
My System

Leith scratched his head as he looked at the Quest tab infront of him.

[Quest: The System Pt. 2 (Familiarisation)

In this 'Dog eat Dog' world your only true ally is the System. The System will respond to the User's desires and help the User get stronger in every way possible.

Get to know your only true ally.

Hint: Say or Think, 'Menu'.

- Familiarize your with the System and it's function.


- 50 EXP

- 100 Gold

- Class Selection

Condition of Failure: None

Penalty: None]

"Okay... I think I have an idea what this is about. Alright then let's do this." Leith said sitting up straight. "Menu"

As soon as Leith finished saying 'Menu', the Quest tab disappeared and a new appeared.

The menu tab was fairly simple with four sub-menus.


• Stats

• Inventory

• Quest

• Store

• Dungeon

Leith didn't waste time and quickly opened the stats tab.


• Name: Leith Anastasius Moran

• Level : 2 (140/200)

• Class: None

• Title: The User

• Karma: 0

• HP: 1000/1000

• MP: 4050/4050

• Strength: 10

• Endurance: 10

• Dexterity: 10

• Intelligence: 27

• Wisdom: 25

• Charisma: 15

• Luck: 10

• Unused SP: 5

• Innate Skills: (Locked)

• Acquired Skills: (Locked)

Leith observed his stats and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

It was like how he had expected. Expect for the 'Brain' related stats, the rest all of his stats are average. His charisma is at '15', so it probably meant above average.

But this isn't wasn't the reason of his confusion. The reason is his MP, which is quite high compared to his HP and the Innate and Acquired skills log which is locked for some reasons.

"I think the high amount of MP is related to my intelligence as for the locked ones..." Leith pondered and frowned slightly. Suddenly his face lit up. "Leta?"

"Yes user Leith. How may I help you?" The melodious voice of the 'Mind of the System' answered his call.

"Umm.. Firstly just call me Leith."

"Okay Leith!" Leta complied happily.

"Ah yes. I was wondering if you could give a explanation about the attributes and why is my skill log locked." Leith said. Being a veteran gamer he obviously knew about the attributes. But it wouldn't hurt to confirm it.

"Of course! Lets start from the start shall we?" Leta asked dramatically with a giggle as Leith nodded with a smile.

" 'Level' is a numeric value that quantifies your experience and overall power. You will advance to the next level after you accumulated a certain amount of 'EXP', that is Experience points. It's indicated besides the level. Also, every time you level up you will get '5' free Stat Point or SP."

" 'Experience Points' are pretty much self-explanatory. You'll need it to climb higher. You can obtain EXP by killing threats/enemy and completing quests.

"As a gamer you must know 'Class' right? So I don't need to explain much expect that its very much like 'Job/Profession' with specialization and that you are Classless right now. You'll get to select your class when you will complete your current Quest."

"There are 7 main classes and multiple subclasses and secret classes! I'll just tell you about the main classes for now!"

"They are , , , , , and "

"I'll go further into this once you finish the quest!"

"Next up is Title. A title is a moniker of sorts that describes you based on your certain achievements. Your current title is 'The User' which describes who you are, 'The User' of the System!" Leta chirped sounding proud for some reason.

"You can earn titles by performing certain feats. What they are.. you'll have to discover them for yourself. You here with me so far?"

"Yes" Leith answered nodding.

"Now this one is important. Karma is the sum total of a person's actions either good or bad. Karma will affect your life will play out in the future events. 'You Reap What You Sow'. This phrase applies here." Leta explained as Leith hummed intently.

"Positive number means Good Karma and Negative number means Bad Karma. Your Karma is now is set at '0' which means it's neutral. The flow of Karma is affected by the actions and decisions you make which will further affect your life as whole either making you a 'Hero' or a 'Villan'. So make sure you make the right decision."


"Also I'd like to inform you that since I'm a good girl I won't allow you to become an evil person! So if you get Bad karma and they cross a certain number I'll have to eliminate you! So make sure that you don't become all dark and evil! Okay?" Leta asked sweetly.

Leith gulped a bit and as a nervous chuckle escaped is mouth. 'How can she say such ominous things this sweetly?'

