Chapter 216

"Why do you think the princess of the Gildeza Kingdom is interested in you?"

"Who knows? Maybe she is just curious because our kingdom now has two princes who suddenly popped out of nowhere."

"But it was clear in the letter that she was interested in you. She never mentioned my name on the letter."

"Oho? Are you jealous, Gian?"

"Do I look like I give a care to that princess?"

The two princes decided to take a break from their work and asked the maids to prepare their teas and snacks in the royal gardens. After talking about their work for a few minutes, Gian suddenly remembered what their father told them last night. The information that the princess of the Gildeza Kingdom is interested in his brother irked him too much.

"Maybe she received news that a handsome prince suddenly showed up in our kingdom. Ooh... So she is now one of my fans."

"Did you already have an official portrait?" Gian asked.