

*Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!*


[You killed a Poisonous Slime! Gained 20 EXP!]

[You killed a Normal Slime! Gained 10 EXP!]

[You killed an Ice Slime! Gained 25 EXP!]

[You killed a Lava Slime! Gained 25 EXP!]

[You killed a King Slime! Gained 1000 EXP!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

Leith had no idea how much time passed. He stopped trying to keep a track of time when Leta informed him the time outside was diluted and he would only be able to exit the dungeon by completing the ridiculous quest and getting his class.

The Slime dungeon was anything but a dungeon. The land was vast and there seemed no end to it. There were different habitat that housed different and unique variants of Slimes.

Ice Slimes only spawned in extremely cold regions like snowy mountain tops, whereas Lava Slimes would only spawn in extremely hot regions like volcanos.

Leith nearly died many times fighting different kinds of slimes. While there were the weakest of monsters there too many of them and he was a measly level 1 at the beginning.

But as the saying goes 'What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger', Leith got stronger with each fight.

The monster would also become stronger to keep to keep up with Leith until the Boss inevitably spawned.

Slime Boss was a terrifying opponent for a level 7. It nearly killed him on multiple occasions. It was a big blue Slime with a golden crown as it's core. Aside from being able to use all the abilities of every slime. This slimy b*stard also had a regeneration ability.

Getting close to it was hard as the it would spit out attacks, keeping Leith at a distance and when he got close he nearly got consumed and digested alive by the slime.

It was truly hard indeed. But Leith m anaged to defeat the King Slime. To kill the b*stard, Leith had to use a rare drop he got after killing a Lava Slime, 'Superior Lava Bomb'.

Leith charged towards the King Slime weaving through the barrage of attack and midway he threw the bomb at the slime. As soon as the bomb entered the King Slime's body. Leith pulled out his Bow and fired at the bomb praying that it would hit the target.

And it did.

The arrow pierced through King Slimes body, which had almost no resistance, and hit the bomb making it explode.

It was as Leith had predicted but not he was truly aiming for. Leith ran towards the half-exploded, regenerating slime and voluntarily jumped into its body. He felt the Slime's acid trying to digest him but before it could succeed he quickly retrieved his enchanted dagger and stabbed the crown like core of the Slime. The core broke in half and the King Slime fell apart.

The fight was hard but Leith emerged victorious. He levelled up twice and the drop made the fight worth it.

[You received 2000 Gold!]

[You received 2 Superior Heath Potion]

[You received Skill Scroll: Minor Elemental Affinities (Passive) (Grade: C)!]

Leith was ecstatic. Gold was good, Superior Health Potions were awesome considering their price in the store, but what made him excited was the Skill Book.

[Minor Elemental Affinities (Passive) (Grade: C)

- Gives minor affinities to all existing magical elements upon using the skill book.]

The description was short but it explained everything. He would get an affinity towards all existing magical elements and according to Leta the Grade would improve automatically upon as the mastery of the skill would increase.

Sadly he couldn't use the Skill Scroll as his Skill Log was locked and it would only open after he gets his class. So all Leith could do was wait and fight to get stronger.

Killing the Boss of the Slime dungeon, which was the King Slime, unlocked the next dungeon which was the Goblin dungeon.

Entering the Goblin dungeon, Leith found himself in a dense forest. The forest was absolutely beautiful with hundreds and thousands types of different wildlife but it was gave out a serious undertone of danger.

Leith soon found that the Goblins he fought in during the tutorial were infant compared to the menace that he had to fight to save his life.

The little sh*ts were so devious and so many. There were also a lot if varieties of them.

*Ding!* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!*


[You killed a Goblin Scout! Gained 20 EXP!]

[You killed a Goblin Assassin! Gained 15 EXP!]

[You killed a Goblin Mage! Gained 20 EXP!]

[You killed a Goblin Archer! Gained 20 EXP!]

[You killed a Goblin Captain. Gained 50 EXP!]

[You killed a Goblin General! Gained 100 EXP!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

The more they came, the more bodies feel. The more bodies feel, the more stronger he grew . The more stronger he grew, the more tougher they became.

