Saving Chu Xue and Su Mei

After waking up the first thing Chu Feng did was check his status screen what he found was a percentage next to his Ancestral King Spirit Power Bloodline which most likely represented how close he was to awakening this bloodline. After that, he saw that his spirit power was unsealed which also gave him access to his two abilities that he got from God.


Primordial Change

Can increase Martial Talent, Spirit Talent, Comprehension ability of anyone the user desires

Can make an ordinary person capable of becoming a Divine Body

1 year to go from Tier 1 to Tier 2


Primordial Production

Can make any cultivation resource

Rate: One Spirit Bead a day

Can make Source Energy equivalent to the 1st level of Spirit Realm every 17 hours.


After checking everything Chu Feng decided to leave the area and find a more secluded spot to use Primordial Evolution on his Spirit power and during this time Chu Feng noticed that as he increased his talent his Spirit Power also grew stronger and the reason for this was because increasing his Talent in this area also appeared to slowly awaken his bloodline. Although it was not much due to how weak he currently is it could also be considered a pretty good increase for his current realm. By the time night came his production rate went from 1 Spirit Bead a day to 3 a day the increase in speed also increased how fast he could make more source energy which was still only at the 1st level of spirit realm but now it took less than 6 hours to do. Chu Feng decided to get up and spread out his spirit power to locate Chu Xue and shortly after he found her about to be assaulted by the Sword Alliance.

As the three Sword Alliance members were approaching the frightened members of the Chu Family Chu Feng appeared.

"I suggest you three leave now."(Chu Feng)

Once Chu Feng said that the three Sword Alliance members laughed at Chu Feng before telling him to get lost while they are still in the mood to let him live. At this Chu Feng simply shook his head and struck out with the second style of the Three Thunder Style and being disciples of the Azure Dragon School they all realized what he used and tried to fight back against it but it was too late as Chu Feng quickly killed off one of them. With one of them down the other two no longer let their guard down as they refused to wait any longer and used some martial skills of their own of course Chu Feng also did not stop there and continued his attack quickly killing the second one. Once he was also dead the third one quickly got on his knees and began begging for his life saying the usual lines of failing to recognize Mt. Tai with his dog eyes. Chu Feng of course did not feel any pity towards him as he quickly finished him off as well.

Once that was done Chu Feng turned around to look at the members of the Chu Family

"Are you all okay?" (Chu Feng)

Chu Feng asked them which earned him a surprised look from all of them except for Chu Xue who was now crying while apologizing to Chu Feng. At this sight, Chu Feng simply sighed as he walked over to Chu Xue and patted her on the head

"It's fine I forgive you" (Chu Feng)

Was all Chu Feng had to say before Chu Xue looked at him in the eyes may be trying to see if he was just trying to comfort her or if he actually forgave her. Well, Chu Feng was indeed telling the truth because from what he remembered out of all the people that bullied him in the past she was the only one who did not actually attack him and even when it came to her words they were not as insulting as what the others would say.

After talking with Chu Xue for a bit and making sure she was alright Chu Feng decided to leave on his own under the reluctant eyes of Chu Xue who wanted to go with him of course during the time he was with Chu Xue he was also using his Primordial Change ability to increase Chu Xue's martial talent and even though it was only for about an hour he did end up making her talent go from the Peak of the Spirit Realm to the 1st level of the Origin Realm which meant that even if he did nothing else for her she would still eventually become as strong as her grandfather probably even stronger since she does have the Azure Dragon School to rely on.

Martial God Asura Universe: Year 0, Day 22

During the next few days until there was one more day remaining Chu Feng continued working on his Spirit Talent and as such he made some progress as he was now able to make two spirit beads every hour. On this day Chu Feng stopped using Primordial Change earlier than usual as he now focused on using Primordial Production to first make 100 Saint Spirit Grass which took a couple of minutes to do after which he decided to spend Three hours making 6 Spirit Beads. After he was done Chu Feng placed the hundred Saint Spirit Grass along with two Spirit Beads in one of his bags while he swallowed the remaining four spirit beads which ended up making him breakthrough from the 4th level of Spirit Realm to the 6th level.

Martial God Asura Universe: Year 0, Day 23

It was the final day of the Spiritual Medicine Hunt and Chu Feng managed to bring up his spirit power to the point where he could make 56 spirit beads a day.

'It should be about time to meet Su Mei' While Chu Feng was thinking about this he decided to spread out his spirit power to find Su Mei and shortly after he found her being attacked by roughly 100 Saint Spirit Grass. Nothing changed from how it was described in the novel as even though she was hanging on it would not be long before she ran out of stamina which would lead to her death so Chu Feng decided to jump in and use the Third Style of Three Thunder Styles instantly killing 5 Saint Spirit Grasses. At this point, he was spotted by Su Mei who appeared to be angry probably because he rejected the invitation for the wings alliance.

"What are you doing here?!" (Su Mei)

"Saving your life"(Chu Feng)

This was the only thing Chu Feng said before attacking once more and killing another 5 Saint Spirit Grass at this point Su Mei was surprised as she now saw the martial skill he used and was fully aware that it was the third style of the three thunder styles that has only ever been used by the Azure Dragon Founder.

Su Mei completely ignored her surroundings as Chu Feng continued killing Saint Spirit Grass and if this was like the novel he would have to warn her but seeing as he is far more powerful then the original Chu Feng there was no need to as all the ones that would have ended up attacking Su Mei were already handled by him and there were only a few more to go which he ended up taking care of rather quickly.



Name: Chu Feng

Age: 15

Bloodlines: Heavenly Lightning (Tier 4), Ancestral King Spirit Power(Tier 9)(0.000000175%)

Martial Cultivation: 6th level of Spirit Realm

Martial Talent: Tier 4

Martial Skills: Illusionary Palm(Level 3), Three Thunder Style(Level 4)

Spirit Power: Unsealed

Spirit Talent: Tier 4

Combat Power: 7th level of Spirit Realm

Abilities: Primordial Change, Primordial Production