Stakeout (1)

"How long do we have to stay this way? I'm getting claustrophobic in here!" Stacy whined as she fanned herself with the magazine she had found under the seat.

Right now, Wayne, Wade, and Stacy were inside Wade's car as they sat with their faces glued to the tinted window. 

Wayne even had a hi-tech looking binoculars with which he was scoping out his surroundings.

"Do you see anything?" Wade impatiently asked and he moved closer to his brother so that he too might get a good look but Wayne ruthlessly shoved his face away.

"This is a stakeout mission, you should have brought your own supplies." Wayne scoffed at him and went back to looking through his binoculars.

"Stingy bastard," Wade mumbled while combing his hair that got messed up and Stacy chortled at him.

'Look at the pot calling the kettle black! Both are cut from the same cloth, dolts.' Stacy swore at them and pulled the window down.

They were currently inside a discreet black car, courtesy of Wade, and were stalking Lina who was inside the restaurant.

'At least she has food to eat! I'm starving here!' She grumbled and held her growling stomach.

"Shh…!" The two grown men instantly shushed her and she flipped them off from behind.

"I can see your reflection in the window, Stace." Wade sweetly reminded her and she hurriedly retracted her middle finger which was standing tall. 

She then pouted her lips and turned her head away to hide her embarrassment. 

She never would have come here if it meant sitting here with no food and constantly hearing these two grown-up babies bickering among themselves.


An hour earlier,

After the four men's evil plan to stalk Lina had been finalized, Wayne and Wade were all set to leave the house when she urged them to take her along just so that she might monitor them and stop them from doing something that might be hazardous to Lina's social life.

'These two brothers can get a little crazy when it comes to us.' Stacy shook her head and looked at the front door of the restaurant.

They were the same with her when she had first started showing interest in men but they soon began to relax when they saw that she could handle herself well in her love life.

But Lina was a totally different story, she was so lost in her fictional world that she rarely bothered about the guys that surrounded her, and hence they never had to deal with anything like this before.

All they had to do was scare off any guy that pestered her without her knowing about it. 

But this time they couldn't do that because she was expressing her interest in the guy and she would be pissed if they chased him away.

It had been a few minutes since they had arrived and Wayne noticed that Aya was entering the restaurant with a few other men with her. 

Stacy was lost in her daze so Wayne repeatedly jabbed her with his elbows to show her that Ayano was also here. 

He had heard Lina say that she was a colleague and guessed that the group with her were the stars of tonight's dinner party.

"What is it!?" She snarled at him and he held her head and turned to show her that Ayano was here.

Stacy saw the woman who had been constantly popping up in her thoughts and smiled.

'She looks great in anything she wears.' Stacy praised her when she saw Aya wearing black distressed jeans with a white tank top and a black leather jacket over it. 

But she couldn't admire her any longer because she had already entered the restaurant.

"Ohhh… Stacy, your girlfriend is here and Wade, your crush is here!" Wayne cheerfully declared and they snapped their necks to look at each other.

Wayne was enjoying looking at the expression on their faces.

"Crush?" Stacy asked incredulously with her jaws clenched.

"Girlfriend?" Wade asked curiously with his eyebrows raised.

'Does he like Aya too? Will I have to fight my brother for the girl I like?' Stacy wondered and then froze.

'I thought she liked men. Since when did her orientation change? and why wasn't I told anything about this new development?' He frowned and wanted to ask her about it but she just sat there with her eyes wide open.

Wade then looked at his brother with questioning eyes and saw him mouth the word 'EPIPHANY'. 

It took him a few seconds but he understood what Wayne meant and nodded his head.

'I like her? I like... like her?' Stacy was facing a mental battle inside her mind.

'How can I like her so soon? I just met her last night!' Her head was spinning because of this thought and she decided to divert her mind with something else.

"What did you mean by crush?" She looked at Wayne and asked him and Wade too wanted to know who he was talking about.

Because Wayne had his binoculars he could clearly see Aya but the others did not get the chance to see her properly. Most importantly because Wayne had only alerted Stacy when he saw Aya but did not bother letting Wade know about it.

"Oh what I mean is, our dear brother Wade here," He patted Wade's shoulder and slowly said those words out.

"Had a crush on your girlfriend. In fact, he even asked her out but the poor guy was ruthlessly turned down. Isn't that right, baby brother?" Wayne was having the time of his life seeing Wade squirm under Stacy's intense glare.

'There's only one woman who has turned me down and that is Aya. Oh, how could I forget that she's old man Hitoshi's grandniece. Obviously, she too must have come.' He hit his forehead and stared at Wayne suspiciously.

"How do you know that?" He questioned Wayne and saw him laughing.

"Oh baby bro, I have my sources-" 

"It was Nana, wasn't it?" Wade cut him off midway and Wayne nodded as he laughed again.

"First a married woman, then a lesbian and you also keep getting dumped. Why do you have such bad luck when it comes to women? Can't you learn a little from me?" Wayne stretched his hand to ruffle Wade's hair.

"I think it's all your fault that this keeps happening to me! You are always lucky while I always have rotten luck! I'm sure you stole all my luck in relationship matters, you luck-thief!" Wade accused his brother as he swatted Wayne's hand away from his head.

"Do you still like her?" Stacy who had been silent all this while asked in a serious tone.

"What? No! I did think she was cute but she outright rejected me and I gave up when she told me she likes women. Now we are just friends." Wade raised his hands and sincerely swore.

Stacy just nodded her head and stayed silent.

Wade and Wayne worriedly looked at her but did not disturb her thoughts.

'If she likes Aya then she'll have to think about it seriously before she makes any move. I don't want either of them to get hurt because of some lukewarm feelings they might have for a passing moment.' Wade had the same thought as Lina.

"Wade…! Looks like we have a problem." Wayne hurriedly hit Wade on his shoulders to get his attention.

Being disturbed from his deep thoughts he irritatedly turned to the place that Wayne was pointing at and his mouth was left wide open watching that scene.

"What the hell is he doing here!?" Wade pulled the binoculars to himself and looked at the restaurant's entrance.

"What's wrong? Did Nana come out? Gimme, even I want to see!" Stacy clawed at Wade's arm and forced him to give her the binoculars.