"O-Okay. Haha.. I promise I won't become evil." Leith smiled forcefully.

"Awww.. Now that's a good boy! Don't worry you have big sis' full support you!"

'Why the sudden change in character? Isn't she a bit too scary? Haha..' Leith could only nod dumbfounded.

" 'HP' or 'Hit Point' is a unit to measure the amount of damage you can withstand before you die."

"MP or 'Mana Point' is a unit to measure the amount of Mana you for usage before you run out of magic juice."

"Hmm. I understand."

"Now to the main subject. These attributes have a direct effect on your growth and when developed carefully you can become almost invincible."

"I see." Leith said as he listened intently which made Leta happy.

"I'll try to keep it as simple as I can. 'Strength' is the measurement of your physical power and stamina." Leith explained. "Also, 1 strength point is equal to 100 HP."

" 'Endurance' is the measurement of the ability to negate/resist physical damage. Endurance is also responsible for the rate at which your HP regenerates. Current HP regeneration rate is 10 HP/min."

" 'Dexterity' is the measurement of your agility, balance, co-ordination and reflexes."

" 'Intelligence' is the measurement memory, deductive reasoning, knowledge, logic and rationality. Intelligence is also responsible for the size of your Mana Reserves. Also, 1 intelligence point is equal to 150 MP."

" 'Wisdom' is the measurement of self-awareness, common sense, perception and insight. Wisdom is also responsible for the rate at which your MP regenerates. Current MP regeneration rate is 25 MP/min."

" 'Charisma' is the measurement of your physical attractiveness, personality and persuasiveness."

" 'Luck' is the measurement of the probability of obtaining a 'rare' drops from monsters, finding a treasure or triggering certain events successfully."

"And the last one I believe doesn't need an explanation. You can use the free points to develop yourself in the way you desire."

"Aside from Stat points and Quests there are other ways of developing your attributes such as doing physical training to increase your strength and endurance. Running and sprinting to increase your agility. Studying diligently and reading philosophical to increase your intelligence and wisdom, grooming yourself to increase charisma or gambling to increase your luck." Leta explained giving a few tips. "There are many other ways too but you will have to figure them out yourself."

"Now to your second question. The reason why those two are locked is because you still haven't finished the tutorial. Once you finish the tutorial it will be unlocked."

"I fully understand now Leta. Thank you very much." Leith thanked Leta. He was honestly glad to have a guide who was kind enough to provide him with answers. "Now onto the next function."

Next was Inventory. Leith knew about inventory and how useful it is but he wanted to know if there were any limitations to the inventory.

"Also, the system is intent-navigated. So you can just access the functions with a simple thought. Saying out loud is will give you the same result but people will think that you are an idiot if you start spitting command in a public place or something like that." Leta suddenly chimed in.

"I understand. I believe it's more convenient this way."

The Inventory tab is like most of the System interface is simple and minimalistic. With a full body avatar of him on the left and the grid boxes next to the avatar containing the his equipment and money.

Leith decided to ask Leta for information regarding the inventory. Considering that she is the System or it's conscience she would know all about it.

'And its more convenient this way than experimenting on my own now that I think about it'

"Inventory is a function of the System that allows you, the User to store items in it indefinitely. User can store anything within his field of vision with a mere thought without having to touch it and can also retrieve anything with a thought from the inventory."

Leith's eyes widened in shock.

'This Inventory is so OP! I can store any object in the inventory as long as it is with the field of vision. If my class was something like a 'Thief' then this would without a doubt would like an OP cheat! No one would suspect me ' Leith rambled in his mind as the gamer inside him began to squirm in excitement.

"However there are certain limits to what you can store inside. There certain things that cannot be stored inside the inventory." Leta said in a stern tone playfully. "Firstly.. You can not store a living being in the inventory no matter how small or big it is. Lastly, you can not store bare elements directly into the inventory. For example you can store a class of water in the inventory but you cannot store just the water without any container. The water and similar bare elements will be rejected by the inventory automatically."

'*Sigh* Figured as much. It means I can't store the attack like the magic of a mage or the fire of some dragon into my inventory and then throw it back at them using the inventory.' Leith sighed with a heavy heart. 'Like its said.. you can't have it all.'