This went on and on. He sweated. He bled. He panted. He gasped. But he kept going on, resting only when it was absolutely needed. Until it finally happened.

He finally encountered the dungeon boss, the Goblin King after countless hours of fighting. The boss finally came out of his throne room just after Leith finished off the last remaining Goblin in the Goblin Village.

The boss was awfully tall for a Goblin. Standing at 6 ft he was quite muscular and handsome even if you took goblin standards into consideration. Its visage was more human like compared to its brethren, and its form was packed with strong looking muscle.

The Goblin King wore some light armour, on its head was a black bony crown and it wielded two red bladed Battle-Axes.

And now the fight between them was just about to begin.

Leith gripped his enchanted dagger in a reverse grip while retrieving a black bladed short sword from his inventory.

[Marckrom's Demonic Blade (Grade: D)

Durability (91/100)

A blade once wielded by a powerful mercenary named Marckrom, the Head Hunter. It was later stolen by a thief who died during a Goblin Raid, the blade falling into the hands of a lowly Goblin.

- Inflicts upon attack.

- Inflicts upon attack.]

Leith obtained this from a Goblin Assassin and it currently is one of the three most powerful weapon he has.

Leith eyed the boss as it the same to Leith and as if coming to an understanding they both rushed at each other.


The Goblin King gave a war cry mixed with a dangerous growl. He raised his axes over head and tried to cut him like a weak tree.

Sadly Leith was neither tree nor weak now. He jumped over the attack and kicked the Goblin in the face but much to his shock the Goblin only flinched a little and the next moment he was sent flying with a backhanded punch to the waist.

Leith bounced like a ball before coming to a halt. He grabbed his aching abdomen and looked at the Boss.

[Lvl 15: Goblin King

HP: 7475/7500]



'Okay... Maybe I'm still weak compared to this as*hole.' Leith cursed in his mind. As if reading his thoughts the Goblin King smirked smugly and flexed his muscles. 'This! This smug b*stard!'

Leith gritted his teeth and stood up. He didn't like being looked down upon. Especially by the king of trash mobs.

'Okay calm down... Getting irritated isn't going to do me any favours. I'll have to keep a steady mind if I want to win this.' Leith lowered his body into a relaxed stance and his eyes trained onto the form of the Goblin King. 'My physical stats are too low compared to his. I'll have to rely on my weapon if I want to deal some serious damage.. Hmm alright! Let's do this.'

Suddenly Leith smirked a plan forming in his head. Leith titled his head and rolled his shoulder as if to show that the attack wasn't much. He then raised his hand and gave the Goblin King, the bird.

As if understanding him a thick pulsating vein suddenly popped onto the Boss' face as its expression turned ugly due to irritated rage.


It gave loud cry and rushed at Leith, intended to cut him into pieces. Leith allowed him to come near and as soon as the Axe came for his head, he ducked and rolled past the King.

He quickly regained balance and attacked the soft tissue of the hind leg near the ankles. The knife cut through the flesh with some resistance and managed to sever the tendons.

The Goblin King gave a pained cry and fell on one knee. He hastily swiped at Leith with his Axe but Leith was ready this time.

Leith crossed his arms and took the damage.


"Ukkk!" Leith was pushed back a bit but that was all. Leith quickly grappled the Goblin kings offending arm and began puncturing his arm muscles using the demonic short sword/knife.


The Goblin cried out and tried to get his arm out to of Leith's grip but Leith was having none of it.

[Inflicted !]

[Inflicted !]

He quickly buried both of his knife in and through the Goblin's shoulder making it scream even more in agony. Leith twisted the knives and it's shoulder came off.

He quickly retrieved his weapon and punched the wailing Goblin in the nose with the but if the Dagger making it stumble onto it's back.

It tried to stand but could only use one leg and one arm. Leith didn't show any mercy. He jumped onto the Goblin's chest and stabbed both of his weapon into it's neck.

The Goblin King thrashed for after a moment or two its eyes lost their light.

[You killed a Goblin King! Gained 5000 Exp!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

Leith pulled his weapons out and fell onto his back in exhaustion, besides the dead Goblin King.

[You received 7000 Gold!]

