Chapter 72

"Dude, are you sure that I can go with you?"

"Why not? And besides, I thought you will help me choose a perfect gift for Shannen."

"Correction. You wanted me to help you choose a gift for your lady."

"It was still the same."

"Dude, it is not."

When Gian heard that Viscountess Cladeu was arrested, he did not show any reactions about it. He already anticipated it and was just waiting for this news to arrive in their mansion. It seems like his brother was finishing the things he needed to do at a good speed. He also heard that Earl Bartilon was given a death sentence and will be guillotined three days from now on. As for the viscountess, there is a huge chance that she will also receive a death sentence considering that she killed a noble lady who has a higher status than hers.