Clarke lent down to the ground and grabbed me his collar shirt to put on, as I had essentially curled up, naked, on his couch. I gave him a little look as I took the shirt, putting it on, as he picked up his boxers to put them on.

"What?" Clarke said, noticing me watching him.

"Do this mean I'm staying the night again?" I asked, holding out my arms to show off the shirt.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Clarke shrugged. "Although, it's obvious to know when you were here, you roll up the sleeves on all my shirts."

Sure enough as he said this I was rolling up the sleeves on his shirt. In my defence the shirt was too big for me, and I knew it ruined how crisp they were. I liked sleeping in them though, they were more comfortable then sleeping my clothes.

"Did other girls used to stay the night?" I asked him.

I saw Clarke swallow little as he moved around the room, picking up all our clothes.

"I never brought a girl here," Clarke admitted with a small shrug. "I felt really...disrespectable to my Dad, this is...was his home after all. Where ever I ended up with a girl though, I never stayed though. I'd either leave before the morning or make sure she was gone."

"So, real one night stand stuff?" I clarified.

"I was your classic bad boy," Clarke nodded, putting the pile of the clothes on the corner of the couch.

I bit my lip. I did catch that he hadn't had a girl in here before, which meant I was the first. Something told me not to draw attention to that.

"You've...changed a lot," I muttered slightly. "Even your first day in the office. I mean, you still were a dick, but you didn't go out and party and sleep with a random then."

"Honestly, the day I found out my Dad died I stopped," Clarke explained to me. "I knew he had always hated me being that crazy and it felt like an insult to his memory to keep doing that."

"And...this isn't?" I said slowly.

Clarke smiled, slowly making his way back to me to be next to me on the couch. "No. I'm not...objectifying you, disrespecting you, and just using you like I would with other girls. I know my Dad wanted me to be in a relationship, but I'm honestly just not ready. I'm not ready for the commit, the reliance, and the emotions. At least with this, I'm not hurting anymore."

"That is true," I shrugged slightly.

"If...I did something to hurt you, you would tell me, right?" Clarke asked suddenly, sitting down on the couch looking directly at me.

"Of course," I said slightly taken back. "It's part of our deal, isn't it? I mean, I know that's not how we worded it but it was implied."

"Right, course, yeah," Clarke nodded. "Good."

I frowned slightly as I watched Clarke get up and take the empty bowl that had the snacks in it back into the kitchen. I was now slightly worried. I was pretty sure Ava had gotten into his head about the whole Alicia thing. I was pretty sure he thought he was hurting my feelings, maybe.

"Clarke," I said once I had followed him to kitchen. He turned around once I said his name. "You know this is still just sex, right? No feelings, or anything."

"Yeah, of course," he said straightening up.

"So, why are you acting weird?" I frowned at him.

He sighed slightly, looking around before he answered me. "Well, because we are getting closer. As friends I mean. Which is something I want by the way. You to be my friend."

"You want me to be your friend?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, go figure," he shrugged slightly, but spoke again when he saw my confused expression. "I've always surrounded myself with people who don't care, who have no ambitions, who want to party and waste my money. That's not you, and in the best possible way that's not you. You're so driven, and passionate about what you do. I don't just mean your job, I mean it's obvious you care about your job....I mean college. You know you want to be lawyer and you work hard and you encourage people to do the same. You make me want to do that same."

"," I said a little taken back. "I think that is the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"Well... don't get to use to it," he replied, moving back to put the bowl in the dishwasher.

"So that's why you were a little weird?" I clarified.

"Look, I know we're not...together like that," Clarke confirmed, now stepping back towards me. "I just don't want to then ruin our friendship thing we have going on because of...this."

"It won't," I shrugged. "Honestly, there's two different Clarke's to me. Clarke when I'm here and Clarke at work. I'm becoming friends with work Clarke, not this Clarke."

"Well, I guess that makes sense," Clarke said, definitely trying to process what I had said.

"In my head, it does," I shrugged slightly.

"Okay," he smiled. "And you're sure you're still cool with me coming to your birthday thing?"

"Yeah, definitely. As long as you bring work Clarke. Sex Clarke would be super awkward," I told him as I left the kitchen.

I just heard Clarke laugh at me and I smiled slightly. Somehow all of this...felt like it could really work out.