Chapter 182

"Do you want me to give you another clue or do you already have the answer to my question?"

The Prime Minister opened his mouth but no words came out from his lips. Duke Ermintel was so shocked that he does not know what to say. He is not willing to believe his words. How is true that the young man in front of him is related to that damned King.

"Old man, stop being quiet and answer my question." Russel urged him with a smirk on his face. "Can't you see? I am giving you the chance to know the truth before your plans fail tonight. You should be thankful that I am giving my precious time to you."

"Ha! Why am I listening to you anyway? You are just trying to lie and buy more time to save yourself."

"Ah, really. You are so dumb and stupid, old fossil." Russel said with a sigh. "Not to mention, you are so in denial."

"Shut up!"

"Shut up, your ass. Hah... No wonder a lot of people hate to talk to an old man like you."