Chapter Twenty-Four: Surprise!...Well Kinda

"So, I managed to shorten Ava's invite list, but not by much. I also managed to get her to tell everyone no presents like you wanted, and she got rid of the fancy food, so it's a little more casual," Kieran explained.

Kieran had been my 'distractor' for the day, taking me out for late lunch and then shopping so Ava could set up, promising me it was just a dinner even though she needed me out of the house. Ava still had no clue I knew and as we walked the stairs to get back to my apartment.

"It's definitely better than nothing, Kieran, thanks," I told him with a small sigh.

"You know she does these things because she loves you, right?" Kieran asked me calmly.

"I know," I rolled my eyes slightly. "Doesn't make me like surprise parties any more than just makes me appreciate Ava a little more."

"Eh, close enough," Kieran shrugged. "Hey, she told me Clarke was coming? Is that true?"

"Yeah, actually," I brushed it off best I could, trying not to make a big deal of it. "Ava invited him when we were out for dinner the other night, and I figured why not. We're getting along at work, we're becoming work friends."

"Sex buddies and work friends. Wow, Rory, you've got it all."

My actual birthday had gone off without a hitch. I woke up to breakfast cooked by Ava (well her best attempt at a nice breakfast) and then I attended my classes. My day ended with dinner out with Ava and Kieran. It was simple and nice, just what I wanted. When I went into work the next morning I found a big box of flowers. I immediately knew who it was from, but saw Clarke went to the effort to get Karen to sign the card to make it look more like an office gift. He took that moment to check it was still okay to come, and as I insisted it was, he promised me he would be here. Kieran's sentence though suddenly had me slightly worried it would be an awkward moment to handle.

"Shall we get this over with, then?" Kieran asked me, as we now stood at the front door to my apartment.

I sighed but then nodded at him. "Let's go."

The moment I opened the door and stepped inside I was hit by the lights turning on and then at least twenty people jumping out and yelling "surprise!". Working on my actual surprise face had been the topic of Kieran and I's lunch today, so when my moment came, I acted the heck out of it. I even got a little nod from Kieran to tell me the surprise was believable. I hugged Ava and thanked her and said hello to a few people before I made a b-line for the alcohol. I was going to need it.

Maybe an hour later and possibly five drinks in, things started to feel okay. I had said hello to a few people, most people were from college that I actually liked. Kieran really had fixed the guest list, although there was a few people I didn't know. I was so busy talking to people as they said happy birthday and what-not, that it took me the full hour to realise Clarke wasn't here. Parker was here, as both he and Ava were all over each other. I was tempted to ask if he knew where Clarke was, but realised quickly I shouldn't care.

"So...exactly who is that you were talking to?" I asked Kieran as he finally broke away from the one guy he had been talking to all night so far.

"No one," he shrugged slyly.

I rolled my eyes, nudging him.

"Okay, fine. He's a guy from college who is kind of cute. I used your party as an excuse to invite him somewhere. Hope you don't mind," Kieran caved.

"Eh, that's fine," I shrugged. "So, tell me more? What's he like? Is he just another fling?"

"Not sure yet," Kieran admitted. "He's very nice, but very sexy. Not sure how much of him I want to see yet. That's why I invited him, to get to know him."

"Well, you deserve a good guy," I told Kieran.

"Thanks," Kieran smiled slightly. "Ah, speaking of guys. Yours is here."

Sure enough as Kieran gestured towards the front door Clarke was walking in. He was dressed extremely casual, which I was actually relieved to see. I was worried he would be the only one in a suit, but I guess I was just used to seeing him in a suit...or naked.

"He's not mine," I rolled my eyes at Kieran. "He's my friend...and boss."

"Sure, yep, sorry," Kieran nodded, as I noticed Parker had gone over to greet him. "You still better go say hi. You've got to greet all your friends."