"The time doesn't flows in the inventory. So when an object is stored into the inventory it will be in a static state. This means if you put a hot cup of milk in the inventory, not only will the milk not get spoilt but you'll also get the cup back just as hot as it was when you put it in."

"I understand it well now. Thank you Leta"

"Hehe~ You're welcome Leith."

Next on the menu was the Quest function. The Quest function doesn't need much explanation. The Quest function will give out missions for him to complete from time to time that and in return of completing the Quests the System will provide him with rewards.

Checking the Quest tab one more time Leith turned to the second last function.


• Skills

• Weapons

• Armours

• Clothes

• Items

• Others

Looking at the list Leith couldn't help but get excited. He looked like a kid in candy shop.

He excitedly open the skill tab and then he was greeted by a long list of skills. Scrolling excitedly for a while he finally noticed that the skills liked mixed and random. He then noticed the filter function and felt embarrassed for not noticing the function.

He open the filter and the skills and noticed that the skills were divided into two main categories, Active skills and Passive skills. Besides the main category was another filter. He opened it and it displayed a Grade system of some kind that he understood after a while.

"The skills are graded by alphabet from F being the lowest and SSS being the highest grade." Leith said as his gaze fell on the a powerful [Grade: S] skill but as soon as he noticed the amount of zeros in the price he slumped in sadness.

"I'm broke."

Leith gathered himself again and then began checking out other tabs.

The Weapon tab has the categories divided into Swords, Knives, Axes, Maces, Staves, Polearms, Bows, Guns, Ammunition and Unusual.

There were all kinds of weapons. From ancient to modern. From magical to non-magical. He had never seen a list of weapon as vast and varied as this one infront of him. There was also a grading filter.

The Armour tab has the categories divided into Helmet, Breastplate, Gauntlet, Footwear and Shield. There are all sorts of armour from single pieces to full sets and again the list is too big. This tab, too has a grading system

The Cloth tab has the categories divided into Upper Body, Lower Body, Footwear and Accessories. Leith felt dizzy looking at the long list so he decided to close and move to the next one.

The Item tabs has the categories divided into Consumable, Crafting, Support and Booster.

The Other tab has the most categories like Furniture, Devices, Home, and many more. There were so many that he decided to just it be for now and carry onto the next function.

"The Shop uses Gold as the currency for transaction. Gold can be converted to Dollar and vice versa. 1 Gold is equal to 10 Dollar."

Leith closed the shop tab and turned his attention to the last one. He was excited for this one. He calmed his breathe and opened the last tab.



• Level 0: Tutorial (One-Time)

• Level 1: Slimes

• Level 2: Goblins

• Level 3: Undead (Locked)

• Level 4: ???

Leith looked at the tab in confusion. He understood what Dungeon function was about. And it seemed that he was currently in a space created by the System.

"Dungeon is a function of the System that creates a pocket dimensions with containing certain types of monster. This function is for the User to get stronger by defeating the monster, gaining EXP and leveling up." Leta explained. "Yes, you are in the Level : 0 Dungeon created especially by me for the Tutorial. This dungeon is one-time use only and will disappear once you exit."

"Leith listen carefully. You died when the deranged man attacked you. The only reason you are alive is due to the Five Elders' blessings and because of the Creator's gift, which is me. I revived you by bending the law of nature when I revived you I built you from scratch. While you may look like what you did before but believe me its a lot more complicated than that. You aren't a 'normal' human anymore Leith. You now are a cheat like existence." Leta said with an unusual serious voice.

"This isn't a game Leith so don't treat it like one. You may have came back to life one but if you die this time.. there is no guarantee that you'll come back to life again. I will help you in everyway I can but you will have to work hard. This is your second and final chance Leith. A chance to become strong. Don't waste it... I expect great things from you."

"I understand Leta. I promise that I'll do my best to get stronger and meet your expectations!" Leith swore clenching his fists. He has made his mind. He is going to become strong.

"Excellent! With this you have successfully completed your the second quest!"


[You have completed the Quest!]


- Familiarize your with the System and it's function.


- 50 EXP

- 100 Gold

- Class Selection

Accept Rewards?]