[You received 3 Superior Mana Potions]

[You received Crimson Petals (Grade: C)]

Leith chucked as he tried to calm his breathing. After calming his breath he opened the stats tab and distributed the unused stats points to meet the prerequisite conditions.

"Good job Leith! You have reached level 16 and your stats now meet the prerequisite conditions! Congratulations for successfully completing the Quest!"


[You have completed the Quest!


- Reach level 15.

- Raise all your stats except luck to 25 or above.


- 100000 EXP.

- 10000 Gold.

- B Grade weapon (according to Class)

Accept Rewards?]

"Hahaha! Thanks Leta... Finally!" Leith chuckled to himself winching slightly at the pain in his abdomen. "I think some of my internals got damaged. Hahah-argh!"

Leith winched more visibly time as the pain increased. Due to the adrenaline rush he didn't feel pain but now that it wore off he felt his internals moaning in pain.

Leith retrieved 2 Heath Potions and downed both in one go. He felt the pain fade away quickly and be was able to sit upright without much trouble.

[Accept Rewards?]


*Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!*


[You received 100000 EXP!]

[You received 10000 Gold!]

[You received Weapon Box!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

Leith chuckled happily at the barrage of notification. Not only did he get awesome rewards but he also leveled up three more times.

"You should be able to select 'Jack-Of-All' now. You should quickly select it." Leta said excitedly.

"Yes, Yes."

Leith quickly opened the Class tab and select the 'Jack-Of-All' class.

[Are you sure you want to select 'Jack-Of-All'?]



[Selected 'Jack-Of-All'!

- Able to learn skills of any class. ]

"You should open the Stats tab! Your should be able access your skill log now!" Leta suggested and Leith followed with a nod.


• Name: Leith Anastasius Moran

• Level : 19

• Class: None

• Title: The User

• Karma: 0

• HP: 4050/4050

• MP: 6750/6750

• Strength: 27

• Endurance: 27

• Dexterity: 27

• Intelligence: 27

• Wisdom: 27

• Charisma: 27

• Luck: 10

• Unused SP: 25

• Innate Skills:

• Acquired Skills:

Looking at his Stats Leith let out a hum as he observed how much stronger he got. He got excited when he noticed that his Skill Log was indeed accessible now.

Not able to contain his excitement anymore he quickly opened the Innate Skills Log.

[Innate Skill]

• The User (Passive)(Max):

The one chosen to become the only User of the 'System'.


- Grants the user a unique anatomy and psychology to create the most optimal vessel for the User.

- Unable receive any permanent physical damage.

- Immunity to all physical and physiological status effects.

• The Prodigy (Passive)(Max):

Has an prodigious talent for Magic and Martial Arts.


- Limitless Growth.

- Accelerated Learning.

• Mind's Eye (Passive)(Max):

Ability to analyse information of anything, either living or non-living.

Leith stared at the his Innate Skills with a shocked look. He had three innate skill which were maxed out.

"This... This too OP!" Leith exclaimed while Leta just giggled in the background.

"Well obviously the System wasn't going to give you any half assed ability. 'The User' and 'Mind's Eye' are System granted Skills while 'The Prodigy' is a skill you had since birth. Now this skill perfectly suits you Class. Not only would you be able to learn skills from all classes but with the help of 'The Prodigy' you'll never encounter any bottlenecks as long as you keep training hard." Leta giggled excitedly as explained.

"This... This means that I can master the skills from other classes! I can become the 'Master-Of-All'!" Leith exclaimed with excitement.

"Yes! But only of you work hard. The journey ahead of you will not be an easy one but if you work hard and use your natural talents then no one in this world will be able to stop you!" Leta encouraged Leith. "So make sure you work hard and try your best Leith."

"I will!" Leith replied without hesitation. He then turned to the Acquired Skill Log. Opening tth Acquired Skill Log he saw that there were two sections, 'Active' and 'Passive'.

[Acquired Skills]


• Combat Ability (Passive)(D):

Ones ability to fight and emerge victorious.

- Unarmed Combat (C)

- Weapon Mastery (D)

• Mana Manipulation (Passive)(E)

Ability to mould mana in its rawest form.


• None

Leith looked at his skills and grinned in excitement.



"Let's work hard together and become strong."

"Hehe... Of course Leith."