Chapter 215

The ink inside those pens was similar to the ink where they dip their plume. The ink still dries slowly and they have to wait for a few minutes to dry it. Still, Russel was satisfied with it because he will never encounter the hassle of having more droplets of ink on his desk in the future.

"How did you make it, Prince Rana?" King Nolan asked as he watched his wife writing their names on the paper using the pen.

Russel was surprised that the King of Sildeza Kingdom took the initiative to talk to him. Usually, the King will just look at him with stern eyes especially when he sees him playing with his baby daughter. King Nolan will not say anything about it, but Russel can feel his envious gazes directed at him. After all, behind his stern and scary appearance is a soft father for his only daughter who rarely takes an initiative to be close with him.