

[You have completed the Quest!]


- Familiarize yourself with the System.


- 50 EXP

- 100 Gold

- Class Selection

Accept Rewards?]

Leith grinned excitedly. "Yes!"


[You received 50 EXP!]

[You received 100 Gold!]


[Class Selection is available. Proceed with it?]

There was a different prompt and the question appeared. Leith closed his eye and took a deep breath to calm himself a bit. He was really excited for this. Leith opened his eyes, now more calm.



[Class Selection.

Choose a class from the list given below:

• Fighter

• Mage

• Dark Mage

• Rogue

• Ranger

• Manufacturer

• Entertainer

Once you choose a Class you can not change it later. So please choose wisely.]

Leith's face tightened as he contemplated over the System's advice. Leith had to choose wisely or he ever choose a class that he wasn't comfortable or complementary to his style then it would cause major problems in future.

Sensing the peril in Leith's heart, Leta decided to explained the classes to him so that he would have easy time choosing his Class.

"Oh? You seem in deep thought Leith. Confused I see.. Well no worries! All you had to do was ask Big Sis Leta! Hehe! Let me explain the classes to you so that you have a easy time choosing yours." Leta giggled which caused Leith to smile helplessly but he allowed her nonetheless.

"I'll start explaining in an order and will keep it as simple as I can"

"I'd like that."

"Firstly let's start with basics. A 'Class' is a specific Job or Profession one has in a society or a party. Each class is unique in its own way and has certain capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses." As Leta explained Leith noticed something but didn't speak and allowed Leta to continue.

"Next is Advance Class. Advance-Class can be said a higher class you can choose after you cross a certain level, where you can choose which area you want to specialize in. For example, if unlock Advance-Class after you choose the Fighter Class, you can choose either which specialises in advance sword techniques or which specialises in advance hand-to-hand combat."

"Got it."

"Now, Secret Class. Secret Class as the name suggests are unknown classes kept hidden purposely. They can only be unlocked by certain things like a Quest, an Achievement, gaining an Insight or it can be anything else. It will he difficult to unlock a secret class consciously because you don't know what to do and how."

"Oh... That's interesting.." Leith nodded humming softly.

"Now onto the Classes. The Fighter Class is usually the most physically strong of all the class groups. This class usually specializes in melee attacks, whether with weapons or just plain fists. This class generally allows the utilisation of best armor, and is the most skilled with the larger weapons. High HP, attack, and defense scores are a usually characteristic of the Fighter class." Leta explained. "Advance-classes are , , and ."

"This Class will allow you to engage the target in close combat with precise mastery but this will also make you weak or ineffective against Ranger Class or Mage Class. Also, depending on which Advance-Class you choose, it can also make your movements slow and dull. Thus, often leaving you open for the enemies to capitalize on."

Leith nodded his head understanding well the advantages and disadvantages of the Fighter Class.

"The Mage Class is the most skilled in the arcane arts. Mages usually wear the weakest of armor, many times clad in nothing but robes, but can cast powerful spells like shield, healing, and regeneration spells. Mages also usually deal damage from long range, as opposed to close quarters, where they're usually more vulnerable to damage. Advance Classes are , , and ."

"In short Mage Class will give you bigger Mana Reserves and greater efficiency in learning spells of glorified sprinklers and what not but at the exchange of your physical prowess and thus making you weak to close range enemies. If you chose this class you'll probably die if someone from Rogue class ambushes you." Leta exclaimed sweetly.

"H-Haha. I see..." Leith nodded laughing nervously at how casually Leta was able to say just ominous things.

"Dark Mage Class is just like the Mage Class. Except this one allows you to delve deeper into the darker and forbidden side of magic. Though dark doesn't mean evil it's still very dangerous. This class allows to fight your enemies using dark magic or allows you to summon minions to do your dirty work. Advance Classes are Necromancer, Shadow Mage and Monster Tamer. You here with me so far?"

"Yes. Please continue."

"The Rogue Class forgoes raw strength in favour of a more swift, subtle approach. Generally has higher skill sets in the areas of stealth, sneaking, and smaller, quicker weapons allowing a quite, quick yet chaotic style. Advance-Classes are , and "

"Mmhmm. I get it"

"The Ranger Class is are highly gifted in marksmanship with exceptional eyesight and mastery over long-range weapon. Ranger Class are most reliant on their incredible long-range skill to inflict damage but they can also be useful at close range, as it also grants some skill with selected short-range weapons. Advance-Classes are , , and ."

"The Manufacturer Class are Support Class meaning they don't have much combat abilities but high intelligence and wisdom making them skilled in crafting items to support the Combat Class. Advance-Classes are , , , and ."

"Ahhh! I understand now."

"The Entertainer class as the name suggests are skilled in the Entertaining but it's not as useless as it sound. Entertainer Class are similar to enchanter expect they are able to provide buffs by performing a song or a dance and are able to affect both allies and enemies. While this is not a standard Class, its still useful or rather 'entertaining' in own right. Advance-Classes are , , and ." Leta said giggling mischievous in the end.

Leith nearly choked on air as soon as he heard 'Escort'.

"The hell?! Why is Escort an Advance-Class?!" Leith asked with a small blush of embarrassment dusting his cheeks.

"Hehehe.. Why are you so surprised? Being and Escort also requires quite a number of skills." Leta giggle. "Looking at you, I see that you have a large potential being and Escort. Hehe.."

