Chapter 183

"Old man, where are we going?" Russel tried to ask the Prime Minister, but he did not receive any response from him.

"Tch. How can damned fossil like you ignore my presence? So rude."

Right now, they were walking in an empty hall. Russel was forced to come with the Prime Minister when they escaped from the chaos inside the throne room. Prince Jonathan walked in the opposite direction and told the Prime Minister that he will get His Majesty from the room where he hid him. Russel was still being held by the knight behind him and he cannot escape no matter how much he pulled his arms away from him.

"Hey, Prime Minister. I just want to ask a question. Why do you want to get the throne anyway?" Russel asked out of nowhere.

When the Prime Minister heard his question, he stopped walking and turned his body around to look at Russel.

"Is it for money? Fame? Reputation? Tell me. I am really curious for your reason."