I gave Kieran a slight push to show my annoyance as I walked away from him and made my way over to Clarke, as I noticed Parker make his way back to Ava. Clarke caught my eye before I reached him and I saw him smile at me, but not just a small smile, it was a sly one, like he had noticed something.

"What?" I frowned as he stood in my front of me. "Did I spill something on myself?"

"No," he said quickly, shaking his head. "I've just...never seen you dressed so...casually."

I had worn some nice high waisted jeans, and a cropped tight shirt that I had pretty much tucked in the jeans. It was definitely not something I would wear to work.

"You're one to talk," I said, looking at his jeans and nice button up shirt.

"Yeah, well figured it wasn't the type of party I would wear a tuxedo to," he shrugged. "It is nice to put jeans on again."

I laughed slightly at him as I noticed he was now looking around.

"Admiring my tiny ass apartment?" I asked him.

" is tiny, but it's nice," Clarke admitted. "I actually like it."


"Hey, you made it."

Before I could thank him on an actually compliment, Ava had appeared next to me. I didn't take me long to realise that when Parker walked away he had actually gone to get Ava. They now both stood beside me, smiles on their faces. I was pretty sure they were both slightly drunk already.

"Yep, as I said I would," Clarke reminded her.

"Oh, I know. I just...wasn't so sure," Ava shrugged. "But glad to have you here. Thanks for coming."

"No problem," Clarke said awkwardly.

I had rolled my eyes at this point and looked away from the awkward conversation and glanced at the door as I noticed it closing. Behind Clarke something caught my eye...something that made me stiffen was someone actually.

"You invited Scott?" I asked Ava angrily.

"I...what?" she frowned, looking to where I was looking.

"Scott, he's right there," I said slightly through my teeth.

"Oh...oh I don't know. I've must've used an old list online from when you were dating Isaac," she shrugged slightly. "I honestly didn't realise...I'm sorry."

"Can I ask...who's Scott?" Clarke said, leaning his head to come into the conversation.

I sighed pushing my hair from my face. "He's Isaac' ex-boyfriend's best friend."

"Ah," Clarke nodded slightly. "I see..."

"Look, it should be fine," Ava shrugged. "I don't know why he would even bother coming, but he's here now. No harm, he wouldn't be stupid enough to invite...well you know who."

"Guys, we have a huge problem."

Kieran appeared nearly right next to me out of the blue, and the expression on his face was horror. I was suddenly very worried.

"What exactly would that be?" Ava said, crossing her arms over chest. "Are we out of food, because I was sure I got enough-?"

"No, Ava, not that," Kieran cut her off. "That is the problem."

Kieran pointed to the open front door, which I know shouldn't be because I just saw it shut. The open door though allowed something sinister to walk in.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I said through my teeth. My hands had clenched into fists and I felt nothing but anger come over me.

"They are both utter idiots. Why the hell would either of them think this is okay?" Ava suddenly started to ramble. She seemed nervous and angry but honestly I was so angry I hardly noticed.

"Do you want me to kick them out?" Kieran asked. "I can be scary when I need to be."

" I think I need to be the one."

Without another word I pushed my way past my friends and made my way over to the idiots. I may have been angry and slightly overcome with it, but I also was seeing more clearly than I ever had.

"You've always been in an idiot, Isaac, but this is a new low, even for you."

I hadn't seen Isaac in nearly a year and honestly not much had changed. He was as tall as I remembered, nearly a head taller than me actually. He still had his brunette hair kind of long and kept together with hair gel. Maybe his arms had gotten bigger, but either way he was still as sturdy as I remembered. I crossed my arms over my chest and stood up strong next to him. It didn't matter that I was smaller than him, I felt bigger right now.

"Wow, look-," he started to stutter as he looked at me.

"Don't even try it with me, Isaac," I stopped him immediately. "You need to go."

He sighed immediately. "Look, Rory, I know I'm an asshole, but I wanted to talk. That's why I'm here."

"So you came all the way from California for me, to talk?" I asked him, trying to stay calm.