"Wha-?!" Leith was dumbfounded not knowing what to say.

"Just think about the amount of women you can win over with you sexy techniques and charms. Hehe... But, I think you'll get quite the number of women no matter what class you choose." Leta kept teasing Leith who wanted to dig a hole and hide himself due to embarrassment.

Leith decided to ignore Leta's teasing and concentrate on the matter at hand.

Leith understood how important it was to choose the right class. If it was something he was unfamiliar or uncomfortable with then it would cause problems in future and will no doubt cause problems in his way to get stronger.

Leith thought for a while considering his choices. He took everything class into consideration. He analysed every pro and con. But in the end he noticed something.

'The Class system is very rigid. No matter what class I choose, aside from the obvious strength I'll also get a glaring weakness.' Leith sighed sadly. No class caught his eye. While each had their own strength they also had major weakness that a cunning enemy would no doubt notice and use it against him. He didn't want this.

'What I want is something versatile. I want to get strong. Strong in every way I can. I don't want to choose a Class that gives me massive strength but in turn makes me a slow poke. An enemy would easily poke a blade through my heart that way. I want to be stronger in every way possible, I have a second chance.' Leith grabbed his head unable decide which class to choose. 'I've always fantasized about being able to use magic but I don't want to become a squishy target for that. Tch!... This is so frustrating!'

Leith sighed deeply with sadness. His desire for a versatile class grew with each passing second as Leith began to think for the best option to balance his growth.

As Leta had said the System would respond according to the User's desire and sensing Leith's desire for a Versatile Class if it responded accordingly.


Suddenly the Class Selection tab disappeared and a new screen appeared.


[The System is User's ally and will always help the User get stronger in anyway it can]

Leith stared at the screen in confusion.

[User's desire is acknowledged by the System.]


[Congratulations! Unlocked Secret Class: 'Jack-Of-All']

Leith's eyes were wide open in shock as his while body began to tremble with excitement. He didn't know what exactly just happened but apparently System sensed his desire and it unlocked a Secret Class. And not just any Secret Class but one of the best and his favourite Class.

" 'Jack-Of-All'. A Secret and Unique which can be perfectly described by an old saying." Leta began explaining in a sweet voice.

"Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None. But Still Better Than Being Master Of One"

" 'Jack-Of-All' Class has no defined parameters. They don't have any special strengths nor any glaring weaknesses. But what makes this Class so special is its versatility. Once you select this Class, you can learn skills of any other Class and will be able to fill any into any role. The only restriction is that without a proper support skill the growth of progress will be low when compared to others." Leta explained softly. "Congratulations Leith! I think this Class will perfectly suit you"

Leith grinned widely and thanked Leta. Leith couldn't contain his excitement any more.

[Select Secret Class: 'Jack-Of-All' ?]

"Yes!" Leith nearly shouted but what happened next almost poured cold water onto his hope.

[Prerequisite condition not meet! Unable to select Secret Class: 'Jack-Of-All'!]

"What the hell?!" Leith nearly screamed in frustration. "What's wrong with this?!"

"Calm down Leith! You are unable to select the Secret Class because you haven't completed the prerequisite condition to select this class." Leta quickly said. "You may have discovered and unlocked the Secret Class but to select is you'll have to meet the prerequisite conditions. Don't worry a quest for that is on the way."

"What do-?" Leith couldn't finish his question because suddenly the Quest tab popped up.


[Quest: Jack-Of-All

Use the dungeon to get stronger and meet the prerequisite conditions to select Secret Class: 'Jack-Of-All'.


- Reach level 15

- Raise all your stats except luck to 25 or above.


- 100000 EXP

- 10000 Gold

- B Grade Weapon (According To Class)

Condition of Failure: Death

Penalty: Secret Class 'Jack-Of-All' is locked once again.]




"Leith?" Leta asked with a worried tone as Leith just sat there staring at the screen with a black look.

"You... This is a joke right?" Leith asked in disbelief as he pointed at the screen.

"I'm afraid that its not Leith and that we don't have much time to waste. You'll be transferred to Dungeon: lvl 1... Now!"

"Wait!" As soon as Leith said that a bright light consumed him causing Leith to close his eyes in reflex. When he opened his eyes he was in different place.

The ground while still grassy was flat with multiple stone boulder littered around every where and as he looked around he noticed cute looking blobs of gelatinous liquid bouncing around making cute sounds.

This blobs were Slime. Slimes too are considered trash type mob monsters as they are weak , mindless or exceedingly stupid, which means they don't need much motivation to attack you. They don't have more complex motivation other than 'feed'.


A yellow slime slowly made way towards him hoping and making cute noises.


Leith had the sudden urge to pet such cute thing but he had to roll out of the way as the green slime spit out some sort of enzyme which when connected to a stone that was behind him, it began to emit smoke and sizzling sounds.


Leith turned his head to the small smile and stared intently at it and sure enough a prompt will slimes information appeared.


[Lvl 3: Acid Slime

HP: 50/50]


The slime spit another attack causing Leith to jump out the way. Leith quickly climbed a boulder to get a breather only to find that he was surrounded by slimes of all colour and sizes.

"All the best Leith! Make sure you work hard! Hehehe.." Leta giggled mischievous obviously enjoying Leith's condition a lot more than she should.

"Oh sh*t..." Was all Leith could say.