" I'm just back in New York for the week and Scott mentioned he had been invited and I thought it would be a good opportunity to try," he said shyly.

"Well, you were wrong. Now, there's the door," I said, pointing back to the front door.

"Please, Rory, can you just give me five minutes. Let me explain," Isaac said, practically ready to beg.

"No. Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want you to explain?" I said to him, planting my foot slightly. Now I was getting angry. "Look, breaking up with me over having to move to California, I could live with that. What makes me hate you is the fact that you slept with someone one week after we broke up, before you have even left New York. Apparently it was more than one girl too. Do you know how shit that feels? You told me loved me but had no problem moving on immediately. You're an asshole, Isaac and want nothing to do with you. I've moved on, gotten over it, but I don't need whatever bullshit apology you're going to try give me. I don't need it."

"It really wasn't like that, Rory," Isaac said desperately. "I was upset too, I swear-."

"Is there a problem here?"

I almost jumped slightly. I had forgotten we were at my apartment right now and there were plenty of other people around. I turned to see that the person who had come over, to probably try and help no doubt, but I realised it was Clarke. I breathed out when I saw him, kind of relieved. I almost wanted to shout at Isaac and point at Clarke and say 'see, this guy. Yeah much hotter than you and way better at having sex than you.' I knew how stupid that would be to do though. I liked the idea of making Isaac jealous and angry though.

"Do I know you?" Isaac asked, now standing up straight, looking Clarke up and down.

"I don't believe you do. I'm Clarke Watson," Clarke said very calmly, and I was super surprised how nice he was being.

"Clarke Watson...right. The son of the guy Rory works for," Isaac clicked. "You get arrested a lot."

"You know I can throw a good punch then," Clarke shrugged.

I slightly hated that protective Clarke was turning me on. I didn't want Clarke to fight anyone for me though, I didn't need it. I could fight my own battles. I just liked the idea that he wanted to protect me though, even if it was just as friend as I figured it was.

"Its fine, Clarke," I insisted, glancing at him. "Isaac was just leaving."

Isaac looked like he was ready to argue with me again, but instead he suddenly sighed shaking his head a little. "Fine, I'll go if that's what you really want. I was hoping after all the time we had together would've counted for something. Either way, I'm still going to say sorry for the way things ended, I never wanted to hurt you because I did care, and I hope you're happy now."

I was ready to come back with something snappy and rude but physically couldn't. Isaac's words actually seemed genuine and real. It actually feel good to hear that. Had I just gotten closure on Isaac?

"Take Scott with you," I said eventually, as Scott had literally been hiding in the corner once I had confronted Isaac. "I...I am happy now, by the way. Happier without you."

"I'm glad," Isaac smiled a little. "Goodbye, Rory."

I didn't say anything to respond but it didn't seem he needed it. Instead he walked up to Scott, grabbed him and they both left without another word left. I let out a loud sigh and it suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted off me. Maybe I needed that apology from Isaac more than I never thought.

"You handled that very well, Rory," Clarke told me, his voice reminding me once again he was actually standing there.

I turned to face Clarke and smiled slightly. "I...I knew I didn't have anything to say to him. Guess he did need to say something to me, and hey... I handled that better than you. Threatening to punch him, really, Clarke?"

"Hey, it was a friendly threat. Just a warning. I wasn't going to do anything," he promised. "I just wanted him to know he couldn't get away with being a jerk. The way you've talked about him...actually seeing him made me hate him more."

"Well, I don't think he'll be back around, ever again," I told him. "And it weirdly felt...good to hear him admit he had fucked up."

"Well, of course it did. It was a break-up, Rory," Clarke reminded me. "Everyone deserves some sort of closure, and it sounded like you never had it."

"Until then," I nodded at him and then breathed out again, shaking it off. "Can we forget about it now, and drink and enjoy what there is of my birthday?"

"Of course we can. Oh, I'll make you my speciality drink."